The Land of Perpetual Excitement is a book that Patrick reads to SpongeBob in the episode "InSPONGEiac."
It is a purple book that depicts a very wild-looking lime fish with crooked teeth on the cover with his eyes and tongue sticking out. The title written in a large blue font, and it also has a peach-colored light source lower in the background, with some mountains on the bottom right.
"Once upon a time, there was a sleepy little boy.
"And the sleepy boy was the sleepiest boy in all the kingdom. And one night he nestled in the bed for a long slumber. And Sir Cecil, the sea sleep king, sprinkled him with mystical sleepy dust. He couldn't have been cozier.
"When, without warning, an excitable sea troll busted through the window. 'Wakey wakey sleepy doo!' he bellowed. Then suddenly he was whisked away by eagle-winged mollusks into the night sky!"
Role in episode[]
SpongeBob is trying to go to sleep. Patrick pulls the book off of his dusty bookshelf and begins reading the book to him. The book starts slow and helps SpongeBob start to fall asleep. Patrick continues reading, and the book becomes faster-paced until SpongeBob is fully awake again.
SpongeBob wonders how this could not help him sleep, and Patrick reads the title to SpongeBob, The Land of Perpetual Excitement. Patrick states that it is a get-out-of-bed story.
- Despite Patrick not being able to read in other episodes, such as "Tunnel of Glove," he is fully able to read this book to SpongeBob.
- In the episode "The Main Drain," SpongeBob reads to Patrick.