January 2 is the 2nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 363 days remaining. (364 in leap years)
- 1972: Ben Gruber was born.
- 2000:
- "Bubblestand" and "Ripped Pants" premiered in Russia.
- "Help Wanted," "Reef Blower," and "Tea at the Treedome" premiered in the UK and Ireland, thus marking the premiere of SpongeBob in the country.
- 2002: The edited version of "Just One Bite" premiered after its original version in October 5th, 2001.
- 2005: "Valentine's Day," "The Paper," "Texas," and "Walking Small" premiered in Italy.
- 2006: "Wormy" and "Patty Hype" premiered in France.
- 2007: "Squidtastic Voyage" and "That's No Lady" premiered in France.
- 2010:
- "Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful" and "A Pal for Gary" premiered.
- "20,000 Patties Under the Sea" and "The Battle of Bikini Bottom" premiered in France.
- "New Student Starfish" and "Clams" premiered in the Czech Republic.
- 2011:
- "The Algae's Always Greener" and "SpongeGuard on Duty" premiered in Poland.
- Part 1 of "Truth or Square" premiered in Albania.
- 2012: "A Friendly Game" and "Sentimental Sponge" premiered in Germany.
- 2016: "The Splinter" premiered in Wales (UK).
- 2017: "Mutiny on the Krusty" and "The Whole Tooth" premiered in Greece.
- 2018: "Squid Noir" and "Scavenger Pants" premiered in Israel.
- 2019: "Surf N' Turf" premiered in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
- 2020: "Plankton's Old Chum," "Stormy Weather," "Jolly Lodgers," and "Biddy Sitting" premiered in Indonesia.
- 2022: "Goofy Scoopers" and "Pat the Dog" premiered in Indonesia.
- 2023: "Lake Crashers" and "Boo Light Special" premiered in the Arab League, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Turkey on Nicktoons.
External links[]
- January 2 on Wikipedia