The Game Boy Advance version of The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie: The Video Game is a SpongeBob SquarePants video game developed by WayForward Technologies. Much like all the other versions, it is based on the SpongeBob feature film The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie. However, unlike its home console counterpart, it is a 2D platformer where SpongeBob and Patrick are both playable at the same time.
There are six worlds, each world containing 4 levels and a boss fight. SpongeBob and Patrick and must traverse through each stage before time runs out.
World 1: Bikini Bottom
- 1-1: Management Materials
- 1-2: Hey Chum!
- 1-3: Not a Kid
- 1-4: Shell City Ahoy!
- 1-Boss: Thug Fish
World 2: Coral Canyon
- 2-1: Where's the Reef?
- 2-2: 100 Leagues Down
- 2-3: Stop for a Bite
- 2-4: Man Babies
- 2-Boss: Thug Tug Thug
World 3: Desert
- 3-1: The Long Road
- 3-2: On the Walk Again
- 3-3: Sea Cave
- 3-4: Yoodle-a-Sea-Doo! (A reference to the saying Yabba-Dabba-Doo! from The Flintstones)
- 3-Boss: Ice Cream Monster
World 4: Trench
- 4-1: Stairs of Fear
- 4-2: Trench Bottom
- 4-3: Stairs of Freedom
- 4-4: Run Men, Run!
- 4-Boss: Dennis
World 5: Shell City
- 5-1: Escape!
- 5-2: Burn Baby Burn
- 5-3: Man Hands
- 5-4: Shiny Crown
- 5-Boss: Cyclops Battle
World 6: Hasselhoff's Bikini
- 6-1: Hold the Hasselhoff
- 6-Boss 1: The Return of Dennis
- 6-2: Bottom Running
- 6-3: Krusty Krab I
- 6-4: Krusty Krab II
- 6-Boss 2: King Neptune's Wrath
- Thief
- Thug Tug Thug
- Frogfish
- Dennis
- Cyclops
- King Neptune
Backwards compatibility[]
The game has backward compatibility on the following systems:
- Gamecube (requires Game Boy Player) - The Game Boy Player peripheral allows Game Boy Advance games to be played on a GameCube.
- Nintendo DS - The Game Boy Advance version can be played on either, a Nintendo DS or DS Lite.
- This is the 4th SpongeBob SquarePants video game to be released for the Game Boy Advance. The first 3 are SuperSponge, Revenge of the Flying Dutchman, and Battle for Bikini Bottom.
- This game and the Game Boy Advance version of Lights, Camera, Pants! share the same sprites for SpongeBob and Patrick.
International covers[]
External links[]
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