Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

Squilliam Returns 084
"If I have to memorize a single order, I think I'm going to explode!"

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Séance Shméance 029
But I can certainly learn!

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Not to be confused with SpongeBob Comics No. 9.

Patty Hype (Chinese: 彩色汉堡), back-translated as Color Hamburg on Amazon websites, is a SpongeBob SquarePants Chinese exclusive book published in 2007 as Volume 9 of the 超级海绵宝宝连环画 (Super SpongeBob comic strip) series.



The animated sensation now has its own full-color comic books!



External links[]

Sleepy Time 057
"I can turn into a skyscraper!"
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