June 3 is the 154th day of the year (155th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 211 days remaining.
- 1997: The final storyboard of "Help Wanted" was completed.
- 2008:
- "Giant Squidward" premiered.
- The Big Win was released.
- "Nautical Novice" premiered in Switzerland and Austria.
- Sea-Games was released in Greece.
- 2009:
- "Single Cell Anniversary" premiered.
- "The Splinter" and "Slide Whistle Stooges" premiered in Russia.
- 2013:
- "Restraining SpongeBob" and "Fiasco!" premiered in Greece.
- "Are You Happy Now?," "Planet of the Jellyfish," "Free Samples," "Home Sweet Rubble," "Karen 2.0," and "InSPONGEiac" premiered in Italy.
- "The Krabby Patty That Ate Bikini Bottom" and "Bubble Buddy Returns" premiered in Central & Eastern Europe.
- 2017:
- "Unreal Estate" and "Code Yellow" premiered.
- "Don't Look Now" and "Séance Shméance" premiered in Japan.
- 2019:
- "King Plankton" premiered in the UK and Ireland.
- "Cave Dwelling Sponge," "The Clam Whisperer," "Spot Returns," and "The Check-Up" premiered in Albania.
- "Grandma's Kisses" premiered in Bangladesh.
- 2021: "Jellyfishing" and "Plankton!" premiered in Kenya.[1]
- 2022:
- "Patrick's Tantrum" premiered in Australia and New Zealand.
- "Stair Wars" and "Enemies à la Mode" premiered in Austria and Switzerland.
- "Pat-a-thon" premiered in Germany.
- 2023:
- "The Lil' Patscals" and "The Prehistoric Patrick Star Show" premiered in Canada.
- "Klopnodian Heritage Festival" premiered in Latin America.
- "Plankton's Old Chum," "Stormy Weather," "Swamp Mates," and "One Trick Sponge" premiered in Ukraine.
- 2024:
- "The Commode Episode" and "Tying the Klop-Knot" premiered in Germany.
- "There Goes the Neighborhood" premiered in the UK and Ireland.
- "Helter Shelter" and "Reveille Revolution" premiered in South Korea.
External links[]
- June 3 on Wikipedia