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This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Mr. Krabs Takes a Vacation" from season 8, which aired on November 9, 2011.
- Mr. Krabs: Who's ready for some excitement?
- SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy, and Pearl: We are! [Squidward is sitting idly by]
- Mr. Krabs: Who is ready for some fun?
- SpongeBob and Patrick: We are!
- Mr. Krabs: Who's ready to look at some vacation pictures?
- Patrick and Sandy: We... huh?
- Mr. Krabs: [turns off lights and turns on a slideshow and turns it to a picture of a dollar] I'm sure you know this charming fellow! [changes slide to him catching money] Here's the one that almost got away! [changes slide to a pile of money] Look at these pile towers of golden green! [changes slide to the Krusty Krab] Here's how the whole thing started! [cuts to flashback]
- Squidward: That will be $6.75, please. [takes money from the customer]
- Mr. Krabs: [on a loud speaker] Attention! Attention, all employees of the Krusty Krab! Report immediately to the main office!
- Squidward: [walks off]
- Frankie Billy: Hey! What about my change?
- SpongeBob: [appears from the door to Mr. Krabs' office] You called Mr. Krabs?
- Mr. Krabs: That's right. You better have a seat laddy. Gentlemen! I have an announcement to make. As of tomorrow, I'm closing the Krusty Krab.
- Squidward: Hallelujah! [charges out the door]
- SpongeBob: [in shock gasping]
- Mr. Krabs: Relax, boy! I'm just going on vacation for a few days. [moves next to SpongeBob who is still in shock] Yesiree, laddy! I think the old Krusty Krab can afford a few days in dried up while I take little Pearl to a long, overdue vacation. And I was kinda hoping, that you come along with us, SpongeBob. [echo many times] Come along with us, SpongeBob. Come along with us...For a nominal fee of course. So, what do think, boy?
- SpongeBob: [smiles brightly]
- Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob? [starts shaking SpongeBob] SpongeBob!?
- SpongeBob: [his eyes who are now like Magic 8 Balls show "Yes" and "Please"] Yes! Please!
- Mr. Krabs: Great! We'll have some fun! [laughs and SpongeBob falls over]
- [Bubble transition to Mr. Krabs' house.]
- Mr. Krabs: Pearl, my dear! Are you all packed and ready to go?
- Pearl: You bet your bottom dollar!
- Mr. Krabs: Me bottom dollar? Why I never do that!
- Pearl: It's just an expression daddy. I just mean I'm really excited! [walks outside with Mr. Krabs and spots SpongeBob] Gasp!
- SpongeBob: La la la la la la la la la!
- Pearl: Daddy! One of your employees is in the back seat!
- SpongeBob: [singing] 🎵Going on vacation with Mr. Krabs! Going on vacation with his daughter Pearl! Going on vacation with the whole Krabs clan! La la la la la la!🎵 I'm a vaaacation man! [stops singing and spots Mr. Krabs and Pearl] Hey travel buddies!
- Pearl: Daddy! I thought this was supposed to be OUR family vacation!?
- Mr. Krabs: Eh... It still is! SpongeBob's... like a son to me! Plus he'll pay a top dollar to tag along.
- SpongeBob: [notices Pearl walk closer to Mr. Krabs' boat] Hi Pearl! Looks like you and I get to spend some quality time together!
- Pearl: You know, SpongeBob. We got an old family tradition of having our guests ride on the floor with the luggage until we leave town! [throws her suitcase at SpongeBob knocking him to the floor]
- SpongeBob: [raises his arm up which is bent] I will happily honor this family tradition.
- Mr. Krabs: See? You two are already having fun together! [laughs and drives off past SpongeBob, Squidward, and Patrick's houses]
- Squidward: [laying on a chair] And there they go! Two whole days of no work and no SpongeBob! This is almost too good to be true! Nothing can possibly go wrong!
- Patrick: [appears behind Squidward] Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
- SpongeBob: Ow!
- Mr. Krabs: Did you hear something?
- Pearl: Just the sound of this vacation dying!
- Mr. Krabs: Oh, cheer up pumpkin puss! We're almost there!
- SpongeBob: [raises arm] Um, is time to come up yet?
- Pearl: Sure, why not? Join the funeral. Super Mega Mall World? Is that where we going?
- Mr. Krabs: Noooo! No. The place we are going is much better! [drives past Super Mega Mall World]
- SpongeBob: Um, Mr. Krabs? Think we could make a bathroom stop?
- Mr. Krabs: But we are making such great time! Try to hold it a little longer lad!
- Pearl: Holly molly! We're going to Planet Rollercoaster! [Mr. Krabs drives past it] But, daddy? W-why aren't we stopping?
- Mr. Krabs: [laughs] The place we are going is 100 times better than that old amusement park!
- SpongeBob: Is it Bathroom Land? 'Cause I could really use a bathroom right now!
- Mr. Krabs: [laughs] Bathroom Land! Oh, SpongeBob! You kill me!
- Pearl: Yeah! He's a real chuckle factory. [laughs sarcastically]
- Mr. Krabs: [continues driving] Ok, kids! We're just about there! Just over that hill, is the greatest sight in the sea! Now close your eyes for a big surprise!
- Pearl: [closes eyes and crosses fingers] Teenage Boy Museum! Teenage Boy Museum!
- SpongeBob: [closes eyes and crosses legs] Bathroom! Bathroom!
- Mr. Krabs: [stops driving] Ok! We're here! You can open your eyes now!
- Pearl: [she and SpongeBob open their eyes] Yay! The Teenage Boy Museum! [a wrecking ball suddenly knocks down the Teenage Boy Museum] It was right there!
- Mr. Krabs: Oh... that's okay, honey. We weren't going there anyway. That's where we're going!
- Pearl: Gasp!
- Mr. Krabs: It's the Bikini Bottom Mint! Where they make all of the money! Have you ever seen anything so beautiful in all of your life?
- Pearl: There is no way I'm going in there! I'd rather sit through the rubble of the Teenage Boy Museum! [searches through the rubble]
- Mr. Krabs: Well, laddy! Looks like it's just you and me! And of course, the Mint! [hearts in eyes fly off]
- [Bubble transition to inside the Bikini Bottom Mint.]
- Mr. Krabs: Is this the most exciting day in you life?
- SpongeBob: Not really.
- Bill: Thank you all for coming to the Bikini Bottom Mint. My name is Bill. [points to his name tag]
- SpongeBob: Bill? [laughs]
- Bill: And yes... I am aware of the hilarious irony between my name and my job. Now, I'll be your tour guide for today. This tour will take you through the entire money process.
- Mr. Krabs: You hear that, boy? [eyes in SpongeBob's face] The entire money making... process!
- SpongeBob: Yeah, I... [takes Mr. Krabs' eyes off his face] ...sure did sir!
- Bill: [leading the crowd] This just to your right is the first part of the dollar making process. [shows the crowd people behind the glass window operating a pressing machine] Where very special sheets of paper are prepped for...
- Mr. Krabs: Guah guah guah guah guah! [starts licking the glass window]
- SpongeBob: Uh, Mr. Krabs? Everyone is staring at us. [shakes Mr. Krabs] Sir, get a hold of yourself! It's just paper!
- Mr. Krabs: Just paper? That's like saying the ocean is just water! Or, or the Krabby Patty's just a... a... a sandwich!
- Bill: Ahem...
- Mr. Krabs: Oh! [dusts off SpongeBob] Uh... uh...
- Bill: [walks the crowd to a new area] And in this area here to my left, we see the process in which the sheets of silver are pressed into... [the machine then pounds the silver sheet into coins] ...shiny blank coins which are collected in back of one million pieces for the coining press.
- Mr. Krabs: Wuh wuh wuh... o-o-one million [his eyes start to inflate] shiny pieces of... s-s-s-s-silver coins? [his eyes explode with the pieces flying]
- Bill: They call... [gets hit in the face by pieces of Mr. Krabs' eyes and the rest hit the other tourists]
- SpongeBob: Uh oh! I thought this might happen! [takes out a box that says "Replacement Eyes" and screws the eyes into Mr. Krabs and turns him on]
- Mr. Krabs: Thanks, SpongeBob!
- SpongeBob: Anytime sir! Oh! The tour's leaving without us! [points to Bill and the others moving forward]
- Bill: [talking with the tourists]
- SpongeBob: We better catch up with them before we miss something, right Mr. Krabs? [notices Mr. Krabs is gone and looks over] Gasp! [sees Mr. Krabs on the conveyor belt getting ready to be crushed by the machine] [yelling] Mr. Krabs!
- Mr. Krabs: He he he he!
- SpongeBob: [pushes Mr. Krabs out of the way but gets crushed instead turning into many coins] I'm not sure how I feel about this sudden change! [laughs] Good one, huh, Mr. Krabs? AHHH! [reforms back together] Watch out, Mr. Krabs!
- Mr. Krabs: [holding a coin and moving down the conveyor belt] Hello! My name is Eugene! What's yours? [a machine with a needle makes the face on one coin and moves up towards it] Do you believe in love at first sight?
- SpongeBob: [swings by and saves Mr. Krabs] Phew... that was close.
- Mr. Krabs: I'd say! I almost had that quarter's phone number!
- Bill: Now, this machine here is where we destroy old money by remains of shredding.
- Mr. Krabs: Pretty neat, huh, boy? That's where they... [claw pops and his whole arm deflates and yells] ...Destroy money!? No! [charges to the shredder looking at the shredded money, screaming] No! Why? Why? [starts crying a fountain]
- SpongeBob: [puts buckets on both sides of Mr. Krabs] It's okay, sir. I'm sure I...
- Mr. Krabs: [his arms and nose pop off as he continues to cry from all ends, starting to flood the Mint]
- SpongeBob: Wah oh! [his feet turn into propellers and he swims toward Mr. Krabs turning a knob on him which stops him from crying then sucks up all of the tears and tries to spit them out the window but goes through the wall instead]
- Pearl: [moves the broken bricks out to see a picture and she gasps] Ah! An autograph- [but the water broke the picture's face by SpongeBob spitting all of the tears] No! [cries]
- SpongeBob: [finishes spitting]
- Mr. Krabs: [rocking on the ground speaking gibberish]
- SpongeBob: Mr. Krabs! It's okay! [picks up Mr. Krabs] The shredded money is recycled and turned into brand, new money! See? [shows Mr. Krabs the new dollars being made]
- Mr. Krabs: It's a miracle!
- SpongeBob: Yay!
- Bill: [growls angrily] That is it! I have had enough of your nonsense! Guards! Show these two good for nothing dawdlers out right now...! Oh, my. [sees the guards tied up and robbers stealing all the money. Bill is afraid and his hair is deflated as he hides behind his tourists] Angry thieving criminals aren't part of this tour. Uh, take whatever you want!
- Skinny Robber: Take care of them!
- Muscular Robber: No problem, boss! [growls and moves toward the crowd]
- Mr. Krabs: [jumps in] Oh no, you don't! You filthy dollar wrestler! [throws SpongeBob at the Muscular Robber, which has no effect]
- SpongeBob: That didn't work at all! [falls to the ground]
- Muscular Robber: Grrrr!
- Mr. Krabs: Grrrr! [yelling] [charges at the Muscular Robber and knocks him into the Skinny Robber. Uses SpongeBob as a lasso to tie them up, then tosses them through the ceiling and into a police car. Both police officers calmly look at the robbers who were sent into their police car to jail]
- Male Police Officer: That was easy.
- Female Police Officer: Yeah, it sure was.
- Mr. Krabs: Good work, boy!
- SpongeBob: You too, sir!
- Bill: [the crowd starts clapping] Clearly, I misjudged you. You are both brave citizens. And for that, on behalf of The Mint, I would like to present you both brand new extremely fine limited edition, limited-run dollar bills with your faces on them.
- SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs: Ooooooh!
- Bill: [gives them their dollars]
- SpongeBob: Wow! It's-
- Mr. Krabs: [takes it] Mine! I haven't charge you yet for tagging along on me vacation!
- Pearl: [takes dollars from Mr. Krabs] And I haven't charged you yet for taking me on this terrible vacation! Here's the two dollars I was short on those shoes. I must've maxed out daddy's credit card. [gives dollars to clerk, and takes shoes] Yay, shoes!
- Mr. Krabs: [starts to cry] Shoes?!
- SpongeBob: Oh, no... [puts on rain clothes, already knowing what’s about to happen]
- Mr. Krabs: [bursts out bawling harder as all of his limbs come off]
- [The episode ends with the Bikini Bottom Mint spraying out of Mr. Krabs' tears.]