This article is a transcript of the Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years episode "The Jellyfish Kid" from season 1, which aired on March 4, 2021.
- [The episode starts in Jelly Meadows, where jellyfish are buzzing in the air. At a small grassy patch, a net is sticking out, and laughing is heard. The kid then attempts to catch a jellyfish, but fails two times. The kid is then revealed to be SpongeBob as he jumps out of the patch. He then jumps really high, and manages to catch a jellyfish.]
- Sign: First catch!
- [The jellyfish then claps for SpongeBob, and then starts buzzing like an alarm clock. It is revealed that it was all a dream, and that in SpongeBob's net was his clock.]
- SpongeBob: Huh? [sighs] That dream again. That jelly-riffic dream. Well, today's the day I'm gonna make my dream come true.
- [He then circles the 26th on his calendar which says, "Jellyfishing TODAY!". He then changes into his clothes, puts n his cap, gets out of bed, and goes to wake Patrick up, whom is snoring.]
- SpongeBob: Patrick, today I'm gonna catch my first ever jellyfish.
- Patrick: [asleep] Tell the ballerinas I caught the gorilla.
- [He then goes into the tube, and enters Sandy's room.]
- SpongeBob: Hey, Sandy, it's jellyfishing day!
- [She then is startled and ka-rah-tees SpongeBob out of her room. SpongeBob then bounces around the cabin. He then lands in Squidward's bedroom. SpongeBob then takes Squidward outside, and stops once he sees the billboard of badges.]
- SpongeBob: Today, you will finally be mine. [He then stops to admire then Jellyfishing badge.] Huh?
- [He then gets Squidward and drags him to the Kamp Koral entrance.]
- SpongeBob: ♪Today's the day, Today's the day, Jellyfishing, today's the day♪
- [SpongeBob then goes over to the trash bins and takes one of the trash can lids. He then takes Squidward's clarinet and puts it in his mouth.]
- SpongeBob: There you are. [yelling] Sunrise!
- [Squidward then plays his clarinet, much to the campers annoyance. They all start throwing stuff at Squidward, but SpongeBob manages to block him. Mr. Krabs is then seen waking up and comes out of his cabin with baby Pearl.]
- Mr. Krabs: I never should've told that annoying kid to play "Reveille" in the morning. Pipe down, you! [He then throws Pearl's baby bottle, but loses his balance.] Whoa, whoa! Oof.
- [Pearl then laughs. SpongeBob still protects Squidward, but the bottle hits the latter's head, waking him up.]
- SpongeBob: Whoops.
- Squidward: Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh. How'd I get out here? What day is this?
- SpongeBob: It's the first day of jellyfish season, Mr. Tentacles.
- Squidward: Hmm, SpongeBob. Well, that figures. [Suddenly, Squidward gets hit in the face with a clown shoe.] Ow. All right, who's the clown?
- [A clown nose is then heard honking. We then transition to Larry the Lobster and the campers doing jumping jacks.]
- Larry: Look lively, everyone. That's it, that's it. Keep those arms up!
- [Suddenly, SpongeBob arrives and is doing jumping jacks very quickly.]
- SpongeBob: Mr. Larry, did you know that jellyfish are the most energy-efficient swimmers in the entire ocean?
- Larry: Nope.
- SpongeBob: And did you know that they eat and poop out of their mouths?
- Larry: Ew. Nature is disgusting.
- SpongeBob: And did you know that a jellyfish can lift 1,000 times its weight?
- Larry: [shocked] What? No way, Manta Ray. I'm stronger than a jelly. Bros and bro-ettes, get on my back!
- [The kids all then cheer. All of them, excluding SpongeBob, then get on Larry's back, and Larry starts doing pushups.]
- Larry: 1... 2...
- SpongeBob: I'm gonna catch a jellyfish today. Well, bye.
- [SpongeBob then leaves. We then transition to the Kamp Koral shower, where Bubble Bass is pouring the barrel water.]
- Bubble Bass: Move along, campers. Let's dispel the onerous lie, "nerds don't bathe."
- Kevin C. Cucumber: What is this? I feel wet. Is it blood? Am I bleeding?
- [Kevin then runs off. It is then SpongeBob's turn. He then starts filling up with water.]
- SpongeBob: Did you know the jellyfish have been around since before dinosaurs and that they're not even fish?
- [Scared by how big SpongeBob is getting, Bubble Bass runs away. He is then shown to be right to run because SpongeBob then starts deflating.]
- Bubble Bass: Incoming! Take cover!
- {The water then comes, and Bubble Bass gets soaked.]
- Bubble Bass: I've been soddened by secondhand sponge water.
- [Suddenly, SpongeBob appears.]
- SpongeBob: I'm gonna catch my first jellyfish today.
- Bubble Bass: Well, whoop-de-do.
- [We then transition to the Krusty Kanteen, where the kids are eating slop.]
- Plankton: Come on, campers! Move it, move it! We don't have all morning.
- [He then drops some slop on Sandy's plate, and she is disgusted.]
- Sandy: Hey, what do you call this slop?
- Plankton: I'd tell you, but I'm not supposed to use that kind of language in front of children. [He then moves Sandy out of the way with his ladle.] Keep it moving.
- SpongeBob: [excitedly laughing] Jellyfish... Catching... Catching jellyfish.
- Plankton: [groans] Weirdo.
- [He then drops the food on SpongeBob's plate.]
- [We then transition to Jelly Meadows, where the campers have arrived.]
- SpongeBob: Jellyfishing!
- Sandy: Ooh, That's quite a spiffy net you got there, SpongeBob.
- SpongeBob: Yeah, it blows bubbles. [A jellyfish bubble blows out of SpongeBob's net, and as he catches it, he trips over.]
- Sandy: Why, that's about as handy as a hip pocket on a hog.
- Squidward: Attention, campers... [Everyone gets in their places.] Today is...
- SpongeBob: The first day of jellyfish season! [SpongeBob gets excited.] Jellies...
- Squidward: So, when I blow this whistle...
- SpongeBob: Ah! Jellies! [He runs off without Squidward blowing the whistle, then he comes back.] [laughing] [SpongeBob gets excited again.]
- Squidward: Do you need to use the outhouse?
- SpongeBob: No.
- Squidward: All right, let's-
- Patrick: I do!
- Squidward: Go ahead. We'll wait.
- Patrick: [laughs as he runs off]
- SpongeBob: [bites his jellyfish net nervously]
- [Patrick then comes back from the bathroom.]
- Squidward: [Sighs] Everybody ready?
- SpongeBob: I'm ready!
- Patrick: Oh, excuse me! I left my net in the bathroom, oh! [He runs to the bathroom as SpongeBob grabs Sandy's net and his and biting them nevously.]
- Patrick: [Everyone is waiting while SpongeBob is excited.] Huh, I forgot what I was doing.
- Squidward: Your net.
- Patrick: No thanks, I got one.
- Jellyfish catcher: [Squidward gets mad.] Oh, come on!
- Squidward: Alright, one, two...
- Patrick: Oh, I think I left the stove on!
- SpongeBob: Patrick, we have no stove.
- Patrick: Oh. What's the holdup? Blow your whistle.
- Squidward: Blow my- [He groans as he turns red.] [When he is about to blow his whistle, Perch Perkins comes in.]
- Perch Perkins: Attention, SpongeBob SquarePants. You Have a call from your mother in Camp Master Krab's office. I repeat, your mom is calling you. [SpongeBob gets sad.]
- SpongeBob: Mom. Jellyfish. [Squidward blows the whistle as everyone goes to catch their jellyfish.]
- Squidward: [SpongeBob is standing there when Squidward turns him the other way.] The phone.
- SpongeBob: The phone! The phone! [As he runs to Camp Mater Krab's office, he trips over a bottle and spins around in the celling fan, he runs over Camp Master Krab's paper as they fly around everywhere in the room.]
- Mr. Krabs: Are you done?
- SpongeBob: Mm-hm.
- Mr. Krabs: Well, then. Answer the phone! Please.
- SpongeBob: [takes the phone] Hi, Mom, I love you, but I'm a little busy here. [As he is talking to his mother, SpongeBob looks at a jellyfish from outside.] Mom, why are you calling?
- Margaret SquarePants: Oh, good question. Now, why was I calling?
- SpongeBob: [screaming] [He sees another jellyfish.] There you are! [continues talking to his Mom] Huh, yeah Mom. Uh-huh. [As he tries to catch the jellyfish, he runs out of the office.]
- Perch Perkins: It's a beautiful clear day here at Kamp Koral, as rookie SquarePants attempts to net his first ever jellyfish. While simultaneously talking to his mom. [We see Mrs. Puff painting with some kids as SpongeBob splashes paint all over them.] And here we see the young jellyfisher's abstract expressionist period. Wow, what a talent.
- SpongeBob: Sorry, Mrs. Puff! [As he continues talking to his Mom, he still tries to catch a jellyfish, SpongeBob falls in a canoe as the guy falls in the air and back in the canoe.]
- Perch Perkins: Simply amazing. Here SpongeBob combines two sports, jellyfishing and canoeing.
- Canoer: [screams as the boat hits a rock]
- Perch Perkins: And he's bad at both! [SpongeBob aims at the jellyfish to catch it.] He's going, going, gone! [As he fails to catch it, we come back to Jelly Meadows.] And now back to Jelly Meadows. '[Another jellyfish comes and SpongeBob tries to catch it, but then fails again.]
- Margaret SquarePants: Now I remember what I wanted to ask you. Have you caught a jellyfish yet?
- SpongeBob: Oh. [He sees a lot of people tangled up in the telephone wire.] Not exactly. [The telephone flies off.] Ah! Bye, Mom, love you! [The telephone bumps into more people as they get stuck to it SpongeBob sees a bunch of jellyfish flying by.] It's just like my dream. [giggling as he tries to catch a jellyfish and he finally gets one but it turns out that it's just a ball] Yay! I got one! Aw... ah! Gotcha! [As he catches another jellyfish, a jar of college funds can be seen.] Huh?
- Plankton: Hey, that's my college funds.
- SpongeBob: [Another jellyfish can be seen, stinging SpongeBob then he catches it.] I got you this time. Oh. [As the jellyfish was just a toaster, it burst out toast, Patrick can be seen as he squirts the jelly from the jellyfish onto the toast and eats it.]
- Patrick: [burps]
- SpongeBob: [He gets sad.] That's my jellyfish.
- Patrick: Oh, sorry, buddy, here, here. I'll hold it out for you while you catch it.
- SpongeBob: Ah! [He grabs the net, but SpongeBob is hitting the grass instead.]
- Patrick: You're overthinking it. Try standing closer.
- SpongeBob: Closer... ah! [The net goes through the jellyfish.] Aw.
- Patrick: Bend your knees. Deep breath. [SpongeBob takes a huge breath.] Blow your nose. [Blows his nose] Squint your eyes. [Squints eyes] Now where's your jelly face? Let's see your jelly face.
- SpongeBob: My jelly face! [screaming as the net goes through the jellyfish again] Oh.
- Patrick: Hm. [SpongeBob inflates.] Oh, here.
- SpongeBob: Yay!
- [As he is about to see the jellyfish, it is not there. SpongeBob is very sad. He then looks above him to see a jellyfish.]
- SpongeBob: [sadly] I'm the worst jellyfisher ever.
- [The jellyfish flies away, while SpongeBob cries. Patrick then walks over to console his buddy.]
- Patrick: True, but remember, SpongeBob, all that glitters is not all that jazz.
- SpongeBob: [snivels] Thanks, buddy. That's some good advice.
- [SpongeBob then walks away. Patrick feels really bad for his buddy.]
- Patrick: If I were in his shoes, I'd walk softly and carry no bed of roses.
- [The campers then catch more jellyfish.]
- Campers: All right! I got it! Wow, look at this one! Wow! Oh, boy! Look at mine!
- [A jellyfish with a pink cap starts following SpongeBob. He attempts to catch it, but he catches Squidward and gets the net off the latter's head.]
- Squidward: SpongeBob. That figures.
- [Squidward's chair then closes on himself. SpongeBob then sits on the chair.]
- SpongeBob: Mr. Tentacles, you're a sophisticated man of the world. Everyone says you've seen a fish au naturel.
- Squidward: It was a painting in a museum. I told you that. Now get off me!
- [Squidward then opens the chair.]
- SpongeBob: Well, anyway, you're probably the greatest camper that ever lived. Maybe you can help me catch a jellyfish.
- Squidward: Well, that's all true, but you know, there's really nothing to it. As a matter of fact, I saw jelly fly into that cave over there.
- SpongeBob: [fascinated] Ooh!
- Squidward: It should be cornered and easy to catch.
- [SpongeBob then holds his net up, all excited.]
- SpongeBob: Oh, thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! I love this camp! ♪La, la, la, la, la, la, la
- [He then enters the cave. Squidward then opens and sits on his chair. Oddly, SpongeBob appears moments later, scaring Squidward, because the former is swollen with hundreds of boils.]
- SpongeBob: Mr. Tentacles, it was not a cave. It was a jellyfish hive.
- [SpongeBob then slowly walks away, with jellyfish mimicing SpongeBob's shape were behind him. Squidward then runs away screaming as the jellyfish start to chase him and sting him. Bubble wipe to the next scene where after SpongeBob's stings heal, he is still sad. He looks behind him to find that everyone's caught at least one jellyfish except him.]
- Campers: Look at them go! Wow!
- SpongeBob: One day...
- [Squidward is still seen running away from the jellyfish in the background. When Patrick and Sandy let go of their jellyfish. Sandy notices her sad friend.]
- Sandy: Poor SpongeBob. Can't seem to catch a single jellyfish in this camp. We gotta do something.
- Patrick: How about we bulldoze the camp, stomp on it, and chop it to pieces, and eat it?
- Sandy: Uh, let's put a pin in that. I've got a better idea.
- [We fade on black to commercial break. We cut back to Jellyfish Meadows, where Patrick and Sandy are on top of a cliff, and they are painting Squidward pink.]
- Squidward: Why am I doing this again?
- Sandy: Because you feel guilty about getting SpongeBob all stung up.
- Squidward: [not interested] Yeah, what else you got?
- Sandy: [stammering] 'Cause you will do an amazing job selling the illusion of a jellyfish, and you're the best dancer in camp.
- Squidward: [dancing] Ha, it's true. I am. Why, last year, I was "primo ballerino" in "Under Swan Lake." You should've seen my dying swan.
- Patrick: And today, you will die again!
- [Sandy then hits Squidward in the stomach.]
- Sandy: That's right! Because today, you will dance "Jelly Lake."
- Squidward: [awestruck] "Jelly Lake?" Hmm... Okay, I'll do it!
- [Patrick then looks through a spyglass. He then notices SpongeBob skipping with his jellyfish net.]
- SpongeBob: ♪Yesterday didn't count, Today's the day that counts, today, today, today♪
- Patrick: Hey, here comes that kid with the pants!
- [Sandy then puts a glass bowl on Squidward, which she stuffs him in, except his legs. She then uses a fishing rod hook to help move Squidward around. The latter screams with terror. Squidward then hits his head. Sandy then moves him to a different spot.]
- Squidward: Are we starting yet?
- Sandy: Yup, the curtains done come up on "Jelly Lake." Dance pretty now! Whoo!
- Squidward: Buzz, buzz, buzz. Buzz, buzz, buzza, buzza, buzz, buzz. Buzz, buzz, buzz.
- [Patrick then quickly runs over to SpongeBob.]
- Patrick: SpongeBob! [takes a short break] There's a big ugly jellyfish!
- SpongeBob: There is?
- Patrick: And the field is empty!
- SpongeBob: Oh, boy!
- Patrick: You'll have to carry me. [He then hops into SpongeBob's arms.] Right this way!
- Squidward: Buzz, buzz. Buzz, buzz, buzz!
- SpongeBob: [worried] Oh, I don't know, Patrick. I think there's something wrong with it.
- Patrick: Go get 'em, tiger!
- Squidward: Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz.
- SpongeBob: I kinda feel sorry for it.
- Sandy: Can't make it too easy. Ha!
- [SpongeBob then attempts to catch the "jellyfish", but Sandy moves it away. She then keeps moving the confused Squidward all around.]
- Squidward: [screaming] Not again!
- [He then barely escapes being hit by a cliff. Instead, he hits a few rocks and a strange rock with a plant on it.]
- Sandy: Ooh, that's gotta hurt.
- SpongeBob: Is it dead?
- [Patrick then pokes the glass bowl on Squidward with a stick.]
- SpongeBob: Nope, it's alive. [Squidward then murmurs something.] I think it just said a bad word.
- Patrick: It's wounded! Now's your chance to catch it!
- [SpongeBob then attempts to catch the "jellyfish." But suddenly, the rock with the plant on it opens an eye! The rock then grows legs and a tail and growls, revealing it to be a monster! The three campers then scream in terror. The monster then gobbles Squidward up, and lets out a big belch. Sandy then arrives.]
- Sandy: Oh, no! This is horrible!
- SpongeBob: I know, right? I just can't catch a break.
- Sandy: No, that wasn't a jellyfish! That was Squidward in disguise!
- SpongeBob: [slightly shocked] It was?
- Patrick: It was?
- Sandy: It was!
- [The rock monster roars, and then runs away. The three campers then chase after him.]
- SpongeBob: Squidward Tentacles is the greatest camp counselor that ever lived. He can't end up as monster poop!
- [SpongeBob then lands himself on top of the monster's head. Meanwhile, back at the camp showers, the kids discover the monster and run away. At the art table, one camper shows Mrs. Puff her painting, but then the monster splatters paint all over the kids and Mrs. Puff.]
- SpongeBob: Sorry again, Mrs. Puff!
- [The monster then heads over to Larry, who has campers on top of him and is still doing push-ups.]
- Larry: 999...
- [The monster then sends the kids on Larry flying, and tramples over the lobster. At the Krusty Kanteen, Plankton and Mr. Krabs aren't worried at all, despite the screaming kids.]
- Mr. Krabs: [sighs] Look at this, Plankton. Fresh sea water, wholesome kids, running around, screaming. [He starts screaming as soon as he sees the monster.]
- Plankton: [screaming] What the?!
- [Mr. Krabs then runs away, while Plankton hides in the Krusty Kanteen. The other campers are still running and screaming. The monster then destroys the picnic tables and the Kanteen. SpongeBob still attempts to hang on. The campers climb up to the coral trees. The monster then shakes the net and sees SpongeBob, the former not being happy.]
- SpongeBob: Hi there, monster. My name is SpongeBob. You ate my camp counselor, and I'd appreciate it if you would barf him back up.
- [The monster instead swallows SpongeBob up. He seems to have enjoyed it.]
- Rock monster: Sponge cake.
- [SpongeBob lands inside the rock monster's stomach acid. He swims over to an air conditioner, and spots Squidward on a tire. The former then starts paddling over to the latter.]
- SpongeBob: Mr. Tentacles.
- Squidward: Oh, SpongeBob? [He doesn't want to be saved by SpongeBob.] Oh, please, just let me die.
- SpongeBob: Not yet. [He then holds up the net, and a triumphant musical sting plays.] Because there's no problem that a bubble can't solve!
- [He blows into the bottom of his net, and a bubble builds up. Squidward then turns around to see the giant bubble. Mr. Krabs and Mrs. Puff are hiding behind a red board. The rock monster throws the board, and roars, which causes the two counselors to scream in response. Suddenly, the rock monster turns into a bubble-like form and starts floating into the sky. He then starts floating towards Perch Perkins' news tower.]
- Perch Perkins: It's incredible, campers, but the monster appears to be expanding! [ducks] Either this is nature at its most majestic, or we're all gonna be blown to pieces!
- [The campers then scream for their lives. But, the rock monster slips from the bubble, revealing SpongeBob and Squidward inside it. Three campers run from the almost weak rock monster. The campers come out of hiding, and then they clap and cheer for the two.]
- SpongeBob: [waving] Thanks.
- [He then sees Mr. Krabs and waves at him.]
- Plankton: [cheers sarcastically] Yay.
- [The bubble then pops. The campers cheering is interrupted due to bubble soap getting in their eyes. SpongeBob and Squidward then fall to the ground. The rock monster inflates itself, and Sandy walks over to it.]
- Sandy: Sorry you lost your dinner. How 'bout some of Plankton's slop?
- [The rock monster sniffs and then runs off. Sandy then feeds the slop to Patrick.]
- SpongeBob: [laughs] Goodbye! Visit any time! [Squidward then attempts to get himself out of the bowl.] Oh, here. Let me help.
- [He then manages to get Squidward out of the bowl. The campers then cheer. Patrick and Sandy then walk over.]
- Sandy: Mr. Squidward, you've done great!
- Patrick: Yeah, and SpongeBob caught his first jellyfish!
- Mr. Krabs: Wait a minute. [He walks over and pushes Patrick away.] I'm sorry, but fake jellies don't count. No jelly badge.
- [SpongeBob then starts shriveling into tears. But, Mr. Krabs reveals the upside.]
- Mr. Krabs: But what you do get is a "Saving a Counselor from a Monster" badge.
- [SpongeBob's attitude then changes. He turns from sad to ecstatic.]
- SpongeBob: [enthusiastic] Yeah!
- Mr. Krabs: Congratulations, son.
- Patrick: Yay, way to go, SpongeBob!
- Sandy: Way to go, SpongeBob!
- [It then zooms in to show the badge. The badge is blue on the background, and there are big yellow letters on the top that say "SAVING A COUNSELOR". The picture shows a camper carrying Mr. Krabs away from a monster.]
- SpongeBob: I love this camp!
- [It then zooms out to show the camp, which is partly destroyed and in flames. The destroyed Kamp Koral entrance gate falls to the ground. After the bubble transition, it shows Squidward, who is somehow back in the bowl. A female jellyfish swims up to him with a flower. When Squidward manages to get the bowl off, the jellyfish flies away. It then shows Patrick, SpongeBob, and Sandy relaxing on the top of the cabin.]
- Sandy: Huh, why is there a "Saving a Counselor from a Monster" badge? Like, how often does that happen here?
- SpongeBob: I don't know, Sandy. [He then walks to the top of the roof.] But I do know one thing. One day I'm gonna catch me a jellyfish, and when I catch it, I'm going to release it!
- [Patrick and Sandy stare in awe at the beautiful jellyfish coming out of SpongeBob's back. The jellyfish fly away as the episode ends.]