Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

Block reviews archive

The following block review has been closed. The page has been protected and now serves as an archive. Do not edit this page.
User requesting review: Jensonk
Date discussion closed: June 9, 2018
Result of discussion: Invalid

Jensonk (wall contribs 88,856)

Information Details
Blocking administrator Spongebob456
Length of block infinite
Reason for block Constant disruption over a period of 3 years, as seen with his colourful block record. Been gblocked recently too. Ignores warnings.
User starting review RedBomb1
Reason for review This time, it has been exactly 6 months after Jensonk got imdeffed, making this review valid. I know most of you will probably be like TL;DR, but I want you guys to read the whole thing to know why Jensonk is innocent.
Anyways, Jensonk was an extremely superb and fantastic user. He made excellent edits, was sweet, kind, and friendly, and also very funny. Since it has been 7 months without him, I think he has seriously learned his lesson this time and will do little to nothing bad if unblocked; despite receiving 30 blocks before, those were for very short time except for the 3-month one, so I think the infinite one really taught him not to cause disruption.
He is not a troll as others claim. I believe him to be an innocent and misunderstood user and I think most of his actions are excusable. That said, I am going to defend Jensonk's actions and I want you to tell me how these are not valid defenses:

  1. Even though Jensonk may seem like a bully to people, people have bullied him before he even turned bad. On a page for a SpongeBob Comics character, Cosmobo told him "How are old you Jensonk?? XD" and the admins didn't take action. If people aren't gonna be nice to Jensonk, then why should he nice to them? On that basis, I think that his good edits and high edit count excuse his "aborrent" behavior.
  2. He is more often nice than not; he has done more good than bad, as demonstrated by his high edit count and 3 years of being here despite "bad behavior."
  3. His actions outside of FANDOM should not be a matter of concern when taking his personality into account; what he does here at ESB is all that matters.
  4. The "borrowing" comment he made was just a reference to an episode. Sure, that may not have been a good time to make such a joke, but this is a SpongeBob wiki for crying out loud, so a comment like that should have been expected. Plus, a SpongeBob wiki is not such a good place to discuss serious topics; little kids visit this wiki and they are unlikely to understand nor care about the discussion of serious topics; I didn't know nor care about much serious topics until I was 10 and entered puberty; whenever people discussed serious topics it went over my head and I got bored easily and the same things happens whenever my little brother hears my parents talk aboout serious topics when we have guests over at our house. Plus, SpongeBob doesn't have a need to reference serious topics because it's a goofy and silly comedy, so I don't see why a wiki about it should either; the fact that mostly teenagers go on this wiki is an invalid excuse as kids can also view this stuff and even register but chose a fake birthday to bypass the COPPA restrictions.
  5. In addition to above, when he said "You weren't stealing that candy, you were borrowing it. I heard them get away with that excuse in an episode before," that is actually true and a valid excuse to use in real life. Whenever caught in such acts, young people can use the "I saw this on a cartoon" excuse and blame the creators for putting such bad morals in their shows for the target demographic (children and adolescents) to emulate (e.g. the borrowing moral in "Life of Crime"). Not Jensonk's fault that TV has such bad morals in their programming that they're encouraging the youth to emulate. Also, being an adult means " fully responsible," so that means being a youth means taking responsibility is partly out of the question.
  6. It's possible that he thinks that being popular means he can do whatever he wants and look over people. As awful as that may sound, today's society is sort of encouraging popularity and immense achievement as an excuse to do whatever you want; the entertainment industry is teaching that moral to children with celebrities who have done messed up things and are famous for doing nothing. Not Jensonk's fault that he has no control over society and the entertainment industry's questionable lessons. I know tons of people in real life who use this as a defense for their actions and go Scot-free.
  7. Tying into the previous dispute, another possibility is that Jensonk is gullible enough to believe that if a high-authority figure, fully grown adult, or a famous person with a verified badge and over 100 million followers on Twitter/Facebook etc, does or says something questionable, then he automatically believes it is okay for him to emulate. I personally don't blame him; that actually seems like a definitive valid excuse for one's actions. Additionally, even if Jensonk does seem ableist, racist, sexist, homophobic, or a bigot in general (as seen with his many YouTube comments), I honestly think that ever since November 2016, it doesn't matter since the current president of the United States of America, an extremely authorative position in which one has control of a country being in a certain state of being, is racist, ableist, homophobic etc and is the most famous living person on the planet. No doubt that this is a valid defense for Jensonk's actions. I know many people in real life who use famous people with 100 million social media followers or the current president saying/doing questionable things and getting away with it as a defense for their actions. Many of my IRL friends and I sometimes use it as a defense for my actions; back when I got globalled, I contacted FANDOM and negotiated with them that famous people are role models to the world and that if people in fame have used slurs and gotten away with it (I sent them a link to the news story), then the racial comment I made on SBFW was nothing to worry about. Because of this, they agreed to shorten my block.
    With all this said, I think that the only really questionable and non-excusable things Jensonk did were the suicide encouragement and heart attack comments, but those were a long time ago and clearly something he's learned from, so I trust Jensonk and he deserves to be unblocked. I think it has been long enough and what he does outside of FANDOM should not be taken into account.  RedBomb1 (MCE) M001 - The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (0161) 00:28, June 9, 2018 (UTC) 


  • Support Support - As nominator plus per my explanation.  RedBomb1 (MCE) M001 - The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (0161) 00:28, June 9, 2018 (UTC) 
  • Support Support - Jensonk is very dedicated to the wiki. I follow him on the wiki and he tweets to users on the wiki to do edits for him that he could do himself if he was unblocked. I think he has learned his lesson. I don't think he should've been blocked in the first place, however, people change. Worksponge (MCE) Rihanna work, work, Worksponge.



  • Oppose Extremely Strong Oppose - I still strongly disagree on most of your points. And no, edits will not excuse ignorant, intolerant, consistent behavior that's been happening for years. If 30 blocks didn't teach him a lesson, then why would I believe that this block has done the job.
    Golfpecks2 (Contact • Contrib) 02:03, June 9, 2018 (UTC)

