Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

Crupski is a character who appears in the episode "The Sewers of Bikini Bottom."


Crupski is a small fish who is light green in color with lime green arms. He wears a white dress shirt with a blue tie, and dark blue pants with a brown belt and black shoes.

Role in episode[]

Crupski is paid by Mr. Krabs to build the Krusty Krab Stadium. He also hires Charlton Hawkfish to install the plumbing. However, it turns out that Crupski added a reducer to the mainline and used cardboard for the pipes much to the fury of Charlton. Crupski replies by saying it is a way to save money much to Mr. Krabs' delight.

Later, Crupski, Charlton, and Mr. Krabs are watching the game but Charlton is more worried that the pipes are going to burst. Crupski ignores his warnings and continues eating chips.


  • His name comes from the word "corrupt," due to cutting corners to save money.