Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

Greenlight Driving School is a driving school founded by Acceleration T. Greenlight. It appears in the episode "Student Driver Survivor."


It is a driving school located across the road from Mrs. Puff's Boating School. Its classroom is made out of balloons with a giant traffic light on top of it.

Role in episode[]

Acceleration T. Greenlight goes to Mrs. Puff's school to tell everyone about his new boating school as all of Mrs. Puff's students except SpongeBob leave for that driving school.

Mrs. Puff faces her school being shut down as she gets the idea of giving SpongeBob a lesson there. SpongeBob's bad driving immediately destroys the school, and they drive into the Bikini Bottom Police Department, where Greenlight is arrested for selling fake driver licenses.
