"Heroes to the Rescue" was composed by Nicolas Carr and Barry Anthony.
- 153a. "Accidents Will Happen" - "I wasn't about to stand idly by..."
- 156. "Frozen Face-Off" - Everyone cheers; "Full speed ahead!"
- 163a. "Mermaid Man Begins" - "And now, without further fanfare..."
- 180a. "Patrick-Man!" - "I am Patrick-Man, defender of Bikini Bottom!" (low-pitched); "Fear not! Patrick-Man is here!"; "I am... Patrick-Man!"/"Shush SpongeBob! My identity must be kept secret!"; "Just remember this: Violence solves nothing!"; "No time for silly talk, citizen!"; "Hait! Patrick-Man is onto you!"; Everyone cheers.
- 241a. "Squirrel Jelly" - Sandy flies by with jet boots and saves Patrick from jellyfish. (high-pitched)
- Between "Patrick-Man!" and "Squirrel Jelly," it took six years for this track to be used again.