Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

Operation SpongeBob SquarePants edition is a SpongeBob SquarePants version of the board game Operation. It was released by Milton Bradley and Hasbro in 2007 and remade into a more modern update sometime in 2014.


"Take a deep dive undersea to save the secret formula! SpongeBob is trapped in the Plankton lab, with 12 ailments designed to make him blab! Can you help your Bikini Bottom buddy keep the Krabby Patty recipe a secret? Perform delicate undersea surgery on his Barnacle Brain, Clammy Hands and Patty Pleasure Center without setting off the buzzer. The surgeon with the steadiest hands earns top pay and saves the day!"



The game plays out the same as the original Operation game: The player draws a card and tries removing the stated ailment from its cavity without touching the metal edges and setting off the buzzer; if that happens, then the other player goes next, although if playing solo they move on to another ailment. If the player successfully removes the piece, they are rewarded with play money and get to move on to another piece.

The game ends when all the ailments have been removed; the player who collects the most money wins.

The remake removes the money and cards; and the players take turn removing ailments one by one. If a player is unsuccessful, their turn ends. After all ailments were removed, the player who removed the most ailments wins.


  • Evil Thoughts (a Chum Bucket bucket helmet located in the head)
  • Barnacle Brain (a brain located in the head)
  • Thinking Cap (a cap located in the head)
  • Spark of Brilliance (an electrical spark located in the head)
  • Head Case (a briefcase located in the head)
  • Elbow Grease (a funnel of grease located in the elbows)
  • Patty Pleasure Center (a Krabby Patty located in the mouth)
  • Wrench in the Plan (a wrench located on the right cheek)
  • Clammy Hands (a clam located on the right hand)
  • Heart Burn (a burning heart located on the chest)
  • Truth Serum (a science chemical located on the leg)
  • Shoehorn (a horn located on the right foot)


  • Game board with red lightbulb buzzer and tweezers
  • Doctor's and specialist cards
  • Play money
  • 12 white plastic funanatomy parts


