January 31 is the 31st day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 334 days remaining. (335 in leap years)
- 2001: "Fools in April" and "Neptune's Spatula" premiered in Norway.
- 2002: "Procrastination" and "I'm with Stupid" premiered in Canada.[1]
- 2009:
- "The Card" premiered in Germany.
- "SpongeBob Meets the Strangler" and "Pranks a Lot" premiered in Poland.
- "Slide Whistle Stooges" premiered in Australia and New Zealand.
- 2010: "The Lost Mattress" and "Krabs vs. Plankton" premiered in the Czech Republic.
- 2011:
- Loveable Sponge was released on iTunes.
- "Squid's Visit" premiered in South Korea.[2]
- 2014: Book of Silly Stuff was published.
- 2015: "Chum Caverns" premiered in Wales (UK).
- 2018:
- "All About Patrick" livestreamed its first episode.
- "Safe Deposit Krabs" and "Plankton's Pet" premiered in Hong Kong.
- 2019:
- "Goons on the Moon" premiered in Iberia and Italy.
- "Call the Cops" and "Surf N' Turf" premiered in Sweden.[3]
- 2020: "A Cabin in the Kelp" and "The Hankering" premiered in South Korea.
- 2022:
- "My Fair Nobby" premiered in Central & Eastern Europe, Turkey, South Africa, Spain, Portugal, Wallonia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Austria, and Switzerland.
- "Game Night" premiered in the Netherlands and Belgium.
- 2023:
- The Cosmic Shake was released.
- "Hill-Fu" and "Sun's Out, Fun's Out" premiered in Southeast Asia.
- "The Big Bad Bubble Bass," "Sea-Man Sponge Haters Club," "Food PBFFT! Truck," and "Upturn Girls" premiered in South Korea.
External links[]
- January 31 on Wikipedia