January 19 is the 19th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 346 days remaining. (347 in leap years)
- 1965: Sherm Cohen was born.
- 1971: Wolf-Rüdiger Bloss was born.
- 2004:
- "Plankton's Army" and "Missing Identity" premiered.
- "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy" and "Pickles" premiered in Austria.
- 2006: "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy III" and "Squirrel Jokes" premiered in France.
- 2008:
- Part 2 of "Pest of the West" premiered in Italy.
- "The Great Snail Race" and "Mid-Life Crustacean" premiered in Albania.
- 2009:
- "The Original Fry Cook," "Night Light," "New Digs," and "Krabs à la Mode" premiered in South Korea (EBS).[1]
- "The Inmates of Summer" and "To Save a Squirrel" premiered in France.
- 2010: "Sun Bleached" premiered in Italy.
- 2011: "Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful," "A Pal for Gary," "Yours, Mine and Mine," and "Kracked Krabs" premiered in France.
- 2012:
- "Frozen Face-Off" premiered in Latin America and Brazil.
- "The Masterpiece" and "Whelk Attack" premiered in France.
- 2013: "Plankton's Pet" premiered.
- 2018: "Spot Returns" and "The Check-Up" premiered in South Korea.
- 2021: "Buried in Time" and "Enchanted Tiki Dreams" premiered in Hong Kong.
- 2022: "Camp SpongeBob" premiered in Australia and New Zealand.
- 2024: "Patrick's Prison Pals" premiered in Southeast Asia.
External links[]
- January 19 on Wikipedia