Encyclopedia SpongeBobia


Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
If you were looking for the article about the episode, then see "Missing Identity."

Mistaken Identity is a SpongeBob SquarePants Cine-Manga book that contains four episodes that were transcribed into manga form. It was published by Tokyopop on May 29, 2007. There are 96 pages in total.


SpongeBob and his friends experience chaos when many of Bikini Bottom's finest become victims of mistaken identities.


"Suddenly, some of Bikini Bottom's finest citizens are victims of mistaken identities, and utter chaos ensues. First off, people believe that Gary has a mad snail disease. Then, Patrick is convinced a paid assassin is trying to run him out of town. Later, after poor Squidward has a run-in with a cement truck, nobody recognizes him. The whole experience turns into a royal pain in the butt when Patrick finds out he's a king, and expects to be treated like one from each and every person he encounters."




  • This was the last Cine-manga SpongeBob book ever made.
  • All of the episodes featured in this book are from season 4.
  • This is the only Cine-manga book to feature season 4 episodes, or any episodes made after The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie for that matter.
  • In "Once Bitten," Mr. Krabs' line "But they only want to dine on some delicious Krabby Patties" was cut for unknown reasons. Also, after SpongeBob squeezes through the door and Mr. Krabs says, "SpongeBob, it's you," the comic cuts straight to Patrick implying that SpongeBob is a zombie, rather than SpongeBob saying "That's right, Mr. Krabs. Now let me in!" with Mr. Krabs replying sarcastically with "Yeah, that's SpongeBob, alright."
  • In "That's No Lady," Patrick's line "I've got to get back to krustying the Krab" is changed to "I've got to get back to the Krusty Krab."
  • In "That's No Lady," the scene in which SpongeBob puts seaweed on Patrick's head while the latter is saying goodbye to the sky is, for unknown reasons, removed.
  • In "The Thing," while Squidward says "Hi" at the end, he does not in the comic.

Episode references[]


  • In "That's No Lady," at the part where SpongeBob says "The Assassin," the word bubble was pointing to Patrick's mouth.

    Misplaced speech bubble

  • The word bubble is pointing to Mr. Krabs' mouth when Patrick says "I've got to get back to the Krusty Krab."
  • In "That's No Lady," the first time the pamphlet is seen, it says "Beautiful Seashores Resort," but at the end, it says "Sunny Shores Resort."
  • The writers are listed different than the actual episodes.

External links[]
