Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

Preda Tory is a sea spider and a camper who resides in the Trawler cabin with Kidferatu, Jimmy Blobfish, and Roxy. She first appears in the episode "Cabin of Curiosities."


She is a light purple four-legged sea spider that has black hair tied into a ponytail with a red hair tie, a pointed nose, and fangs. She wears a yellow shirt, a red kerchief, and blue pants with a brown belt. She speaks in a French accent, and her eyes glow red when she is agitated.

In the main series, her hair is no longer has a pony tail, and is now bigger as usual, and has eyelashes. She also now wears a ripped pink and purple dress as well.

Role in series[]

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years[]

"Cabin of Curiosities"[]

Preda introduces herself to SpongeBob and Patrick when the latter accidentally get caught in her web, and she then introduces the two to the cabin counselor, Kidferatu. She and the other Trawler cabin campers help the two get the night badges for swamp-ape fishing, nocturnal jelly milking, and playing a game of sardines.

When morning arrives and the sun rises, she and her cabin mates disintegrate into dust, and she is unable to be found when SpongeBob and Patrick check the Trawler cabin, only finding her signature in their camp manual.

"Outhouse Outrage"[]

Preda interrupts Mr. Krabs' trial, telling them that they have one final witness to speak to: the spirit of the outhouse. She summons it and it tells its side of the story, revealing that the four of them all flushed trash down it. When Krabs says that they all have to build the outhouse, Preda refuses to help them with it and leaves.

"Painting with Squidward"[]

Preda's entry in the art contest is her macraméing Pearl to a spider web, to Mr. Krabs' horror.

"Scaredy Squirrel"[]

Preda and the other Trawlers befriend SpongeBob and Patrick, but Sandy is nervous about them. When she visits the Trawler cabin, she screams and reflexively sprays bug spray at Preda's sudden appearance, leading Preda to use it as deodorant. Preda introduces her to Kidferatu, and Sandy later runs into her room while looking for SpongeBob and Patrick. Preda has webbed up her laundry, and Elwood, who eventually metamorphoses into a butterfly.

Preda invites Sandy for dinner, making her nervous. She reveals SpongeBob and Patrick on a dinner tray, but they turn out to still be alive and had a part in planning the dinner. Sandy laughs it off and says that the Trawlers would never actually eat them, to which Preda denies and laughs unconvincingly. The next week, the Trawlers all have a sleepover with SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy, only to be scared away by Squidward's ugly sleep-deprived face.

"The Perfect Camper"[]

Preda gives her cabinmates a pep talk and wants to help them win the Kamp Koral Summer Games. She participates in a knitting contest, but ends up accidentally knitting Krabs in a full-body scarf once his leg gets caught in the yarn, making her lose. Kidferatu gives her the idea to steal parts of all the counselors to combine into a golem with all of their strengths. Preda is responsible for getting Bubble Bass's retainer.

After Preda has made the golem, which names itself Clay, they go back to the Summer Games and apply Clay as their representative. He wins the games for them, but hogs the trophy for himself, which does not bother Preda because the spell is temporary. Once it wears off, the Trawlers all walk away with Kidferatu carrying their trophy. When Kidferatu's hat blows off and he dissolves, Preda and the other Trawlers end up getting crushed beneath it.

SpongeBob SquarePants[]

"Kreepaway Kamp"[]

She is seen when she reintroduces herself to SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy. Later, she and the Trawlers decides to be snatched by the mysterious muscular figure (which revealed to be Elwood), just for them to be seen playing the Kamp Koral theme song cover at the Clamphitheater during the end of the episode.


  • Her name is a pun on the word "predatory," due to spiders being predators that prey on other, weaker species.

Sleepy Time 057
"I can turn into a skyscraper!"
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