Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

United Plankton Pictures, Inc. is an American television and film production company founded in 1998 by Stephen Hillenburg. Its headquarters is located in Burbank, California. Its production includes the animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants, the spin-off series Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years and The Patrick Star Show, and his comics in association with Nickelodeon Animation Studio.

Logo appearance[]

Their logo shows a group of illustrated planktonic organisms holding hands. "United Plankton Pictures" is written in blue text on a water ripple video.

The logo currently appears at the end of all episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants, Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years, and The Patrick Star Show. The characters on the logo are in a brighter shade of yellow and the water ripples are enhanced to high-definition starting with "It's a SpongeBob Christmas!"

Before the company was founded, at the end of the early version of the series' pilot episode in 1997, there was a logo with the "Created By" text above, the SpongeBob sketch drawing in the middle and the "Stephen Hillenburg" text below.




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The Klasky Csupo logo.

  • On American TV airings of "Wet Painters"/"Krusty Krab Training Video" from 2002 to 2006, the logo from the Nickelodeon animated series Rugrats - the 1998 Klasky Csupo logo, which features their SpongeBob-like mascot Splaat - appears instead of the normal United Plankton Pictures, Inc. logo. The reason the wrong logo was inserted is that the show's closing credits were electronically inserted alongside promos from other Nickelodeon programming and the show's closing logos. When the data was entered for this episode, the wrong credits were programmed in.[1]
    • The Nickelodeon logo at the end of SpongeBob episodes normally has seagull sounds from the United Plankton Pictures, Inc. logo, but due to the error, it had the laugh track from Klasky Csupo-produced shows.
  • On Nickelodeon HD airings of SpongeBob SquarePants before the September 2009 rebrand, just like most, if not all shows airing on Nickelodeon at that time, the logos at the end of the split-screen credits would be slowed down, but the audio would remain the same, as if the logo was lagging. This would happen whenever any Nickelodeon show was aired on the HD feed. In this example, from a 2008 recording of the HD feed, the Nickelodeon Lightbulb copyright info for said show was accidentally put on the United Plankton Pictures, Inc. logo. A picture of this error can be seen in the gallery.
  • From October 9 to October 15, 2024, the United Plankton Pictures, Inc. logo from SpongeBob SquarePants appears during the end credits between the Monster High episodes "The Shapeshiftian Candidate" to "The Great Bat Detective" instead of the Mattel Television logo after they aired on Nickelodeon.[citation needed]



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