Encyclopedia SpongeBobia


Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

Chocolate syrup is a condiment that first appears in the episode "Valentine's Day."


It is chocolate made in a syrup form, as its name suggests. It appears to have much of the properties to bubble mix, except with chocolate syrup, which is just as edible as other syrups made from food.

It comes in a black bottle with a purple label that reads the word "chocolate" in white capital letters outlined by dark red and the word "syrup" in dark red capital letters.

Role in episode and books[]

"Valentine's Day"/The World's Greatest Valentine/Deep-Sea Tales[]

It is used by SpongeBob to bubble-blow chocolate in a way similar to blowing bubbles with bubble mix. He uses the chocolate syrup to blow a chocolate heart to give it to Sandy as a Valentine's Day gift and she lets it land on her tongue so she can taste it.

He also uses it to give a simulated plan of how to give Patrick his Valentine's Day present.

SpongeBob DetectivePants in the Case of the Lost Shell[]

Sleepy Time 057
"I can turn into a skyscraper!"
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External links[]
