Hide and Sneak is a SpongeBob SquarePants book written by Sonia Sander and illustrated by Barry Goldberg. It was released by Scholastic Corporation on September 1, 2005. The plot is about Plankton trying tirelessly to steal the formula, only to be stopped by SpongeBob each time. It has 15 pages.
In 2010, it was re-released under the alternate title Plankton Needs It!.
The book begins with Plankton hiding behind a stack of cans, only to be found by SpongeBob. SpongeBob then warns Plankton that he cannot spy inside of the Krusty Krab. He then warns him that he cannot dine on a Krabby Patty, not a single bite. He concludes the book by saying that the secret formula is safe with him there.
Cultural references[]
- The title is a spoof on the children's game hide-and-seek.
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