Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia




File:Life of Crime 55.png

"Hi, there!"

The episode starts at the Krusty Krab, where SpongeBob and Patrick see Mr. Krabs watching a classic black and white crime movie. Mr. Krabs starts to speak out against thieves and stealing, but then SpongeBob and Patrick remind him of all the things he has stolen: a barrel from Salty Sea Farms, a towel from the Sizzling Spring Sauna, a Bikini Bell phone, Sandy's hedge clippers, Plankton's lawn mower, and Mrs. Puff's hair curlers (claiming that the curlers were a gift.) Mr. Krabs makes the excuse that he "borrowed" all those things, telling them that it is okay to borrow something as long as you give it back before it is missed.

Later that day, SpongeBob and Patrick spot a balloon stand. Since they do not have any money, they decide to follow Mr. Krabs' advice and "borrow" a balloon. They sneak away with it, and as they talk about all the fun things they plan to do with it, it suddenly pops. Realizing that they can no longer return the balloon, they concede that they have, in essence, stolen it. However, it turns out they didn't really steal it, as Lou, who is running the balloon stand the two took the balloon from, called out to them that its "National Free Balloon Day" when they accidentally bumped into his stand, but they were out of earshot when he called to them. Fearful of the severity of their crime and believing themselves to now be wanted criminals, they decide to leave Bikini Bottom, unaware that they never committed such crime.

That night, they camp in the middle of nowhere and lament that they will never see any of their friends or do any of the fun things they used to do again, causing Patrick and SpongeBob to be sad and miss their old lives. However, they then begin to look at the positives, such as not having to live by society's standards and not having to return anything they borrow, and so convince themselves that being criminals can be fun. Patrick sadly remarks that they still don't have anything to eat until SpongeBob reveals that he has two chocolate bars, which he hopes they can survive on for the rest of their lives. However, Patrick eats his in two quick bites, and upon trying to take a third bite of it, discovers that it is gone.

File:027b - Life of Crime (557).jpg

When he sees SpongeBob's candy bar, Patrick accuses him of stealing it, and although SpongeBob tries to remind Patrick that he already ate his, he refuses to believe him. SpongeBob offers half of his chocolate to him, but Patrick says he doesn't want it unless SpongeBob admits that he took it. Having enough of Patrick's behavior, SpongeBob eats the whole thing himself. Fed up, Patrick decides to tell on SpongeBob to the police. SpongeBob aims to tell on Patrick first and the race to the police station is on.

Once there, they both confess their original crime together, and the officers confer with each other before locking them up. However, the two are immediately released, being informed that they stole the balloon on National Free Balloon Day, much to the officers' amusement. SpongeBob and Patrick vow that they will never borrow anything without permission again and the officers give them lollipops for the trip back home. Once again, Patrick eats his immediately and accuses SpongeBob and the officers of stealing it. They all laugh together until Patrick says he means it, with a shot of Bikini Atoll being seen.



 ) Production music
 ) Original music
 ) SpongeBob music

  Slick in the City - Kenny Graham [title card]

  Villains and Vampires - Sam Fonteyn [Crustacean Crime Theater]
  Dirty Work at the Crossroads - Sam Fonteyn [Crustacean Crime Theater]
  The Rake Hornpipe - Robert Alexander White [Mr. Krabs watching TV]
  Gator - Steve Belfer [SpongeBob, Patrick in the park]
  Unknown Track 74 - Patrick sees balloons
  Dance of the Lights - Buddy Baker [riding a rainbow]
  Harp Ding - Nicolas Carr ["Yeah, like Mr. Krabs!"]
  Sunny Samoa - Jan Rap [saying all the things they are going do with the balloon]
  Dramatic Cue (a) - Ronald Hanmer [they scream]
  Flight in Panic 1 - Gregor F. Narholz [putting the balloon back together]
  Life or Death - Jack Beaver ["We can't return it!"]
  Hit and Run - Ralph Dollimore [SpongeBob and Patrick running away]
  Hawaiian Farewell - George Elliott ["Take a last look, Patrick."]
  Lonely Violin - Dick Stephen Walter [SpongeBob lists all the things they will not see anymore]
  On the Beach - Kapono Beamer [upside of being a fugitive/"But at least we don't have to shave."]
  Hawaiian Link (b) - Richard Myhill [SpongeBob and Patrick hug]
  Harp Ding - Nicolas Carr [shot of candy bars]
  Seaweed - Steve Belfer [Patrick accuses SpongeBob of stealing his candy bar]
  House of Horror - W. Merrick Farran [SpongeBob teases Patrick with the candy bar)]
  Catwalk - Kenny Graham ["Or did your criminal mind hypnotize me to steal it?"]
  The Hurry Up - Kenny Graham ["Not if I tell on you first!"]
  Sponge Monger - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [running to the police station]
  Steel Licks (i) - Jeremy Wakefield ["We stole a balloon!"]
  Dramatic Cue (e) - Ronald Hanmer [SpongeBob and Patrick locked up]
  Nostalgic Hawaii - Jan Rap [ending]



  • As of September 9, 2018, The Internet Movie Database (IMDB) gives this episode a rating of 9.0/10 based on 425 ratings by users.[1] TV.com users give this episode a rating of 8.9/10 based on 163 votes.[2]




  • Although this episode premiered in 2001, it was produced in 2000 according to the credits.
  • This episode premiered in Canada on July 13, 2001.
  • This episode takes place on December 27, because on the same day in 2017, the official SpongeBob SquarePants character account on Twitter confirmed that National Free Balloon Day, the holiday celebrated in this episode, falls on that day.
  • When Mr. Krabs mentions the phrase "forced to breathe air," he is referencing the fact that sea creatures cannot survive without water.
  • This is the first episode where SpongeBob and Patrick get arrested.
  • The scene where an overweight Patrick says, "You took my only food. Now I'm gonna starve!" is popular in some YouTube Poops and other memes. It has unofficially been nicknamed, "Morbid Patrick."
    • The squeaking sound from the scene where SpongeBob pushes the chocolate bar through his ears has also become popular on various websites.
  • The episode's production number is referenced in this episode: the cell number, 1B, converted from hexadecimal to decimal is 27.
  • This episode premiered on John Rhys-Davies' 57th birthday.
  • Animation director Alan Smart played the "buns and thighs" man, however, his voice was done by Tom Kenny.
  • This is the fourth episode to feature the Krusty Krab without Squidward. The first is "Suds," the second is "Arrgh!," and the third is "Neptune's Spatula."
  • In the Croatian dub, the episode's title is "Zločinci," which translates to "Criminals."
  • In the Polish dub, the episode's title is "Zbrodnicze życie," which translates to "The Criminal Life."

Cultural references

  • SpongeBob and Patrick say "I don't know what do you wanna do today?" to each other several times consecutively. This mimics the Vultures' line "What we're gonna do?" from the 1967 Disney film The Jungle Book.
  • When Mr. Krabs says "eel in the kelp," this is a reference to the common metaphor "snake in the grass."


  • In one scene, the balloon is brown instead of red.
  • At one point, Patrick questions the ability whether fire can exist underwater, when in reality, it can't
  • When Patrick first looks at the balloons, there is a brown one, but when Patrick looks again, the brown balloon disappears.
  • When Patrick says "You took my only food! Now I'm gonna starve!, he is lit like the fire is still burning - however, the fire already went out prior.
  • In some scenes, the red line under SpongeBob's mouth disappears.
  • When SpongeBob says "We can loosen our ties" and plays with his tie, it turns pink for less than a second.
  • Lou is voiced by Mr. Lawrence when he says, "Hi there!" When he says his next line, he is voiced by Tom Kenny.


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