May 17 is the 137th day of the year (138th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 228 days remaining.
- 1962: Craig Ferguson was born.
- 2002:
- "Party Pooper Pants" premiered.
- "SpongeBob Meets the Strangler" was in production according to an error with a bubble transition.
- 2005:
- The cut version of "Procrastination" premiered.
- Happy Birthday, SpongeBob! was published.
- 2007:
- "Rise and Shine," "Waiting," and "Fungus Among Us" premiered in Germany.
- "Spy Buddies," "Boat Smarts," and "Good Ol' Whatshisname" premiered in Latin America.
- The Nickelodeon Guide To Your Best-Ever School Year was published.
- 2008: "The Krusty Sponge" and "Sing a Song of Patrick" premiered in Albania.
- 2010: "Dear Vikings" and "Ditchin'" premiered in Spain and Portugal.
- 2011: SpongeBob SquigglePants was released for the Nintendo 3DS in North America.
- 2013: "Free Samples" and "Home Sweet Rubble" premiered in the UK and Ireland.
- 2017: "Life Insurance" and "Burst Your Bubble" premiered in Italy.
- 2019:
- "Squirrel Jelly" premiered in Poland.
- "Call the Cops" and "Surf N' Turf" premiered in Ukraine.
- "Rock Bottom" premiered in Bangladesh.
- 2021:
- "My Two Krabses" premiered in the Netherlands and Belgium.
- "Sandy's Nutty Nieces" and "Insecurity Guards" premiered in Iran.
- 2022:
- "Pat-a-thon" premiered in Saudi Arabia.
- "Lost in Couch" premiered in Central & Eastern Europe, Turkey, Poland, South Africa, Iberia, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Wallonia.
- "You Don't Know Sponge" and "Tunnel of Glove" premiered in Kenya.
- "New Digs" and "Krabs à la Mode" premiered in Kazakhstan.
- 2023: "Squidferatu" and "Slappy Daze" premiered in Poland and Central & Eastern Europe on Nicktoons.
- 2024:
- Peter Bennett, a longtime art director on SpongeBob SquarePants and its spinoffs, passed away.
- "10 and 1 Toilets" premiered in Southeast Asia.
External links[]
- May 17 on Wikipedia