Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Magic Mirror off my wall, who's the fastest one of all? Me!
— Magic Mirror

Magic Mirror is a character who appears in the episode "Snow Yellow."


He is a magical mirror with a deep green frame and two antennae on top, along with a pale green reflective surface that has a face like Plankton's.

When coming off the wall, he forms limbs and puts on a brown hat.

Role in episode[]

In the story Snow Yellow and the Seven Jellies, Queen Karen asks the Magic Mirror who is the squarest of them all, to which the mirror replies that it is Snow Yellow. Karen gets angry when the mirror says she doesn't know anything without him and pulls out his plug from the wall.

After believing the Huntsman has taken care of Snow Yellow and that she is now the squarest, the Magic Mirror reveals that the Huntsman lied to her and Snow Yellow is still the squarest.

When Karen flees from the Seven Jellies back to her castle, she hides in a passage behind the Magic Mirror. The mirror then detaches itself from the wall, grows limbs, and runs out of the castle. Karen tries to hit the Jellies with a piece of the castle wall she broke off, but it ends up landing on the fleeing mirror, shattering it. At the end of the story, the shattered Magic Mirror is seen dancing to Snow Yellow and the Seven Jellies' song.


  • Unlike his original counterpart, the Magic Mirror is the secondary antagonist.
  • He is a reference to Magic Mirror in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.