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Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

"Squirrel Record" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season 9. In this episode, Sandy tries to break a number of world records and enlists SpongeBob's help.



During the evening at the Krusty Krab, Squidward is sleeping at the cash register until Squidward's clock starts ringing, which causes him to wake up and stop the clock ringing with his hand. Squidward then pokes his head in the kitchen window and yells at SpongeBob to go home since it is quitting time. SpongeBob is obliviously not paying attention to anything Squidward is saying. Immediately, SpongeBob's watch beeps and notices that it is quitting time. He asks Squidward why he is still here. When Squidward hears this and sees where he is, he screams in frustration and runs out of the Krusty Krab. Still in the kitchen, SpongeBob does not want to throw away a cooked patty, so he puts the patty in his wallet and saves it for later. SpongeBob then smells garbage and decides to take out the trash. While dumping the trash into the dumpster, SpongeBob notices a book covered in garbage and claims "You shouldn't throw away books." Suddenly, SpongeBob sees a big green slimy monster emerging from the dumpster. SpongeBob then throws the book at it, causing the slimy monster to fall over. The slime dissolves to reveal that it was actually Sandy. Sandy claims that she is was just trying to break the record for rooting around in a trash bin. Sandy shows SpongeBob the book he was holding is called The Guinness O'Ripley Enormous Book of Curiosities, Oddities, and World Records. She then shows SpongeBob some of the world records in the book and claims she wants to beat every record in that book.

Squirrel Record 033

The Guinness O'Ripley Enormous Book of Curiosities, Oddities, and World Records

The scene cuts to Sandy's treedome, where SpongeBob and Sandy try to break the record for world's longest tongue. Sandy holds her hand on her door while SpongeBob pulls on Sandy's tongue. The record is broken after SpongeBob stretches her tongue up to 110 inches. The next record is to eat raw chum, so SpongeBob and Sandy go to the Chum Bucket and ask Plankton to give them raw chum. Plankton, however, warns them that no one can ingest raw chum and survive, but SpongeBob and Sandy do not care. Later in Sandy's Treedome, SpongeBob wears a special germ suit and gives Sandy a spoon of raw chum. Sandy then swallows it and freaks out. SpongeBob tells Sandy that she survived and broke the record. However, Sandy suddenly becomes subconscious from eating the raw chum. SpongeBob then takes off his water helmet and feeds Sandy the patty in his wallet he saved from work. Sandy recovers from her subconscious and says "I can't wait to show them experts the pictures of my record-breaking feats." SpongeBob suddenly realizes that he forgot his camera, and he goes home to get it.

When SpongeBob returns, he sees Sandy's treedome filled with a bunch of robots. Sandy comes up to SpongeBob and asks him to take a picture of her throwing a woodchuck to break the woodchuck chuckin' world record. SpongeBob takes the photo of Sandy throwing a woodchuck and she breaks the record. Sandy at that occasion sends the woodchucks back to where they belong. Afterward, SpongeBob asks Sandy, "What is all this?" Sandy explains that she had constructed many robots to help keep track of her records and with careful planning and precise delegation of appropriate tasks so that she can manage the successful completion of the maximum number of records broken in the least amount of time. Sandy takes the picture of her throwing a woodchuck from SpongeBob and places it in the book. Sandy flips the page of the world records book to see what is next. The next record is the world's longest tooth. Sandy then asks one of the robots how the calcium fusion is going. The robot replies, "It is ready, Miss Cheeks." Sandy administers the shot, and her tooth grows. It continues to grow until she hits her head on the ceiling of the treedome. The robot uses a tape measure and reaches 35 feet, which breaks the record. SpongeBob takes a picture and tells Sandy to say "Cheese!" Sandy saws a giant part of the tooth off her top tooth and slides down.

The next record is spiciest chili gargle. So, Sandy gargles on chili as SpongeBob takes a picture. Sandy gulps the spicy chilly and breathes out fire at SpongeBob. The next record is largest rubber band ball. SpongeBob takes a picture of the large rubber band ball as Sandy lets go of it, and SpongeBob gets crushed. The record after that is most cobras milked. SpongeBob takes a picture of Sandy milking the cobras. After that, the next record is most walnuts in mouth. Sandy gets a lot of walnuts in her mouth, SpongeBob takes a photo, and Sandy spits out the walnuts. After that record, the next one is most chainsaws juggled. The scene cuts to Sandy juggling chainsaws, with robots giving her more to juggle. SpongeBob takes a picture of her juggling the chainsaws and asks, "How do you stop?" To answer his question, Sandy stops juggling chainsaws and then runs like heck. However, SpongeBob accidentally gets cut into pieces by chainsaws because he ran the wrong way. SpongeBob puts himself back together and says "It is getting kinda dangerous."

Sandy then takes SpongeBob and herself outside the treedome and shows SpongeBob the world's largest house of cards. Sandy and SpongeBob go up to the top of the house of cards so that they can take a picture. Meanwhile, Patrick is walking along and sees the house of cards is made with Solitaire cards. Patrick comes back with a baseball bat and hits the house of cards, causing the world's largest house of cards to collapse as SpongeBob and Sandy scream when they fall from the top. Thereupon, SpongeBob tells Sandy that he can smell Gary's sandbox and goes home to clean it.

The scene changes to SpongeBob's house, where SpongeBob is cleaning Gary's litter box. While cleaning the litter box, SpongeBob tells Gary that he has broken the record for "World's Stinkiest Litter box." SpongeBob finds that Sandy has become obsessed with the record book and claims that the book must be destroyed. SpongeBob goes back to Sandy's treedome and disguises himself as one of Sandy's robots so he looks like the rest of the robots. SpongeBob then asks one of the robots if he can hold on to the record book, and the robot gives the book to him. Sandy does not recognize SpongeBob's robot disguise, and she puts him into a line where robots are getting destroyed to break the record for most robots built and destroyed in a day. While the robots are getting built and destroyed, a robot standing next to Sandy is counting the total amount of destroyed robots in order to break the world record. In the line of robots getting built and destroyed, SpongeBob in his robot disguise tries to sneak out of the line, but one robot grabs him and says "We're all in this together." SpongeBob and the robot both get crushed and are sent though a conveyor belt. Sandy finally breaks the most robots built and destroyed in a day. One of the robots comes out of the robot destroying the machine and says his stomach feels funny. Sandy looks inside his stomach and sees SpongeBob.

Squirrel Record 192

"My stomach feels funny."

The robot pukes out SpongeBob, and SpongeBob states he came to save her from the record book. Sandy says she is done with the book and she has beaten every record. A man who works for the book's company comes to see what Sandy has done but reveals that she has not actually broken any records. He explains that the book Sandy has was published thirty years earlier, so all the records in it had already been broken (several times over probably). However, the man adds that SpongeBob has set a new record: getting so many injuries from helping a friend. SpongeBob cracks into pieces and the author takes a picture. The episode finishes with a camera flicker as the screen fades to black.


This episode was in production on February 27, 2012.[1]


Character design[]

  • Designed by Virginia Hawes.[1]


 ) Production music
 ) Original music
 ) SpongeBob music

  A Pinapple Luau Faster - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [title card]
  Another Krusty Krab Day - Michael Bolger, Nicolas Carr ["It's quitting time, SpongeBob."]
  Hgliss & Bell - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob snaps fingers]
  Another Krusty Krab Day - Michael Bolger, Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob puts the patty in his wallet]
  Nude Sting - Nicolas Carr ["But I do have to throw away the trash."]
  Moon Walk - John Fox [SpongeBob taking out the trash]
  Drama Sting 5 - Steve Marston [A trash monster emerges from the dumpster.]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 11D - Jeremy Wakefield [The trash monster reveals to be Sandy.]
  Fancytale - Gregor F. Narholz [A book of records.]
  The Donut Dilema - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob stretching Sandy's tongue.]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 35 - Jeremy Wakefield [Sandy got stuck to SpongeBob's water helmet.]
  Silly Bob Conversation 2 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony ["Yipes! Sweet mother of pearl!"]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 7A - Jeremy Wakefield ["Raw?!"]
  A Fishy Conversation - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [SpongeBob and Sandy at the Chum Bucket.]
  Fooling Around 2 w e gtr - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [The giant barrel of raw chum.]
  Tension Bits - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob feeds Sandy the raw chum.]
  Horror Crash - Harry Lubin [Sandy yelling.]
  Ta-ra C - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy ["That's it, Sandy! You did it!"]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 35 - Jeremy Wakefield [Sandy passes out.]
  Pell-Mell - Sam Spence ["I know just what you need."]
  Jovial Pirate's Jig - Michael Bolger, Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob feeds Sandy a Krabby Patty.]
  Star Premiere - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy ["I did it! I'm alive!"]
  Sneaking About - Phil Green [SpongeBob goes to get a camera]
  Earls Revenge - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [There are robots in the treedome, as part of one of the huge records.]
  The Donut Dilema - Nicolas Carr ["Wow, Sandy, what is all this?"]
  Slide Whistle Stooges No Whistle - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Sandy's front teeth grow.]
  Steve's March - Sam Spence [spiciest chili gargle]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 19B - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob cut up]
  Climb To Altitude - Trevor Duncan [A largest house of cards.]
  Clumsy A - Bernd Gesell [Patrick appears.]
  Planktons Ballpark Organ 3 - Nicolas Carr ["I kick a touchdown!"]
  Six Powerful Cues (D) - Wilfred William Burns [Patrick knocks down the house of cards]
  Planktons Ballpark Organ 3 - Nicolas Carr ["What's next?"]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 31C - Jeremy Wakefield ["I think I smell Gary's sandbox."]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 31D - Jeremy Wakefield ["Better go clean it... now."]
  Silly Bob Conversation 2 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony ["I think you broke a record today, Gary."]
  Mission Improbable - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [SpongeBob disguises himself as a robot]
  Danger HQ - Norman Dane ["Hey, where do you think you're going?"]
  Disturbances - Gerhard Trede [most robots built and destroyed in a day]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 29C - Jeremy Wakefield ["SpongeBob?"]
  Dream Date - Emil Cadkin, Phil Green, William Loose ["I don't want to lose you, Sandy!"]
  Sneaking About - Phil Green ["I've invited the author to verify my eminence."]
  Nude Sting - Nicolas Carr ["Huh?!"]
  Another Best Day Ever - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [The ending.]




  • According to this episode's production number, (325-901) this was the first episode of season 9 in production order, and the first to begin production with the permanent 16:9 aspect ratio (not counting special episodes like "Truth or Square" or "It's a SpongeBob Christmas!").
  • This episode aired as part of The Super Spongy Square Games.
  • The huge bucket of raw chum has the biohazard symbol on it. This means that the raw chum is a threat to health.
  • It is revealed that Sandy has 100 woodchuck cousins, with one named Earl.
    • Earl is a woodchuck, also known as groundhogs, which are a type of ground squirrel.
    • Fittingly, the track "Earls Revenge" plays at the same time when Sandy names the woodchuck Earl.
  • The way SpongeBob is sliced by the chainsaws slightly resembles his sliced body as shown in the theme song.
  • All of the "Hot Steel and Slide Licks" are low-pitched in some way in this episode.
  • This episode marks the first instance of Plankton having a customer by selling chum without any assistance.
  • A clip from this episode was used during Nicktoons bumpers in 2013.[2]
  • This is the second episode where someone plays Solitaire. The first was "Bucket Sweet Bucket," in which it is played by SpongeBob on the computer of Karen, but in this episode, it is revealed how Patrick plays Solitaire.
  • This is the second episode where Sandy's robots are seen, with the first being "House Sittin' for Sandy."
    • However, in this episode, the robots roll on wheels instead of walking.
  • There is an online game based on this episode called Guinness O'Ripley's Extreme Arcade of World Records.
  • This episode marks one of few times an allusion to a real brand is used with the title of the book used throughout the episode.

Cultural references[]


  • When SpongeBob puts a patty in his wallet, his milkshake license is seen, but in the next scene, when SpongeBob takes out the patty after Sandy had raw chum, it has a picture of a cowboy saying "Yee Haw!"
  • When SpongeBob measures Sandy's tongue, he falls and his sleeves, arms, and camera are shown outside his water helmet after, but in the next scene, they are inside his helmet.
  • In an advertisement for this episode, it says Sandy and SpongeBob perform the "125-yard tongue pull."
    • However, on Sandy's tongue it shows inches, not yards.
  • Although Sandy's treedome does not have water in it, when SpongeBob pulls the Krabby Patty out of his wallet to revive Sandy, there are bubbles that appear courtesy of his hand in motion.
  • SpongeBob leaves his helmet inside the treedome when he leaves to get his camera, but is shown running back with it on again outside the treedome.
  • The world record pages from The Guinness O'Ripley Enormous Book of Curiosities, Oddities, and World Records have the persons' names that they were responsible for what record they hold, but in the next scenes when Sandy places the picture in into the record pages when she beat, the names are missing.
  • SpongeBob tells Sandy that he smells Gary's sandbox, but when he is talking to Gary, he calls it his litter box.
  • After SpongeBob is crushed by the machine, he is somehow able to survive inside Sandy's treedome without wearing a water helmet.
  • SpongeBob backs up from the dumpster and mouths "Trash monster!" However, no audio is heard.
    • However, the line is actually heard in DVD and digital releases, along with the Nick+ and VideoNow versions.
      • Tom Kenny confirmed he recorded the line, but on TV, there was a small malfunction that caused the line to be muted on TV airings.
  • When SpongeBob finds the record book in the dumpster, he takes off his mask and throws it on the ground. But when he is backing up from the dumpster, the mask is not visible on the ground.


