January 9 is the 9th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 356 days remaining. (355 in leap years)
- SpongeBob stands next to the calendar on this date in "To SquarePants or Not to SquarePants."
- 1954: Giora Kenneth was born.
- 2000:
- "Naughty Nautical Neighbors" and "Boating School" premiered in Russia.
- "Sandy's Rocket" and "Squeaky Boots" premiered in the UK and Ireland.
- 2006: "Selling Out" and "Funny Pants" premiered in Canada.
- 2007:
- Season 4 Volume 2 was released.
- "Missing Identity" and "Plankton's Army" premiered in Spain.
- Stick Together! was published.
- 2009: "New Digs" and "Krabs à la Mode" premiered in France.
- 2010:
- "The Two Faces of Squidward," "SpongeHenge," "Banned in Bikini Bottom," and "Stanley S. SquarePants" premiered in France.
- "The Great Snail Race" and "Mid-Life Crustacean" premiered in the Czech Republic.
- 2011: "The Clash of Triton" premiered in Poland.
- 2013: SpongeBob Comics No. 16 was released.
- 2016: "Slide Whistle Stooges" premiered in Wales (UK).
- 2017: "SpongeBob LongPants" and "Larry's Gym" premiered in Southeast Asia.
- 2019: "The Grill is Gone" and "The Night Patty" premiered in Southeast Asia.
- 2023: "Food PBFFT! Truck" and "Upturn Girls" premiered in Italy.
- 2024:
- The SpongeBob SquarePants Mysteries book Stage Fright! was released.
- "Dad's Stache Stash" and "A Root Galoot" premiered in Southeast Asia.
External links[]
- January 9 on Wikipedia