June 22 is the 173rd day of the year (174th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 192 days remaining.
- 1947: Birth of David Lander, the voice of Donnie.
- 1952: Birth of Barry Anthony Trop, a music composer for the show.
- 1953: Cyndi Lauper was born.
- 2002: Nicktoons All Nighter ended.
- 2006: "Patrick SmartPants" and "SquidBob TentaclePants" premiered in South Korea (EBS).
- 2008: "The Two Faces of Squidward" and "SpongeHenge" premiered in Albania.
- 2012:
- "Karen 2.0" and "InSPONGEiac" premiered in Canada.[1]
- "Mermaid Man Begins" and "Plankton's Good Eye" premiered in the UK and Ireland.[2]
- 2016: "The Krabby Patty That Ate Bikini Bottom," "Bubble Buddy Returns," "Restraining SpongeBob," and "Fiasco!" premiered in Albania.
- 2018: Vinnie Paul passed away.
- 2019:
- "King Plankton" and "Stormy Weather" premiered.
- "Appointment TV" and "Karen's Virus" premiered in Japan.
- "Krusty Love" premiered in Bangladesh.
- 2021:
- "Valentine's Day" and "The Paper" premiered in Kenya.
- "Quest for Tire" and "Cabin of Curiosities" premiered in Italy.
- 2022:
- Paramount+ was launched in the UK and Ireland.
- "The Jellyfish Kid," "Sugar Squeeze," "Tag, You're It," "Quest for Tire," "Cabin of Curiosities," "In Search of Camp Noodist," "Kitchen Sponge," "The Treasure of Kamp Koral," "Camper Gary," "Midnight Snack Attack," "Hot Pearl-tato," and the start of Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years were released on Paramount+ in the UK and Ireland.
- "Mid-Season Finale" premiered in Central & Eastern Europe, Poland, Iberia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Wallonia, Austria and Switzerland.
- "Ghoul Fools" premiered in Kenya.
- 2023:
- "Friendiversary" premiered.
- "Patrick Takes the Cake" premiered in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Scandinavia, France, Iberia, Wallonia, the Netherlands, and Belgium.
- "Boss for a Day" and "The Goofy Newbie" premiered in Kazakhstan.
External links[]
- June 22 on Wikipedia