"Glissando" was composed by Skaila Kanga and Richard Myhill. There are different variations. The piece features a harp playing a glissando of notes going up and down a scale.
Glissando (A)[]
- 1a. "Help Wanted" - Opening. (NOTE: This title sequence is only seen on the original pilot 1997 version, on the regular 1999 version of the episode, it is not there. It originally played as the screen fades to the opening scene.
- 41a. "The Algae's Always Greener" - "A pro- a promot- a promotion?!"
- 52a. "Chocolate with Nuts" - "I love you."
Glissando (C)[]
- 34b. "Frankendoodle" - "We found a magic pencil!"
- 48b. "Squilliam Returns" - "...restaurant?"
Glissando (G)[]
- 34b. "Frankendoodle" - DoodleBob becomes a harmless doodle once more.
- 37a. "Procrastination" - "I'll be one step closer to my driver's license!"
- 44a. "Nasty Patty" - "The Krusty Krab is the most perfect place in the universe."
- 67a. "Enemy In-Law" - "And all it took was the love of a beautiful woman."
Glissando (H)[]
- 37a. "Procrastination" - "Oh, yeah..."
Glissando (I)[]
- 38b. "Artist Unknown" - The statue sheds a sad tear.