"Starlight Revue" (alternate titles: "Winter Olympics," "Curtain-Raiser") was composed by Alan Braden.
SpongeBob SquarePants[]
- 110b. "Grooming Gary" - Opening shot of the pet show.
- 114b. "Ditchin'" - Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy sign people's books.
- 127b. "I ♥ Dancing" - "Congratulations! You got the gig."
- 130b. "Model Sponge" - "I am gonna be a star!"
- 140b. "Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle" - The ending
- 158b. "The Googly Artiste" - Everyone admires Patrick's Krabby Patty canvases.
- 160a. "Patrick's Staycation" - "Presenting the SpongeBob fallies."
- 176b. "Chum Fricassee" - The long line outside the Chum Bucket is shown.
- 188a. "Kenny the Cat" - SpongeBob points to the Kenny the Cat poster.
- 207a. "Mimic Madness" - "Oh, swoon! That imitation stuff really works!"
- 214a. "Patrick's Coupon" - Patrick hides on a sidewalk of stars.
- 267a. "Krusty Koncessionaires" - "Ladies and gentlefish, polyps and fries! Here's the band you've all been waiting for!"
The Patrick Star Show[]
- 9b. "Survivoring" - The RV falls into a ravine and explodes.
- 11b. "Patrick's Alley" - "Bring your kids down to The Patrick Show!”
- F1. "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie" - Newsflash at the Chum Bucket
- This track took 4 years to be used in the actual show after appearing in the first movie.
- This track is listed under 3 different names: "Winter Olympics," "Curtain-Raiser," and "Starlight Revue." "Winter Olympics" is named when released on KPM Music's 10-inch 78-rpm records and on KPM's Brownsleeves LP series, "Curtain-Raiser" is named when first issued on CD in 1989, and "Starlight Revue" was named when re-issued again on CD in 1993.