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"Spon... Spo... Spo...!"
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- The Biggest Genius' Host: Welcome back! Inside The Biggest Genius's sound-proof Diary Closet, Professor Calamitous will reveal to us how he intends to use tonight's 3 theme ingredients.
- Professor Calamitous: Two. Two. Is this thing on? Seen what happens when Fairies eat too many Krabby Patties? They create Magical Gas. Who would've guessed? Just perfect for the creation of my VAST ARMY OF EVIL TOYS! Mwahaha! Powered by Ghost Energy, my evil army will be led by evil toy duplicates of goody two-shoes heroes. My robot minions grab the best hero from every dimension and then scan them to create an evil "master model." Then we send them back home none the wiser. Mwahahaha!--
- The Biggest Genius' Host: Krabby Patties, Fairies and Ghost Energy. How will our contestant's hero duplicates turn out?
- Professor Calamitous: I prefer the term "perfect evil sidekicks.""
- The Biggest Genius' Host: Will these sidekicks be better than the original?
- Professor Calamitous: Yes, of course they will.
- The Biggest Genius' Host: Will the professor shave off his ridiculous mustache?
- Professor Calamitous: Never! No! Not in a million years! You mean... you don't like it?
- The Biggest Genius' Host: Will the most miniscule contestant become tonight's Biggest Genius?
- Professor Calamitous: I am not here to lose, so why not just give me the title now! Ha! There's two of them out of the contest already. Mwahahaha!
- Announcer: It appears that we're experiencing technical difficulties. We'll be right back after the break.
Dialogue 1[]
- SpongeBob: Here's your Krabby Patty take out order, guys. All 3,000,287 of them. Each one of these scrump-dillyicious Krabby Patty have been made lovingly by me.
- Patrick: OOH! And I did the washing up.
- SpongeBob: Are you guys having a party? A few hundred friends coming over to stay for a year or two? (The Toybot is sucking up Krabby Patties from the wagon) Hey! What are you doing?
- Patrick: My best friend SpongeBob cooked each and every one of them with his own hands, wearing his own square pants. If you don't want to eat them, at least you can... (The Toybot sucks Patrick into the tube along with Krabby Patties) Whooooaaaahhhhh!
- SpongeBob: Patrick! Noooo! I've got to get back in there and rescue my best friend. But how, how?
- Robotic voice: Defective work unit 825. Reject. Reject. Reject. (Some Toybot bodies are dropping on SpongeBob) Have a nice day, and don't forget to call again when you are feeling better.
- SpongeBob: I wonder if...?
- Robotic voice: Ah! Work unit 825... Feeling better, are we? Good. Then come on in!
First Game[]
- Patrick: SpongeBob! Help! Wheee!!
- SpongeBob: Hold on, Patrick, I'll save you!
- SpongeBob: Patriiick!
- SpongeBob: Don't worry, Patrick, you're an invertebrate! No bones to break!
- SpongeBob: I'm on my way, pal! Stay calm!
- SpongeBob: There's got to be some way to get you out of there.
- SpongeBob: Marco!
- Patrick: Polo!
- Patrick: Marco!
- SpongeBob: Polo!
- Patrick: SpongeBob! I'm over here!
- Patrick: Oof! Bop! Umph!
- SpongeBob: Hold on, Patrick! I'll save you!
Dialogue 2, First Scene[]
- SpongeBob: Hey, this is just like surfing at Goo Lagoon. OOF! Only there's no soft sand to land on. Patrick? Patrick? Oh, where are you?
- Patrick: (Comes vacuum packed) Mmmph... mmph! Mmmmph! (SpongeBob! Over here!)
- SpongeBob: Patrick! Thank Neptune, I found you.
- Patrick: Was that you?
- SpongeBob: No, that wasn't me! You've been vacuum packed. I'll try to get you outta here.
- Patrick: Ow!
- SpongeBob: Sorry. (Tak jumps in) Hey, little fellow; who are you?
- Tak: I'm Tak of the Pupununu People. You are the good guys, aren't you?
- SpongeBob: Sure, it's the beady red eyes that are a dead giveaway for the evil fellows. I am SpongeBob SquarePants. Nice to meet you.
- Patrick: I am vacuum packed... I mean, I'm Patrick Star. What are you doing here?
- Tak: I've been hiding and trying to figure out a way of escaping these evil toys.
- SpongeBob: But... these toys, they look like you.
- Tak: Yeah, me and some kid named "Timmy Turner." But check out the eyes.
- SpongeBob & Patrick: Red! Jinx!
- Tak: These things come from something called the "EvilToyCo." After the robots captured and scanned me, I escaped and hid here.
- SpongeBob: So, where's the real Timmy Turner?
- Tak: I don't know, but now that you two are here, I think I can use my Juju powers to find him.
- SpongeBob: "Who-who" powers? Do you have a plan?
- Tak: Yep. Follow me. I call upon the Power of Juju to open the door. (he presses a button, and a door opens)
- Patrick: Look! A vast and complex toy factory!
- Tak: This must be where they make the evil toys.
- SpongeBob: Nice work! You've earned yourself a big tick, Tak.
- Patrick: Toe! (Patrick holds up a paper with tic-tac-toe game in front of Tak.)
Dialogue 2, Second Scene[]
- (Later, they are in the toy factory where Timmy Turner is)
- SpongeBob: Look! It's Timmy Turner. (Patrick slams into the chamber)
- Tak: They got you too?
- Timmy: Yeah, the last thing I remember was this really strange dream with UFOs picking me up... but looking around here, that was no dream. More like a reality nightmare.
- SpongeBob: What about your helpful little flying friends? Maybe they could help.
- Timmy: Maybe. (Tak breaks free Cosmo & Wanda who look a little nauseous) Cosmo! Wanda! Are you all right?
- Cosmo: No...
- Wanda: We ate too many processed Krabby Patties!
- Cosmo: And now we feel all... sleepy.
- Timmy: But... but I need some emergency wishes!
- Wanda: I'm sorry, Timmy; between us, we've only got enough magic to make sure no harm comes to you and your friends.
- Cosmo: (points to Patrick, who's crushed by Cosmo & Wanda's chamber they were imprisoned in). Well, permanent harm anyway.
- Timmy: (sigh) That's better than nothing, I guess.
- SpongeBob: There he goes again... (SpongeBob points to Tak)
- Tak: The Power of Juju tells me there are other heroes here...
- SpongeBob: Where?
- Tak: I dunno. Trapped somewhere. Come on.
Dialogue 3[]
- (SpongeBob finds Jimmy Neutron trapped in the chamber)
- SpongeBob: Look! It's Jimmy Neutron.
- Tak: Jimmy "Who-tron"?
- Patrick: Oh, he's a friend of ours. We go way, way back. He's got a big head.
- SpongeBob: How do we get him out? (A speaker appears behind SpongeBob)
- Voice from Speaker: I can help you there. Press the big red button. (Patrick falls on the button)
- Jimmy: (suddenly wakes up) Leaping leptons! What's going on here? (we see Patrick in his Barnacle Boy suit)
- Patrick: Uh... Why... nothing! Nothing at all...
- Voice from Speaker: Find a way to the basement. I will meet you there. I have a proposal for you.
Dialogue 4[]
- (we see Professor Calamitous on screen)
- Professor Calamitous: So you see, it's the energy from the Ghost Zone that will power my evil toys. And that is why I will be named the Biggest Genius! (a big blue robot is seen watching him on TV)
- Chadbot: Not before I name you the worst boss in history! (he throws away his TV remote when the Nicktoons arrive) Ah, hello, intruders. I am Chadbot, Professor Calamitous' hard-working, under-appreciated Helpbot. He makes me work too hard here, and as for that mustache...
- Jimmy: Chadbot, I'm not big on the lip caterpillar either. Do you think you can help us contact our friend, Danny Phantom?
- SpongeBob: Jimmy Neutron, you're a Boy Genius! Danny knows everything about Ghost Energy. With his help, we can stop the Professor and save the toys from becoming evil. What do you think, Mr. Chadbot? Can you help us?
- Chadbot: Help you? Would my dimensional communicator that allows you to talk to your friend, Danny Phantom, help you?
- Jimmy: You bet! What are we waiting for, big guy? (Chadbot grabs Jimmy)
- Chadbot: What we are waiting for, big hair, for more action figures to add to my collection. These are some of the Master Models Mr. Professor "Bad Mustache" created. Each one I perfectly crafted a replica of the heroes he "borrowed." You bring me more from my collection, and I'll let you use the dimensional communicator to talk to your friend. Deal?
- Jimmy: Deal. (Chadbot accidentally almost smashed Jimmy with his arm) Uh, maybe we'll stick with the handshake.
Dialogue 5[]
- Jimmy: Say what?
- Danny: I said I wasn't at home when Professor Calamitous' invading toy army took over my house to use the energy coming from the Ghost Portal. And now it's surrounded by big tin robots that look like Sam and me.
- Jimmy: That what I thought you said. We have to stop Calamitous stealing any more Ghost Energy! You and Sam need to meet me at the Amity Park EvilToyCo outlet pronto!
- Danny: What are you going to do?
- Jimmy: Don't worry, I have a plan. See you there. (Somewhere at Amity Park, Danny and Sam go to EvilToyCo outlet) Let's see how giant toy robot deal with a little competition.
- Timmy: It's Evil Toy butt-kicking time! Now, who wants to go first?
Game 4[]
- Jimmy: Oh, no! Ambush!
- Jimmy: Look out! Another ambush!
- Jimmy: We'll have to destroy the robots before we can get through the barrier!
- Jimmy: (They arrive at City Hall, and they see a large tank with a shield) Maybe our goo launchers can disable that shield!
- Jimmy: Look out! Mines!
- Jimmy: We have to destroy those toy helicopters!
- Jimmy: Oh, no! Here it comes again! RUN!!!
Dialogue 6, First Scene[]
- (The Giant Toy Tank is disabled)
- Danny: Giant Evil Toy Jimmy Head, you are down and out. Cleanup in aisle 7!
- Timmy: Hey, check out the other evil toys.
- Patrick: They're shutting down!
- SpongeBob: I'd call it giving up.
- Tak: We can use the toy store portal to get back into the factory.
- Sam: And shut it all down. Come on, it's time for a little payback.
- Jimmy: A little payback? I'm aiming for a lotta payback! Let's go!
Dialogue 6, Second Scene[]
- Professor Calamitous: I don't know why I ever called you Elite Toys because you're not! You're loser toys! Because of you, I have lost my supply of Ghost Energy. "Sponge Booby" and those other do-gooder heroes are inside my factory. Mr. Huggles!
- Mr. Huggles: Front and center.
- Professor Calamitous: (Sweeps Mr. Huggles off) No. that position is reserved for me. Mr Huggles, I want your teddy shock-troops in action in my factory. Now!
- Chadbot: (Switches off the TV with the Nicktoons watching) I would define your current situation as "not good."
- Patrick: Um, could you be more specific about the "not good" part?
- Chadbot: The Saucer Men toys originate from a zone in this factory.
- Patrick: Yep.
- Chadbot: You must stop Calamitous from using the aforesaid Saucer Men to capture any more heroes.
- Patrick: I'm with you there.
- Chadbot: Stopping the Saucer Men will be even more difficult now.
- Timmy: It's going to be worse than... Being baby-sat by Vicky!
- Patrick: Maybe I shouldn't have asked for specifics. (They left but Jimmy)
- Chadbot: One moment, young man. You haven't forgotten our deal, have you?
- Jimmy: Of course not. What was it again?
- Chadbot: You were helping me add to my collection of action figures.
- Jimmy: Me and my friends, we are so onto it, Chad-Boy.
Dialogue 7[]
- (After the Saucer Men were destroyed....)
- Professor Calamitous: Doesn't anybody listen to Evil Professors anymore?! I said I have to increase evil toy production, but to do that, I NEED MORE FAIRIES!!!
- Bunny Toy: (pops up behind Calamitous) More fairies! (Then disappears)
- Professor Calamitous: Send the Savage SpongeBots to Fairy World to protect the Harvester!
- Bunny Toy: Send the Savage SpongeBots to Fairy World. Aha! That is the sound of Jorgen von Strangle being neutralized. Nothing can stop us now!
- Professor Calamitous: Who are you?
- Bunny Toy: I'm a minion. All evil professors have minions.
- Professor Calamitous: You don't do an evil laugh, do you?
- Bunny Toy: (Biggest evil laugh in the world) Like that you mean?
- Professor Calamitous: I don't want you doing that again. Is that perfectly clear? My SpongeBots engage the Fairy Air Force so the Harvester can lure more unsuspecting fairies into the mobile, all-you-can-eat storefront. Deviousness and evilness prevail! Mwahahaha! (He coughs) Sorry.
Dialogue 8[]
- (They arrive at Fairy World)
- Cosmo: Ooh.... All-you-can-eat for free. (Patrick appears in front of Danny's binoculars and giggles)
- Danny: Gaahhh!
- Wanda: Cosmo! No! You know what Krabby Patties do to you!
- Cosmo: Don't worry. I'm prepared. (He poofs a gas mask on)
- Wanda: You've got to stop the Fairy Harvester before Cosmo gasses up again!
- Jimmy: Hmm... The machine's controls are right up at the front, and these pipes will lead us straight there! Let's follow them.
Dialogue 9, First Scene[]
- Patrick: Geronimo! (He gets stuck but is free by Jimmy behind him and frees Jorgen in the glass cage)
- Jorgen Von Strangle: My thanks, puny heroes. So, the evil Professor thinks he can strangle the power of Jorgen von Strangle with a cage. Ha! I ptooey on his mustache, rip it from his face, and use it as a broom! No one calls Jorgen Von Strangle a mere fairy! I am a Magic Marine! Now I have biceps like small European nations. (With strength, he destroys the Fairy Harvester leaving the Nicktoons in shock)
- Danny: Bet that's not covered by warranty... (A few moments later, Jorgen jumps down)
- Jorgen von Strangle: The evil Harvester is no more! I will take care of the mopping up with a huge mop - you must go and take care of that annoying little Professor, man! Go, tiny hero people!
Dialogue 9, Second Scene[]
- Professor Calamitous: I'd like to thank nobody but myself for this great honor in winning the Biggest Genius...
- Bunny Toy: Err, excuse me. Professor. You haven't won yet.
- Professor Calamitous: I know. I know. I'm practicing my acceptance speech.
- Bunny Toy: But everyone can hear you.
- Professor Calamitous: What do you mean? This is a diary closet, isn't it?
- Bunny Toy: It's being broadcast. They can hear you.
- Professor Calamitous: Why didn't you tell me? That's your job, isn't it?
- Bunny Toy: Actually, my job inscription doesn't clearly state that I am obliged to inform you of--
- Professor Calamitous: I bet it doesn't say anything about this either! (Infuriatingly pops the balloon bunny toy with a needle, returns to speech) Jimmy Neutron, Timmy Turner, SpongeBob SquarePants, Danny Phantom, Tak, Samantha, Patrick.... Have I forgotten anyone? I will be declared the Biggest Genius in your hero do-gooder faces, and there's nothing you can do about it! Mwahahaha.... they're heading towards my lair! Why doesn't anything work out for me? (He cries, then pauses) Um, you didn't see that apparent moment of weakness, did you? (TV turns off)
Dialogue 10[]
- (They arrive at Calamitous' Lair)
- SpongeBob: Look. It's the Professor's Lair!
- Timmy: A lair? How come he doesn't live in a house?
- Jimmy: Rule 26B, subsection 4 of the Evildoers Handbook. The moment you become evil, you gotta move into a lair.
- Tak: Uh-oh. Here come the neighbors.
- Jimmy: Let's give them some mech-suit mayhem!
Final Game[]
- Jimmy: Oh, no! Ambush!
- Jimmy: We have to destroy those generators, or we can't proceed.
- Jimmy: We'll have to find another way through.
- Jimmy: We have to destroy those toy helicopters!
- Jimmy: The only way to destroy that gate is to destroy its generator!
- Jimmy: Head for that transport pad!
Final Dialogue[]
- (They arrive at Calamitous' lair)
- Timmy: He's got to be in there! (But as he heard someone, they realized it's the Biggest Genius studio)
- The Biggest Genius' Host: We are seconds away from calling time... And, TIME!!! (The Biggest Genius show is back on back from the break) And so, it comes to this, as it must, the moment where I have the honor, the privilege, the unmitigated pleasure to announce the winner of The Biggest Genius...
- Professor Calamitous: Listen, shoulder pads. Just get on with it and tell me I'm the winner!
- The Biggest Genius' Host: The judges have made their decision! The winner of the Biggest Genius is... The Chadbot!
- Professor Calamitous: Chadbot?! My employee? But I didn't even know you were a contestant.
- Chadbot: Your irrational desire to abduct the very best characters from every dimension has led to my victory over you and your hairy lip.
- The Biggest Genius' Host: Indeed, it is you, Mr. Chadbot, that has magnificently combined all the theme ingredients: Krabby Patties, Fairies, and Ghost Energy. In true genius, you have gone even further to create the greatest collection of action figures in the world. Only the Biggest Genius could have completed such a challenge!
- Chadbot: And I couldn't have done it without you, my friends. Thank you.
- Professor Calamitous: But, but--
- Chadbot: "Butt" is exactly what you got kicked.
- The Biggest Genius' Host: Care to know what your prize is?
- Chadbot: Prize?
- The Biggest Genius' Host: Not only do you get this fetching and fully-synthetic, washable, drip-dry glow-in-the-dark sash that will make you the envy of all your friends, and combust near an open flame, but you also receive your very own Professor Calamitous ImmobilizationBot. And an electric shaver.
- Professor Calamitous: No. You can't. Not the mustache. It took me years to grow it. (Cried in dismay)
- SpongeBob: Hiya, Patrick!
- Patrick: Hey, SpongeBob. What're you doing?
- SpongeBob: I'd just finished delivering a bunch of Krabby Patties to the new factory when I noticed it was full of giant teddy bears!
- Patrick: Yay! What factory, SpongeBob?
- SpongeBob: The mysterious factory that appeared overnight and started giving out free toys! Let's see if they'll let us visit!
- Patrick: What do you think it's like inside?
- SpongeBob: Oh, it'll be the most magical, wonderful place you've ever seen! Almost as great as the Krusty Krab!
- Patrick: Look! A slippery slide!
- SpongeBob: That's not a slippery slide, Patrick. That's a garbage chute!
- Patrick: Wheeeeeeee!
- SpongeBob: Patrick?
- Patrick: Wheeeeeee!
- SpongeBob: Keep it down, Patrick! We don't want to get caught!
- Patrick: Are you trying to stifle my unbridled enthusiasm?
- SpongeBob: Wow, this place is great! Look at all these toys! How many do you think there are?
- Patrick: Uh... ten?
- SpongeBob: Hooray!
- Patrick: Hooray! (Hears a noise) What's that loud noise?
- SpongeBob: Maybe it's a super-special-secret-ultra-mega toy! Let's find out!
- Patrick: It's mine! I saw it!
- SpongeBob: I don't think it's a toy, Patrick. It looks like a machine. What do you think it's doing?
- Patrick: Making sandwiches?
- SpongeBob: I'm going to find out!
- Patrick: Wait for me, giant walking bears! (Gets grabbed by them) You're not fuzzy! Hey, put me down!
- SpongeBob: Patrick? What's going on?
- Patrick: I don't want to play with you! SpongeBob, help me!
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: Mwahahahahahahahaha! Phase one of my evil plans is almost complete!
- SpongeBob: Evil plan? Hold on, Patrick! I'll save you!
- (Jimmy Neutron appears)
- Jimmy Neutron: Well, that worked. Now to bring the others in...
- (Jimmy brings Timmy, Danny and Tak along.)
- Danny Phantom: Ouch...
- Jimmy Neutron: Oops! Sorry, guys! Even geniuses can't be right all the time!
- (SpongeBob comes along)
- SpongeBob: They've taken Patrick! Oh, hi, everyone! What are you doing here?
- Danny Phantom: It looks like we're too late...
- SpongeBob: But how did you know Patrick was in trouble?
- Timmy Turner: The same things have been happening everywhere! People have been disappearing all over the place!
- Tak: My village is almost empty! This is even worse than the time they were all turned into sheep! Smells a lot better.
- Jimmy Neutron: I calculated that Bikini Bottom would be the best place to stage an investigation, so I teleported us here using something I made during recess.
- Danny Phantom: And now we're ready to kick some evil toy butt!
- SpongeBob: We're coming, buddy!
- Patrick: That was fun! I wanna go again!
- SpongeBob: Yippee! But first, we need to find a way out of here!
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: Fool! You'll never... oh, what's the word...
- Patrick: Raspberry milkshake?
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: Escape! You'll never escape me! Mwahahahahaha!
- Danny Phantom: Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: Because I've hidden the key in the other part of the factory! You will never guess its close guarded location! ... Did you just hear that?
- SpongeBob: Every word, mister metal box, sir!
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: ...
- Danny Phantom: All right! Let's go get that key!
- Jimmy Neutron: I knew it! This is the work of Professor Calamitous! To be honest, I'm surprised he actually goes this far.
- SpongeBob: It's hideous! Why would he make such a horrible monster?
- Timmy Turner: Uh.. Isn't that supposed to be you, SpongeBob?
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: Now I will use your own robotic clone to defeat you, and then I use it to take over the world! Mwahahahaha!
- SpongeBob: Not on my watch. This'll be just like 2 for 1 Tuesdays at the Krusty Krab! Wheeeeee!
- (The gang got the first key, and Patrick came)
- Patrick: Oh no! SpongeBob, noooooo!
- SpongeBob: I'm right here, Patrick.
- Patrick: Hooray! You're no dead!
- SpongeBob: And we got the key!
- Tak: That's great, but I don't think this is the last giant metal monster we're going to have to defeat. Come on! The other worlds need us!
- (The group go to Amity Park)
- Danny Phanton: Oh no! Everyone's missing!
- Tak: Maybe they're all just sleeping.
- Danny Phantom: That's a fair call, but somehow I'm going to go with kidnapped.
- Jimmy Neutron: Don't worry, Danny! We'll rescue them and get your life back to normal in no time.
- Danny Phantom: What part of "half ghost" goes with "normal"?
- ????: Help me!
- Danny Phantom: Now weird - weird is good. I can handle weird. Come on guys, someone needs our help!
- Jenny Wakeman: The school year hasn't even started yet, but I bet everyone's going to know about this by Friday! What am I going to tell my mom?
- Danny Phantom: Jenny! Are you all right?
- Jenny Wakeman: Danny! Thanks for saving me. I'm fine, but I think I've got a malfunction - my legs won't move! You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up!
- Timmy Turner: Another giant mech! Where does he keep these things?
- Tak: And this time it looks like Danny, down to the smallest detail!
- Danny Phantom: Oh, come on! No way are my big ears that big! That's it, Calamitous! If I can handle middle school, I can definitely handle you!
- (The group got the key and Jenny comes)
- Jenny Wakeman: Wow, that was some fight! Hey, that robot looks just like you!
- Jimmy Neutron: And you like... wait, you ARE a robot! Fascinating! We could certainly use your cybernetic strength to help us with the rest of these clockwork calamities.
- Danny Phantom: Yeah, and you can help us defeat the other robots, too!
- Jenny Wakeman: This'll make an awesome mid-term! "I spent my summer vacation fighting giant robots!" I'm totally in!
- Jimmy Neutron: Great! Let's get going, before reinforcements arrive!
- (The gang go to Pupununu)
- Tak: Oh no! Even Jibolba has disappeared!
- Patrick: Maybe he's stuck in a tree. Here Jibolba, where are you, boy...
- Danny Phantom: That's awful! Don't worry, we'll get him back!
- Tak: And they took Lok! Poor Professor Calamitous!
- Danny Phantom: That's terrible! ... Wait, what?
- Tak: We've got to rescue everyone before Calamitous makes a giant mechanical Lok! Not even my world could survive such evil Juju! Come on!
- El Tigre: If my grandpappi were here to see this, he'd be applied! Such shaddy villainy!
- Tak: I'm guessing from your tiger mask that you're the one they call El Tigre! Good to meet you!
- El Tigre: And you must be Tak! Likewise! I heard the sounds of a giant robot ahead - O hope it's more imaginative than the rest of his lair! I'll catch up, after I take some notes for this loco professor!
- SpongeBob: You make such a cute horrifying robotic monster, Tak!
- Tak: Now isn't the time! We need to defeat this impostor and recover my Juju!
- Timmy Turner: And we've got just the thing- a super-size serving of flame-grilled justice!
- Tak: Bring it, giant mechanical replication!
- El Tigre: You've defeated the giant Tak look-alike! I would be proud to join your cause!
- Tak: ...
- El Tigre: Nothing personnel, Tak.
- Timmy Turner: Great! I think we're going to need all the help we can get!
- Tak: You're right! Let's keep going, before the Professor's Juju grows stronger!
- (The gang are at Fairy World)
- Timmy Turner: Uh Oh, this doesn't look right...
- Danny Phantom: Whoa! So there really IS a Fairy World!
- Timmy Turner: Sure. I came here all the time. Mainly to fix things.
- SpongeBob: Well it looks like they're in quite a "fix" now! Bwahahahahaa!
- Timmy Turner: Let's find the key and get out of here! The puns will only get worse the longer we stick around!
- Mr. Blik: Thanks a lot. You've done me a big favor. Anytime you're in the neighborhood, drop by - I've got a bathtub full of root beet you can look at it.
- Timmy Turner: Thanks, Mr. Blik, but we're on a mission to save our worlds from the evil Professor Calamitous!
- Mr. Blik: Yeah, good luck with that. You go on ahead, I'll, uh... catch up. Later. Much later.
- Tak: I don't think you'd ever be that bad, Timmy...
- Jimmy Neutron: But, he's bad enough to get good deeds done!
- Timmy Turner: Oh no! The puns are back! Quick, let's get the key and get out of here before they get even worse!
- Mr. Blik: Hey this isn't the snooker room! That evil robotic bear lied to me! Why I oughtta...
- SpongeBob: Mr. Blik! You made it! We were worried about you!
- Mr. Blik: Uh yeah, it's great to see you guys again, too. Boy am I glad I found you. I wasn't planning to run away at all.
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: Fools! Little do you realize that was but one of many of my... um...
- SpongeBob: Bunions?
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: Robotic creations, yes! You'll never be able to defeat them all! Mwahahahahaha! And you'll never figure out that the keys you're collecting will lead you to my secret lair! ... I didn't again, didn't I?
- Mr. Blik: You ain't very good at this, are ya? ... What a dunce.
- Timmy Turner: Does this mean you'll come with us to defeat the other evil robots Professor Calamitous created?
- Mr. Blik: Sure, I guess so. Provided you guys can drop me back at my mansion afterward, I'm in.
- (The heroes go to Retroville)
- Jimmy Neutron: Oh no! My parents! My friends! My HOMEWORK!
- Tak: Don't worry, Jimmy. We'll cover your loved ones soon.
- SpongeBob: We're heroes, remember? Everything will work out in the end! Or not!
- Jimmy Neutron: Mmm! You know, I think I saw a re-run of the final battle while I was working on my time machine. Let's go!
- (Zim is now saved and the gang come)
- Zim: I needed no saving! I was perfectly safe! Whatever they told you, they were lies! LIES!
- Jimmy Neutron: Well, now that we're done not saving you, would you like to help us defeat Professor Calamitous and his rampaging robots?
- Zim: Yes. Yes I would. But first I must inform the almighty Tallest of my imminent single-handed victory! Mine! No one else's! Mwahahahahaha!
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: Mwahahahahahahaha!
- Zim: Imposter! Continue without me, human stinkbeasts! I must deal with this presumptuous metal box!
- (The gang went and Zim just stand there and watched them go.)
- Danny Phantom: I've heard of obsession, but this is going too far!
- Timmy Turner: What does he use these giant robots for, anyway?
- Jimmy Neutron: He's trying to keep us from uncovering his nefarious plot! It's time to discombobulate him with extreme action!
- Danny Phantom: And that means...?
- Jimmy Neutron: Time to kick some robotic butt.
- (The group got the key and Zim cames)
- Zim: Your giant clone does you no justice, Timmy! Truly you are a human worm baby worthy of companionship. The companionship of the mighty and powerful ZIM!
- Patrick: Hey, you're green! You're just like Squidward!
- Zim: Who is this Squidward of which you speak? Tell me!
- Jimmy Neutron: We need to keep going if we're going to stop Professor Calamitous in time! Come on!
- (SpongeBob, Timmy, Jimmy, Danny, Tak and Zim are shown going to the Factory then the keys that the heroes got are joined together making that door unlocked.)
- Zim: This pathetic human structure seems to have warped space and time must get my hands on its technology! Give it to me!
- Jimmy Neutron: Professor Calamitous must be using the portal to the Ghost Zone to amass an evil toy army!
- Danny Phantom: Oh man! You leave home for a couple of minutes and an evil genius sets up shop in your basement!
- Zim: You mean this "Professor" is trying to take over the Earth? Earth is mine! As are all its filthy human unhabitants! Professor Calamitous! Prepare for complete destruction!
- Timmy Turner: More teddy bears!
- SpongeBob: It's okay, Timmy! We'll beat them in no time!
- Mr. Blik: I just hope there ain't more of those giant copies of you guys. Those things give me the creeps.
- Jenny Wakeman: Another floor? How big is this extra-dimensional factory, anyway?
- El Tigre: Don't worry! The remaining enemies will be no match for the claws of El Tigre!
- Tak: There's some heavy Juju up ahead! Come on! We're almost there!
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: Curses! You've found my secret lair! Little do you realize your defeat is...
- Danny Phantom: Not going to happen?
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: Um, no...
- Jimmy Neutron: Questionable?
- Patrick: Tasty?
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: Inevitable! I will triumph! Mwahahahaha!
- El Tigre: Please. Where did you go to villain school? Your lines are so unoriginal.
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: I'm a professor! I went to college!
- SpongeBob: Bahahahaha! How did a metal box go to college?
- Timmy Turner: In any case, it's time you went back where you belong!
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: Illinois?
- Tak: No, somewhere slightly more scary - prison!
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: You'll never defeat my ultimate mech battle suit! I will be crowned the Biggest Genius! Mwahahahahahaha!
- Timmy Turner: Wow, I thought we were done for!
- Jimmy Neutron: Surrender, Calamitous! Your plot is at its end!
- Zim: But why isn't there a giant robot made of ME?
- Mr. Blik: It's all about installing fear, and you ain't exactly intimdatin'.
- Zim: I am INVADER ZIM of the Irken Empire!
- Mr. Blik: You'er tiny.
- Timmy Turner: Uh... guys?
- The robot version of Professor Finbarr Calmitous beings to repair it self.)
- Zim: But the robotic minion did claim to be some kind of "biggest" genius... Could it be? Earth! Your secrets are mine!
- Timmy Turner: Guys!
- Mr. Blik: What?
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: You underestimate me! I AM the Biggest Genius! Feel the power of my awesome super-mech!
- Jimmy Neutron: Professor, did you forget to install a bathroom in your giant mech again?
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: No no no no no! Why did you have to beat me on national television? What will my former classmates think? Or my daughter? Ohhhh...
- Danny Phantom: Television?
- Host: And that's it for this week's episode of The Biggest Genius, folks! Tune in next week for more tantrums, tears and tribulations as Vlad Plasmius and Denzel Crocker go head-to-head to determine who will win a luxurious Shrink Ray/Home Gardening kit!
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: That Shrink Ray was mine! MINE! And you had to ruin it all!
- Timmy Turner: You did this all for a TV SHOW?
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: Not just any TV show! THE TV show! The TV show that would have earned me unspeakable infamy!
- Jimmy Neutron: You can still be infamous, Professor! Just create a reality show based on your prison experiences for the next 15 to 20 years!
- Host: What's this? We've got a late entry! For thwarting the Professor's plan and using his own evil creations against him, I award The Biggest Genius prize to... Jimmy Neutron!
- Professor Finbarr Calamitous: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
- Timmy Turner: Now all that's left is to put everything back to normal!
- SpongeBob: Hooray! Come on Patrick, let's go home!
- (A button appears)
- Patrick: Look! A shiny button!
- (Patrick presses the button)
- Voice: The secret evil lair will self-destruct in 10 seconds...
- Danny Phantom: That doesn't sound good...
- Jimmy Neutron: My teleporter should be recharged by now... Just give me a moment...
- Timmy Turner: Now would be good!
- Voice: 5 seconds...
- Tak: Use your Juju, Jimmy!
- Voice: 3 seconds...
- SpongeBob: Wheeeeeee!
- Voice: 1 second...
- Jimmy Neutron: And... NOW!
- (Professor Finbarr Calamitous is inside of jail with a fishbowl, Inside the fishbowl is Plankton.)
- Plankton: So, what'd they get you for? Jaywalking?