Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

As part of a fostering community, everyone is going through the same development in life. We are all one species, we are related in a way. Because conflict can become apparent at times, it is important to understand that every problem will come with a solution to dissolve it. The solution is critical in ensuring the issue doesn't reach a boiling point. This will be when ESB:Reference will be able to help you all during these times.


Idea behind the page is that no one individual knows the answer, but all individuals together know the answer, all individuals together know how to deal with something, so we just have to collect that knowledge by sharing it. In order to help you with that, there are three sections that are meant to cover certain type of knowledge. Your role is to share the knowledge you have of type, and also learn from the knowledge of type others shared.


Following are the sections, feel free to contribute to them, while keeping in mind that you should focus on knowledge that can help ESB community, so that we get the most out of this page. Where you can go for more than just help; you can go for knowledge that enables one to go forward, which among other things enables one to help self and others.

The Life Development

This section is about methodical life development; this includes knowledge on how you make decisions regarding something and how you handle something respectively.

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The Reverse Hierarchy

This section is about reverse hierarchy principle; this includes knowledge on how to help those who struggle more than you struggle to grow at least a little bit.

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The Community Approach

This section is about community approach principle; this includes knowledge on how to put community first no matter what and thus ensure harmonious community.

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  • Above three topics out of all possible topics are chosen to guide you when you look for knowledge to share with community.