September 6 is the 249th day of the year (250th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 116 days remaining.
- 1879: Max Schreck, portrayer of Nosferatu in "Graveyard Shift," was born.
- 1983: Ryan Kramer was born.
- 2001: "Hooky" and "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II" premiered in South Korea (EBS).
- 2002:
- "Graveyard Shift" and "Krusty Love" premiered.
- "Culture Shock" and "F.U.N." premiered in Germany.
- "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy IV" and "Doing Time" premiered in Brazil.
- 2004: "Plankton!" premiered in Italy.
- 2005: SpongeBob Goes Prehistoric was released in Spain.
- 2006: "Help Wanted" premiered in Slovenia.
- 2007: "Bummer Vacation" premiered in South Africa.
- 2010: "The Curse of Bikini Bottom" and "Squidward in Clarinetland" premiered in Canada.[1]
- 2011: The Adventures of Man Sponge and Boy Patrick in Goodness, Man Ray! and The Adventures of Man Sponge and Boy Patrick in What Were You Shrinking? were published.
- 2012: "Treats!" and "For Here or to Go" premiered in Israel.
- 2013: "The Camping Episode" premiered in Poland.
- 2017: Factory Fresh was released in Australia.
- 2018:
- "High Sea Diving" premiered in Germany.
- "Bottle Burglars" premiered in Austria and Switzerland.
- 2019:
- "Gary & Spot" officially premiered in the UK and Ireland.
- "Squid's on a Bus" premiered in Poland.
- "Broken Alarm" and "Karen's Baby" premiered in South Korea.
- "A Cabin in the Kelp" accidentally premiered in Italy.[2]
- 2020: "Gary's Got Legs" and "King Plankton" premiered in Finland.
- 2021:
- ""In Search of Camp Noodist" and "Kitchen Sponge" premiered in Israel.
- "Chimps Ahoy" and "Ghost Host" premiered in Kenya.
- 2022: "Pearl Wants to Be a Star" premiered in Latin America.
- 2023: "The Patrick Show Sells Out" premiered in the UK and Ireland.
- 2024:
- "Time to Eat" premiered in the UK and Ireland.
- "Krabsy the Klown" premiered in Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, South Africa, Scandinavia, Iberia, France, Wallonia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Turkey, and Central & Eastern Europe.
- "Ma and Pa's Big Hurrah" and "Yellow Pavement" premiered in South Africa on Nicktoons in Afrikaans.
External links[]
- September 6 on Wikipedia