Encyclopedia SpongeBobia


Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

Good Ol' Whatshisname 093
"What Zit Tooya?"

This page contains information on a subject that does not yet have an official name. Once an official name is given to the subject or character, this template can be removed.

Séance Shméance 029
But I can certainly learn!

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Sorry you had to see that...
SpongeBob in response to the subliminal message girl, "Gary Takes a Bath"

The subliminal message girl is a picture of a little cross-eyed ugly girl who appears when SpongeBob causes Gary to see subliminal messages in the episode "Gary Takes a Bath."


She is a little cross-eyed ugly girl with long straight thin golden-blonde hair done in upturned braids and fair skin. Her hair is styled into a two braided pigtails hairstyle. She has rosy cheeks, black freckles on her cheeks, red lips, and a missing tooth. She was played by Merriwether Williams.


Subliminal Message Girl in YTV promo

The subliminal message girl, as seen in a YTV promo.


YTV (2004) - SpongeBob SquarePants Promo

The YTV promo in question.

  • The subliminal message girl was featured in a YTV promo, and as a joke, her braids, eyes, and her mouth got censored.
Pippi Longstocking

Her two braided pigtails hairstyle resembles Pippi Longstocking's.

  • She bears a striking resemblance to Pippi Longstocking, Wendy from Wendy's, and Judy Shepherd from Jumanji.
  • She was storyboarded to be the "Out her face" woman in "Shrinking Stars."[1]

