January 3 is the 3rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 362 days remaining. (363 in leap years)
- 1983: Howie Perry was born.
- 2000: "Bubblestand" and "Ripped Pants" premiered in the UK and Ireland.
- 2006: Hoedown Showdown was published.
- 2007: "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy IV" and "Doing Time" premiered in Italy.
- 2009: "The Slumber Party" and "Grooming Gary" premiered in Germany.
- 2010: "Ugh" premiered in the Czech Republic.
- 2011: Season 9 was announced.
- 2012:
- Dancing with the Star was published.
- "Frozen Face-Off" premiered in Iberia, Spain, and Portugal.
- SpongeBob's Frozen Face-Off was released on iTunes.
- 2015: "Sand Castles in the Sand" premiered in Wales (UK).
- 2017: Factory Fresh! was published.
- 2020: "Mind the Gap" and "Dirty Bubble Returns" premiered in South Korea.
- 2022:
- "A Place for Pets" premiered in Southeast Asia.
- "Plankton's Intern" and "Patrick's Tantrum" premiered in Hong Kong.
- 2023:
- One Fancy Day was released.
- "Painting with Squidward" and "Kamp Kow" premiered in the Arab League, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Turkey on Nicktoons.
External links[]
- January 3 on Wikipedia