September 29 is the 272nd day of the year (273rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 93 days remaining.
- 1942: Ian McShane, the voice of Gordon, was born.
- 2006:
- "Once Bitten" premiered.
- "All That Glitters" and "Wishing You Well" premiered in France.
- 2007:
- "Le Big Switch" and "Fungus Among Us" premiered.
- "Big Pink Loser" and "Bubble Buddy" premiered in Albania.
- 2012: "Restraining SpongeBob" and "Fiasco!" premiered in Spain and Portugal.
- 2014: SpongeBob, You're Fired! (DVD) was released in the UK.
- 2016:
- The SpongeBob LongPants DVD was released in Australia.
- "Valentine's Day" and "The Paper" premiered in Vietnam.[1]
- 2017:
- "Spot Returns" and "The Check-Up" premiered in the Netherlands.
- "The Incredible Shrinking Sponge" and "Sportz?" premiered in Saudi Arabia.
- 2018: "Mustard O' Mine" and "Shopping List" premiered in Greece.
- 2020:
- "A Cabin in the Kelp" and "The Hankering" premiered in Greece.
- "Dunces and Dragons" premiered in Hong Kong.
- 2022: "Doodle Dimension" and "Moving Bubble Bass" premiered in Kazakhstan.
- 2023:
- Season 15 was announced.
- "Mandatory Music" premiered in Latin America.
- "Salty Sponge" was released on Paramount+ in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland and premiered in Germany.
- "Karen for Spot," "Arbor Day Disarray," "Ain't That the Tooth," "Ma and Pa's Big Hurrah," "Yellow Pavement," "The Flower Plot," "SpongeBob on Parade," "Delivery to Monster Island," "Ride Patrick Ride," "Hot Crossed Nuts," "Sir Urchin and Snail Fail," "Friendiversary," and "Mandatory Music" were released on Paramount+ in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
- "Dad's Stache Stash," "A Root Galoot," "The Starry Awards," and "Blorpsgiving" premiered in Italy.
- "The Lil' Patscals" and "The Prehistoric Patrick Star Show" premiered in Southeast Asia.
External links[]
- September 29 on Wikipedia