September 17 is the 260th day of the year (261st in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 105 days remaining.
- 1999: "Sandy's Rocket" and "Squeaky Boots" premiered.
- 2002:
- "Arrgh!" and "Rock Bottom" premiered in Germany.
- "Krab Borg" and "Rock-a-Bye Bivalve" premiered in South Korea (EBS).
- "Wet Painters" and "Krusty Krab Training Video" premiered in Hispanic America.
- 2003: "New Student Starfish" and "Clams" premiered in Germany.
- 2010: SpongeBob's Truth or Square was released in Europe.
- 2011: "Nautical Novice" premiered in Wales (UK).
- 2012: Complete Seventh Season was released in the UK.
- 2016: "Jellyfishing" and "Plankton!" premiered in Vietnam.
- 2018:
- "Squid Noir" and "Scavenger Pants" premiered in Southeast Asia.
- What's the Juice?!: SpongeBob Edition occurred.
- "Patnocchio" and "ChefBob" premiered in Greece.
- "Whale Watching" and "Krusty Kleaners" premiered in Iberia.
- "My Leg!" premiered in Poland.
- 2019:
- "Insecurity Guards" premiered in South Africa, Iberia, Latin America, Brazil, Turkey, and Central & Eastern Europe.
- "Gary's Got Legs" premiered in Germany on Nicktoons.
- 2020:
- "SpongeBob in RandomLand" and "SpongeBob's Bad Habit" premiered in Finland.
- "The Sponge Who Could Fly" premiered in Hong Kong.
- 2021:
- "Quest for Tire" and "Cabin of Curiosities" premiered on Nickelodeon.
- "The Pink Purloiner" and "Squid Wood" premiered in Kenya.
- The Cosmic Shake was officially announced by THQ Nordic.
- 2022: "Growth Spout" and "Stuck in the Wringer" premiered in Kazakhstan.
- 2023:
- "The Lil' Patscals" and "The Prehistoric Patrick Star Show" premiered in Israel.
- "Life Insurance" and "Burst Your Bubble" premiered in Slovakia.
External links[]
- September 17 on Wikipedia