Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
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The contests policy involves contests on the wiki. These allow users to vote on things around the wiki that don't just involve proposals to change wiki policy or article guidelines.

Contest policy

Contests can be used to choose backgrounds, logos, or anything else requiring user submissions and votes. Only administrators can open or close contests. Contests must have at least a two week voting period; there may be some exceptions with some contests having a shorter voting period.

Background contests

Every decision about the current background of the wiki is determined by the outcome of background contests.

  • Users may submit multiple backgrounds.
  • Users may vote on their own submission.
  • All backgrounds must relate to SpongeBob SquarePants or they will be removed.
  • The winning background from the previous year is not eligible and any such entry will be removed. Users may submit backgrounds that did not win the previous year.
  • For Summer background contests, this rule does not apply. However, if a background from the previous year has placed in the same position as in the previous year, then it will be disqualified and the next position will be the winner of that placement.
  • Users may create their own background or use an image from the internet. While there is no size requirement, bigger is usually better.
  • When making an entry, please use the correct format. This format will be provided on the contest page. If you are unable to do so, ask for help or someone will fix the form for you. You will not be penalized for doing this incorrectly.

Decision process

At the beginning of the final week, the current standings will be calculated in a table. The ranking of a submission is determined by the difference of likes vs. dislikes. For example, if a submission has 4 likes and 3 dislikes, it has 1 point. Tiebreakers will be determined by another contest page with the finalists, usually shortly before the background is set to go up. When the winners are announced, it is common courtesy to send each of them a message telling them that they won.
