This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Snow Yellow" from season 14, which aired on November 11, 2024.
- [The episode opens at a campfire in a living room with Hans.]
- Hans: Hello, I am Hans, and welcome to Fishy Fairytales. Now, where were we? Ah, yes. [grabs a book from the shelf] Yah. [wipes off the dust from the book's cover] Mm-hmm. [coughs] And now for a classic fairytale called "Snow Yellow and the Seven Jellies." [opens the book to reveal a sketch of Snow Yellow] Once upon a time, there was a happy little prince, and his name was Snow Yellow.
- Snow Yellow: [waving] Hi. [falls out of the book and onto the carpet] Whoa!
- Hans: Whoopsie daisy. [picks up Snow Yellow and places him back into the book] Get back in there, you cuckoo.
- Snow Yellow: [giggles as Hans turns the page to reveal Queen Karen]
- Hans: Prince Snow Yellow lived in a castle with Queen Karen, [Karen flicks a speck away] his evil step motherboard.
- Karen: [looks at the camera] I'm the villain in this story. Ain't that a hoot? [cackles, thunder crashes]
- Hans: [flips the page to reveal a castle] Our story begins on a beautiful day just like any other.
- [The scene fades to various civilians living in medieval times.]
- Snow Yellow: [opens double doors, crushing guards on both sides] Good morning, my loyal subjects. [prances while tossing jewels out of his basket, making everyone scream and run away] I love you all. [laughs, then tosses away a potato from a kid's stick] Here are some priceless royal jewels. [places a jewel on the stick] For you.
- [The kid gnaws on the jewel.]
- Snow Yellow: [puts a jewel in a man's cup] And you.
- Man: [delighted] Oh.
- Snow Yellow: And you. [shoves jewels into Fred's mouth as he is on a board for his surgery, then shoves jewels into the doctor's mouth] And you.
- Fred: [chews, then shows his teeth, which are now jewels] Ah.
- Doctor: [swallows the jewels, then shows his rotten teeth as his eyes turn to jewels] Ah.
- Snow Yellow: [laughs, then stops himself next to a well and waves to it] Hello, wishing well!
- Wishing well: [a water form of Snow Yellow waves back] Hello, wishing well!
- Snow Yellow: Ready for our morning duet?
- Wishing well: [uses spray for his breath] ♪ I'm ready. ♪
- Snow Yellow: [clears throat, then begins singing] ♪ I'm a well wisher. ♪
- Wishing well: ♪ I'm a well wisher. ♪
- Snow Yellow: [gets off of the wishing well] ♪ Wishing you well. ♪
- Wishing well: [his mouth comes out from the well] ♪ Wishing you well. ♪
- Snow Yellow: ♪ Wishing well. ♪
- Wishing well: [excitedly] Yes?
- Snow Yellow: ♪ I wish [the wishing well joins in] you well! [some clams fly upwards towards where Karen resides] I wish you well. Wishes of wishing you well. [Karen growls and grabs a clam, putting a clothespin on its mouth and sending it off] Wishing wishes of wishing you well. ♪
- Karen: [drops a safe on the wishing well]
- Snow Yellow: ♪ I wish you well. Wishes of wishes of wishing you-- ♪ [the wishing well clone gets hit with the safe and splashes all over Snow Yellow]
- Wishing well: Ouch.
- Karen: Snow Yellow! No singing until I've had my morning update. [plugs a cable into herself, making a loading circle appear, which very slowly progresses until she gives up and unplugs it] Eh, forget it.
- Snow Yellow: Oh. Sorry, queen step mommy. [a bucket falls on his head, and a brush and glass slipper encased in glass fall onto him as well, crushing him] Where is she getting all of these glass shoes?
- Karen: Hey, Prince! [points] Start scrubbing those royal commodes or you don't eat today.
- Snow Yellow: [flutters to Karen's level holding the supplies] Yay! Toilet duty!
- Karen: [grabs Snow Yellow by his hand and takes off his hat] Say, why do you look so square all of a sudden? [a red dotted line appears around Snow Yellow's head]
- Snow Yellow: My big boy edges just grew in. Thanks for noticing.
- Karen: [gasps as her screen turns into a "!", drops Snow Yellow]
- Snow Yellow: [splashes into the well and swims away on the ground] ♪ Bye, queen step mommy! ♪
- Karen: [backs up] Ugh. [to a mirror on the wall] Magic mirror on my wall, who's the squarest of them all?
- Magic Mirror: [activates to reveal himself to be Plankton as a mirror] You, my queen, are square, it is true, but Snow Yellow is the squarest. Uh, boop-boop-bi-doo.
- Karen: [groans] I knew it!
- Magic Mirror: No, you didn't. You didn't know anything until I told-- [abruptly turns off as Karen unplugs him]
- Karen: [groans] If I wanna stay the [traces her monitor's edges] squarest in the land, I need to de-squarify Prince Snow Yellow. [bangs fists] But how?
- [Karen's screen turns into a digital depiction of Snow Yellow and a pair of scissors. The scissors cuts his corners to round his shape, making him scream, then cry.]
- Karen: Oh. That works for me. [calling] Huntsman!
- Huntsman: [aiming his bow and arrow at an apple on the Dirty Bubble] Hmm.
- Karen: [off-screen] Huntsman!
- Huntsman: Huh? [accidentally shoots the arrow at the Dirty Bubble, popping him; runs up the stairs] My queen doth summon me! [pants as he runs up several flights of stairs]
- Karen: [looks at her watch as the Huntsman finally arrives exhausted]
- Huntsman: [kisses Karen at her feet] You called for my personage? [kisses twice] My most [kisses] perfectly square royal highness?
- Karen: [picks up the Huntsman] You are to take the Prince into the forest, [her hand retracts and comes back with a pair sharper fingers, snipping with them] and snip off his square corners.
- Huntsman: [screams] But my queen! I could never do something like that! [holds up truffles] I'm a truffle hunter, not a [eats the truffles] sponge slicer.
- Karen: Okay, then. [displays a digital depiction of the Huntsman' buttocks being cut off with a guillotine] I'll cut off your corners. [the digital Huntsman screams]
- Huntsman: [swallows] Would you like those sponge corners thick cut or deli sliced?
- Karen: [slams the Huntsman on the floor, shouting] Go! [shoots a laser out of her head]
- Huntsman: [runs off] Yes, my queen! [screams as he struggles to go down the stairs]
- Hans: [appears] Even though the task was a pain in the rump, [turns the page to the camera moving over to the forest nearby] the Huntsman pursued Snow Yellow like a cowardly chump.
- Snow Yellow: [prancing through the forest] ♪ La-la-la-la-la-la-la! La-la-la-la-la-la-la! La-la-la-la-la-la-la! ♪
- Huntsman: [panting as he chases Snow Yellow] Moderate thy haste, thy Prince! You're frolicking too fast. [starts slowing down] I can't keep up. [collapses to the ground]
- Snow Yellow: [runs up to the Huntsman] Uh-oh. Looks like someone skipped their second breakfast. [takes off his hat] Let me look in my satchel here. [uses spatulas to cook in his hat, humming]
- Huntsman: [his shadow looms over Snow Yellow as he holds a pair of scissors, cackling, but stops and gasps once Snow Yellow speaks]
- Snow Yellow: Here you go. [holds up a Krabby Patty with a purple flag in it] A royal Krabby Patty on a golden platter.
- Huntsman: [groans as his eyes turn into the patty, starts drooling]
- Snow Yellow: And it's all for you.
- Huntsman: You're too kind, my mutilate! [starts banging his fists on the floor, crying] I can't do it!
- Snow Yellow: Oh, uh, [puts a piece of cheese on the patty] how about with cheese?
- Huntsman: [crying spouts out of his eyes] No, no, no, no, no. [cuts his tear streams with the scissors] You don't understand. The Queen wants me to [grabs Snow Yellow] cut off your corners, [tosses scissors away, drawing a square] so she can be the squarest in the land.
- Snow Yellow: [imagines his corners being cut off, gasps and does a backflip] What? [twists his body] Why? [jumps] Where? When? [slaps himself, screams gibberish as his arms and tongue move back and forth, then runs around flailing and screaming, scratches his head stupidly, and his brain comes out of his head on a coil]
- Huntsman: Run, my sweet Prince. [points] Hide in the woods and never come back! [takes his patty as Snow Yellow walks away] I need thy Krabby Patty, though. [points] Run! [eat the patty, sobs, and lays on his side] Run! [sucks his fingers clean]
- Snow Yellow: [runs, then stops] I don't wanna be round. I wanna stay square.
- [Thunder crashes as spooky-looking trees are seen as Snow Yellow walks ahead.]
- Snow Yellow: Huh? [starts running faster, screams, then runs off a cliff] Oh. [screams as he falls down onto several mushrooms that behave like pinball objects, then falls down again] Whoa! [faceplants on the ground, disoriented, then gasps] Oh, no! The deep dark woods! Eh, they're not that scary as long as you--
- Trees: [now with faces, turn to face Snow Yellow and cackle]
- Snow Yellow: [yells]
- Trees: [cackle, now with various sea animals holding weapons looking at Snow Yellow]
- Snow Yellow: [screams, his tongue moving back and forth, which slaps him away to run off; takes his hat back as he screams while running away, then goes back to see a hive house] My, what a cute little hive. Maybe I can hive in the hide. Or-- hide in the-- hide, hive in the-- hide for a while! [knocks with his fingers] Hello? [the door opens] Is anybody home? I need some eyes on the inside to make sure it's safe. [takes out his eyes, blows on them, and shakes them like dice] C'mon, baby. Papa needs a new place to live. [spins eyes and throws them inside] Bam! [looks around to see an interior for seven people, covered in jelly] Wow, it looks like tiny people live here. It's so cute! But such a mess.
- Sea urchin: [growls, then falls in love with one of Snow Yellow's eyes] Oh. Monsieur. [laughs as it tries to run away with the eye]
- Snow Yellow: [takes back his eye] Oh, no, you don't. I'm gonna need these. [flicks the urchin off, then swallows to put his eyes back into its places, then goes over to the dinner table] Aww. Seven little chairs, each with a name. But this place is a dump, it's really a shame. It would make a perfect hideaway. Say, maybe if I clean it, they'll let me stay, Hooray! [grabs a mop and bucket] Toilet duty. [drops the bucket] Now, there's just one thing with a ring-a-ding-ding, to get in the swing, while you work, you--
- Sea animals: [appear, warbling]
- Snow Yellow: That's right, warble! [starts warbling while cleaning the house, and the animals follow as well]
- [A slug vacuums jelly on the floor.]
- Snow Yellow: [warbles while cleaning, taps his feet, then his mop gets stuck in some jelly, then gets stuck as well as he tries to pull it out] Oh, well. If it gets tough and your energy is sapped, sometimes it's best to take a nap. [starts snoring as the animals gather around him]
- Sea urchin: [laughs as he steals one of Snow Yellow's eyes]
- Hans: [turning the page] While the Prince took a quick nappy-poo, the seven jellies who live in the hive were happily at work.
- [Melodic buzzing is heard as the camera pans down to the seven jellies, with most of them in a minecart. Gary tosses a pickax to Nutty, then to Puffy, Drippy, Cooty, and Dummy. A pickax falls onto Dummy's head, who grabs it. The jellies are seen mining for jelly as Gary passes by on a minecart rack.]
- Seven Jellies: [singing] ♪ We mine, flowers of the sea so we can make sweet jelly.
- Krusty: [using a calculator] ♪ And I can make, me money. ♪
- Dummy: [emerges from the jelly pile] ♪ This pollen sure smells funny. ♪ [sneezes, propelling himself into the sky, screaming]
- Nutty: [mines at a flower, then struggles to pull her pickax out, which hits the other jellies, making Puffy inflate as well and making everyone fall down into the jelly barrow]
- Krusty: Ooh!
- Gary: Meow?
- Nutty: [gasps, then yells as Dummy crushes her into the pile, then everyone emerges from it]
- All: [look at each other] Huh? [laugh before a cuckoo clock goes off]
- [A cuckoo clock on the side of a mountain goes off. The cuckoo bird, which looks like Lady Prunes, comes out.]
- Cuckoo: Stop working, you morons! It's 5 o'clock! [spits] Bingo! [goes back inside the clock]
- Seven Jellies: [cheering as they leave]
- Drippy: [grunting as he pushes the minecart]
- Hans: [narrating] When the Seven Jellies got home, [the jellies enter their house, Nutty screams] They did not expect to find a snoring monster in their kitchen.
- Snow Yellow: [stuck in the same position, snoring]
- Nutty: [raises pickax] Attack!
- Seven Jellies: [leap at Snow Yellow] Yeah! [hit Snow Yellow awake]
- Snow Yellow: [stretches and yawns, deflecting the pickaxes into the sky, which land on the Seven Jellies] Ooh! [shakes Nutty's arm] How do you-- [gets electrocuted] do? You must be the owners of this lovely little hive.
- Nutty: That's right. My name is--
- Snow Yellow: [interrupts] No, don't tell me. [points to the dining room chairs] I saw your names on your adorable little chairs. Let me guess, [to Nutty] you must be Nutty.
- Nutty: Yee-haw! Ya hit the bullseye there.
- Snow Yellow: [points to Krusty] And you're Krusty.
- Krusty: [eyes roll like a winning casino] Jackpot! [laughs]
- Snow Yellow: [as Puffy inflates, knocking Krusty away] Puffy.
- Puffy: That is correct.
- Snow Yellow: [as Dummy chews on Cooty's beard] Dummy.
- Cooty: [pulls back his beard, making Dummy spin] Gimme that.
- Snow Yellow: Cooty!
- Cooty: You're darn tootin'! [laughs, then coughs his dentures onto Gary]
- Gary: Meow!
- Snow Yellow: And Gary.
- Gary: Meow.
- Drippy: The question is, who are you? And what are you doing in our house?
- Snow Yellow: And you must be [wipes his face to turn it into Drippy's, doing an impression of him] Drippy. [laughs, shakes Drippy's nose] Nice to-- [gets electrocuted] meet ya. I'm Snow Yellow.
- Seven Jellies: [gasp and fly back] Snow Yellow?
- Nutty: The prince?
- Snow Yellow: Yes, and I'm in a dangerous pickle [squashes his body] It all started when--
- Dummy: [holds up a pickle jar] Pickle? [pours the pickles into his mouth]
- Snow Yellow: [stares in silence, then continues] It all started when-- [turns into the Magic Mirror] Mirror! [turns into scissors] Snip, snip! [screams and runs around]
- Hans: [narrating] While the Prince tells his harrowing story to the Jellies, [turns the page to the Huntsman and the Queen in the castle] the Huntsman was feeding lies to the Queen about cutting off the Prince's corners, and she ate it up with his great relish.]
- Huntsman: [fakes using scissors] Snip, snip! [fakes crying, runs around, and cackles]
- Karen: [claps with a heart symbol on her screen, then approaches the Magic Mirror] Magic Mirror on the wall, now who's the squarest one of--?
- Magic Mirror: Save your breath, the Prince is still square.
- Karen: Huh?
- Magic Mirror: [pointing to the Huntsman as he tries to tiptoe away] The Huntsman is lying, if you weren't aware.
- Huntsman: Lying? I have never been so offended in my-- [notices Karen's screen shows a chef with two knives scraping and screams] Uh, who are you gonna believe, me or some lumpy looking glass.
- Karen: I believe you, of course.
- Huntsman: [wipes sweat off his forehead] Phew.
- Karen: I believe you're alligator bait. [pulls a torch lever]
- Huntsman: Hm? [tries to run away and screams, but is brought into the pit by an alligator biting him, which attacks him]
- Karen: [sighs and walks away to her closet] If you want something caught right, [puts on a witch outfit] You have to cut 'em yourself. [cackles like a witch as lightning strikes, then walks away] The Prince will never recognize me in [holds out her dress] this wacky get-up. [her fake nose falls off, which she puts back on] Oop! [chuckles, then turns on a burner under a tube of chum, which squirts chum into her hand] I'll dip this ball [puts a stick in the chum ball] of poison chum [stirs the chum ball into the candy coating] into a candy coating no one can resist. [cackles as green ghost particles appear around the chum ball]
- Hans: [narrating as Karen leaves the castle] So, Queen Karen snuck away to the Seven Jellies' hive, and-- [tries to turn the page but gets slapped away by Karen] Ow!
- Karen: I can turn my own pages, thank you. [turns the page]
- [The Seven Jellies fly out of the hive, and Snow Yellow emerges.]
- Snow Yellow: Thanks so much for letting me crash here a while. I'll grow [holds up a small jelly patty] jelly patties for dinner.
- Seven Jellies: Hooray! [continue flying away]
- Snow Yellow: [goes back inside] Goodbye, see you tonight.
- Gary: [attaches to Snow Yellow] Meow. [electrocutes Snow Yellow, purrs]
- Snow Yellow: I'll miss you too, Gary. [Gary flies outside]
- Gary: [waves] Meow-meow! '[flies away, meowing to the Jellies' tune] ♪ Meow meow meow, meow meow meow. ♪
- Karen: [looks at the camera] Peekaboo!
- Snow Yellow: [screams]
- Karen: Hello, my sickeningly-squared friend. May I use your restroom?
- Snow Yellow: Of course. I'm sure the Jellies wouldn't mind.
- [Hans turns the page to the sound of a toilet flushing as Snow Yellow dances around inside the house.]
- Snow Yellow: [humming, places a leaf on a plate]
- Karen: I see you've made a delicious dinner. Can I interest you in a mouthwatering [holds up the chum ball] chum ball to go with that?
- Snow Yellow: Whoa! Eee! [pushes away the chum ball] Thank you, kind crone, but I don't like chum.
- Karen: But my chum balls are dipped in candy. [fakes eating the chum ball] Ooh. [makes eating sounds, rubs belly] Mmm, chummy. [laughs, holds up the chum ball again] Eh?
- Snow Yellow: Uh, I guess a little nibble wouldn't hurt. [takes a tiny piece out of the chum ball and eats it] Hey! That actually tastes pretty goo-- [turns into a realistic kitchen sponge and falls over]
- Karen: [tosses the chum ball away] Now, you'll be in a dehydrated sleep forever, and I'll be the squarest in the land! [Dummy enters, cackles]
- Dummy: ♪ Buzz buzz buzz, buzz buzz buzz. ♪ [grabs his pickax] Duh, forgot my pickax. [sees Karen] Huh? [shouting] An evil witch?
- Karen: [screams, her head spinning off her head as her disguise comes off]
- Dummy: [points] Duh, wait a minute. [her clown glimmers] Pricey hair band? Removable snoot? Party hat? [points] You're not an evil witch. You're an evil queen! I'm--
- Karen: [covers Dummy's mouth] Keep quiet, you fool. [gets bitten by Dummy, electrocuting her and making her scream, then chases after Dummy] Get back here!
- Dummy: [running out of the house]
- Karen: [breaks out of the hive]
- Dummy: Duh! [blows on his finger, creating an electric firework to send to the other Jellies]
- [The firework goes off as the Jellies are mining. They all get electrocuted with the signal.]
- Jellies: The Queen?
- Nutty: Snow Yellow is in trouble!
- Gary: [points] Meow! [runs away, followed by the other Jellies]
- Cooty: [gets hit and spun around, moving backwards] Whoa, whoa!
- [The Jellies bump into each other in a line.]
- Seven Jellies: Snow Yellow?
- Dummy: [holding Snow Yellow] The Queen dried him out! And I think she ate all our jelly patties! [burps out a half-eaten jelly patty, points away] That Queen went that-a-way!
- Nutty: Let's hogtie that royal pain in the caboose! [all Jellies minus Dummy form a wheel and move ahead, a siren sounding off]
- Dummy: [screams, stumbles, and follows behind]
- Karen: [run away] I have to get away from those jelly brains. [jumps over a bush and stops]
- Krusty, Nutty, and Drippy: [emerge from a bush and growl]
- Puffy, Gary, and Cooty: [emerges from a different bush and growl]
- Karen: [points] See ya in the next fairytale. [a fire button appears on her monitor, which she presses to turn her wheels into a hot rod, then cackles as she runs away from the Jellies with the hot rod attachment]
- Jellies: [yelling while chasing]
- Karen: [speeds into the castle over the drawbridge, which closes, making the guards fly away on crocodiles]
- Jellies: [crash into the drawbridge, then yell before spinning and cutting through the drawbridge]
- Cooty: [screams and bumps into the drawbridge, slowly entering the castle]
- Karen: [running in the castle] Whoa! [grabs onto the Magic Mirror] Magic Mirror on the wall!
- Magic Mirror: [turns on] All right, you're the squarest. [notices the Jellies] Jumpin' jellies!
- Karen: Huh? [turns around]
- Jellies: [growl, then electrify]
- Karen: [yelps, then her monitor turns into an "esc" key] Time to hit my escape key. [presses the key to flip up the Magic Mirror to reveal a secret entrance, where she runs away from the Jellies]
- Jellies: [yelling as they chase Karen]
- Magic Mirror: [closes up and jumps off] Ah! Storytime's over. [grabs a suitcase and hat and runs away]
- Karen: [jumps up several flights of stairs] Why did I put in stairs?
- Jellies: [yelling as they chase Karen]
- Karen: [pants as she reaches the top; lightning strikes, and she bumps backwards onto the railing, yelps as she looks down] Uh...
- [The Jellies get to the top.]
- Nutty: Gotcha!
- Karen: Uh, no! I've got [picks up a piece of the castle] you! Time to mush these jellies into marmalade!
- Jellies: [yelp]
- Nutty: [thinks, then holds up a screwdriver, followed by the others]
- Karen: [cackles, then the Jellies hold screwdrivers up to her face] Screwdrivers? Wha--? What are you doing? [the Jellies begin to unscrew her] No! Not my screws! [tosses away the castle piece]
- Magic Mirror: [jumps into the moat, then re-emerges on the other side with an umbrella] Magic Mirror off the wall, who's the fastest one of all? Me! [laughs before being crushed and shattered by the castle piece] Oh, great. Seven years bad luck. [groans]
- Karen: [still being unscrewed] No! [falls apart] I was the squarest! I was the squarest! [cries as she falls apart as just a screen] Oh, what a world. [sobs as her screen pops out on a spring]
- Hans: Well, then. Cannot turn the page now, can you? [turns the page to just above the Jellies] While still under the Queen's sleeping spell, [the Jellies are seen in front of a sponge dish, where Cooty and Krusty place Snow Yellow] the Seven Jellies placed the Prince in a sponge dish to keep him from getting moldy.
- Jellies: [crying]
- Sea urchins and clam: [crying]
- Drippy: [crying streams from his eyes]
- Puffy and Nutty: [hug as they cry streams from their eyes]
- Cooty: [cries as his eye expands and sends a tear stream]
- Gary: [cries streams from his eyes] Meow!
- Seven Jellies: [crying streams of tears onto Snow Yellow, which revive him]
- Snow Yellow: [alive and naked] I'm ready!
- Seven Jellies: Hooray! [yell and cover their eyes]
- Nutty: Snow Yellow? You're still alive!
- Drippy: And naked. [flinches]
- Snow Yellow: [points] I sure am. You little jellies saved my-- [Krusty puts his hat on his head]
- Krusty: [giving Snow Yellow his clothes while looking away] Uh, put these on, boy-o.
- Snow Yellow: [blushes and takes his clothes, waves as Krusty leaves] Oh. Thanks, Krusty. [spinning around fully clothed in front of the Jellies] You little Jellies saved my sponge!
- Cooty: You're darn tootin'. We took that rotten Queen apart! Bolt by bolt! She won't bother you no more. [laughs]
- Snow Yellow: In that case, you can all crash at my hive. [laughs]
- Seven Jellies: Hooray! [hug Snow Yellow] Aww.
- Snow Yellow: [gets electrocuted as the scene briefly cuts to the sky, then appears burnt] Hooray!
- Seven Jellies: [cheer as Snow Yellow turns into dust]
- Dummy: [shouting at the camera] 1, 2, 3, 4!
- Krusty: [uses Drippy as a guitar]
- Gary: [hits his eyes together]
- Puffy and Cooty: [rhythmically hit mushrooms with a pickax, then Dummy bounces on them]
- [Several of the Jellies hit the mushrooms to the rhythm of the song.]
- Snow Yellow: [dancing with the sea creatures] Whoo! [laughs]
- Magic Mirror: [broken, dancing with a crocodile] Whoo!
- Huntsman: [emerges from the crocodile's mouth] Huzzah!
- Karen: [waving her finger to the rhythm, broken] Whoo! [laughs] Whoo!
- Snow Yellow: [dances as a slug moves to his hand, then he sings like an opera singer, making the slug spit jelly onto him, which he licks up and laughs]
- All: [cheer as they dance to the music]
- Snow Yellow: Aw!
- [The characters are seen dancing on the page in the book.]
- Hans: Yes, indeed, and they all lived happily ever-- [closes the book on his finger, which throbs and turns red] Ow! My finger! [whines, then the camera irises out on his finger]