July 27 is the 208th day of the year (209th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 157 days remaining.
- 2002: "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy III" and "Squirrel Jokes" premiered in Russia.
- 2006: "Once Bitten" premiered in Australia.
- 2007: "Roller Cowards" and "Bucket Sweet Bucket" premiered.
- 2008: "Boating Buddies" and "The Krabby Kronicle" premiered in Albania.
- 2010: SquaredyPants! was published.
- 2013:
- "Wigstruck" premiered in Poland.
- The SpongeBob Tribute Show started.
- 2018:
- "Patnocchio" and "ChefBob" premiered in Russia.
- "Mustard O' Mine" and "Shopping List" premiered in Norway and Italy.
- "Fun-Sized Friends" and "Grandmum's the Word" premiered in South Korea.
- "Chatterbox Gary" premiered in Poland.
- 2019:
- "Gary's Got Legs" and "Gary & Spot" premiered.
- "Squid's on a Bus" and "Broken Alarm" premiered in Russia.
- "The Great Snail Race" premiered in Bangladesh.
- "Jolly Lodgers" and "Biddy Sitting" digitally premiered in Canada on Amazon Prime.
- 2020: "Hooky" and "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy" premiered in Hong Kong.
- 2021: "The Algae's Always Greener" and "SpongeGuard on Duty" premiered in Kenya.
- 2022:
- "Patrick's Tantrum" premiered in Southeast Asia.
- "Pearl Wants to Be a Star" premiered in Southeast Asia.
- "Squirrel Jelly" and "Back to the Past" premiered in Kazakhstan.
- 2023:
- "The Star Games" premiered.
- "The Lil' Patscals" premiered in Germany.
- 2024:
- The SpongeBob SquarePants Exclusive Egg debuts in Pet Simulator 99.
- "PL-1413" and "In the Mood to Feud" premiered in Canada.
- "Face/Off-Model" and "5 Star Restaurant" premiered in Canada.
- "Swimmin' Holed" premiered in Germany.
External links[]
- July 27 on Wikipedia