These locations have only appeared once throughout the franchise so far.
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All items (369)
- B.O.O.T.S.
- Baby Prunes' house
- Banana house
- Bangles and Dangles
- Bass Vegas
- BBNails
- Beach Blanket Bean-Go
- Below
- Bikini Badlands
- Bikini Bottom Arcade
- Bikini Bottom Bath House
- Bikini Bottom Bus Depot
- Bikini Bottom Fair
- Bikini Bottom High School gym
- Bikini Bottom Hug Festival
- Bikini Bottom Institute of Technology
- Bikini Bottom Men's Choir Studio
- Bikini Bottom Men's Club
- Bikini Bottom Pillow Foundry
- Bikini Bottom Pin Factory
- Bikini Bottom Power Plant
- Bikini Bottom Prestigious Music College
- Bikini Bottom Summer Shindig
- Bikini Bottom Television
- Bikini Bottom Triangle
- Bikini Bottom Volleyball Courts and Appraisal Center
- Bikini Goodlands
- Bikini Holler
- Binary Bottom
- Bistro
- Black Devil Bay
- Black lemonade stand
- BlackJack's house
- Blow Your Top Lounge
- Blue SquarePants' house
- Boat Parts & Garage
- Books
- Bora Bora Bottom
- Bottoms Up
- Brain Coral Fields
- Brain office
- Bubble Books
- Bubble office
- Bubble Zoo
- Bubbletown (location)
- Bubbletown Park
- Bubbletown Prison
- Bubbly Krab
- Bumble Jelly Fields
- Business Industries
- Café Poulpe
- Camp Kid
- Catch Me!
- Chicken parmesan hero house
- Chinese Food
- Christmas Land Theme Park
- Chrome Bucket
- Chum Caverns Gift Shop
- Chum World
- Chumporium
- Clamiseum
- Clock World
- Club Shell
- Comic book district
- Conference Room 4-B
- Construction site
- Conveniently Placed Rock Groomer
- Cookie Bucket
- Cooking Supplies
- Coral Carnival
- Costume Supplies
- Cowfish Craig's shack
- Crocodiles' shack
- Crumb Basket
- Crush County
- Galleria Diphteria
- Galveston
- Gary's playhouse (location)
- Gas (Atlantis SquarePantis)
- Gas Land
- Gift Shop
- Gifts
- Glove Drop
- Glove Launch
- Glove World Power Plant
- Glove World! Jail
- Golden Patties shop
- Goo Lagoon lighthouse
- Goo Sea
- Grand Tug Hotel
- Grandma's Apron
- Grandma's Tea House
- Granny Plankton's Krabby Patties
- Granny Tentacles' Famous Tar Pit
- Grease Bucket
- Great Barrier Reef
- Great Pacific garbage patch (location)
- Grouper, Goby & Koi
- Gushing Waters Water Parks
- Kahmamoku Cove
- Karate Downtown Bikini Bottom
- Kelp Caves
- Kelp Luge
- Kelpshake
- Kevin C. Cucumber's house
- King Plankton's castle
- Klopnodian Heritage Festival (event)
- Knobby Knuckles
- Krabby Battery
- Krabby Krust
- Krabby Playland
- Krabs' cemetery
- Krustee Krub
- Krusty Krab Semi-Annual Charity Night
- Krusty Krab Stadium
- Krusty Krab Stores
- Krusty Lair
- Krusty Plankton
- Krusty Pool
- Krusty Slammer
- Krusty Sponge