This article is a transcript of the Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years episode "Camp SpongeBob" from season 1, which aired on July 22, 2021.
- [The campers are in a line, getting onto a bus. Mrs. Puff and Mr. Krabs are watching them, holding clipboards.]
- Mrs. Puff: Keep, moving campers. We don't want to miss a minute of our visit with [her eyes sparkle] Colonial Bottomsburg. [to Mr. Krabs] Remember how much fun we had last year?
- Mr. Krabs: [grunts as a flashback begins]
- [Flashback to last year's visit to Colonial Bottomsburg. Mr. Krabs is trapped in a pillory.]
- Mr. Krabs: Hello? Can someone please [scene zooms out to reveal nobody else is around] get me out of here? It's not funny anymore. [flashback ends] Ah, that's the last time I demonstrate anything for these little devil fish. [gets on the bus once everyone else has]
- Mrs. Puff: Now campers, does everyone have their travel buddies?
- Campers: We've got our buddies! [get hit by a fighting cloud]
- Mo: [wrestling with Craig] I've got my buddy!
- Craig: [punches Mo] I've got mine! [they go back into a fighting cloud]
- Big Roxy: My buddy! I don't have my buddy!
- Little Roxy: [hanging from Big Roxy] I'm right here, buddy. You know we're attached. [kisses Big Roxy]
- Big Roxy: [blushing] Oh!
- Patrick: I've got my buddy! [holding a box of Kelpo cereal] You're awfully quiet today, SpongeBob. [cut to the Dinghy Cabin, where a clam is heard crowing and an alarm clock is going off. SpongeBob wakes up when he hears the bus horn]
- SpongeBob: Huh? Oh, what time is it? [his clock is melted. He screams] Ahh! I must have overwound it! [gasps] The bus. [falls out of bed and runs in place] The field trip! [adjusts his tie, runs, and opens the cabin door] No, no, no, no, no. [tiptoes down the stairs] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. [the campers sing as the bus drives off] No! Aw. [sad] I missed it! [angrily throws a rock at the canteen, which bounces back a few times, dodges it flying past him] Oh! [glass is heard breaking] I'm alone. [the scene zooms out] All alone. [voice echoing] Well, if I'm alone, I might as well make the best of it. Guess I don't really need these. [takes off his pants and laughs]
- [SpongeBob takes down the current flag on a pole, and replaces it with his camp uniform.]
- SpongeBob: [on loudspeaker] Attention, campers-- I mean, attention myself! [laughing] Kamp Koral is now Camp SpongeBob! And I declare Camp SpongeBob officially open for fun. [presses a button, making an airhorn sound]
- [Bubble transition to SpongeBob with a baseball and baseball mitt on a field.]
- SpongeBob: It's a beautiful day here at Camp SpongeBob with SpongeBob on the mound. [adjusts hat] Now the windup. [winds up] And the pitch. [pitches the baseball] Yah! [the baseball hits a plank wall and lands flat on the ground] And... nothing. Nothing happens, 'cause there's nobody here. [walks off] Complete silence from the empty crowd as SpongeBob walks off to hit the showers and heckle himself. [from the log bench, imitating another person] Ahh! Put some clothes on! [goes back to where he was] Don't tell me what to do.
- [Bubble transition to SpongeBob on the Dinghy Cabin's steps, bouncing the baseball.]
- SpongeBob: [sighs] Camp SpongeBob. Officially open [frustrated] for no one. [the baseball hits his face, rolls off, and rolls back] [screams, pointing] Ahh! Invisible campers! [walks up to the baseball]
- Gary: [eyes peeking from a tree] Meow.
- SpongeBob: Gary! [runs over to Gary and hugs him] How would you like to join Camp SpongeBob? [winking] It's free for snails.
- Gary: Meow.
- SpongeBob: [puts Gary down, pulls an extra kerchief from his pants and puts it on Gary] There we go. [salutes] Welcome to Camp SpongeBob.
- Gary: Meow.
- [Transition to SpongeBob and Gary at Jellyfish Meadow, where SpongeBob is laughing while trying to catch a jellyfish. SpongeBob tries catching one, but falls down. Gary successfully catches one.]
- Gary: Meow! [the jellyfish leaves his net and holds its own net]
- SpongeBob: Huh? [the jellyfish catches SpongeBob with his net] [chuckles nervously]
- [Transition to Gary and SpongeBob painting on easels, both thinking.]
- Gary: Meow? Meow.
- SpongeBob: Mm-hmm. [his poorly-drawn painting of Gary is shown]
- Gary: Meow. [choral music plays as his drawing of SpongeBob is shown]
- [Transition to SpongeBob and Gary at the baseball field. Gary is holding a baseball bat with his eyes, and SpongeBob is the pitcher.]
- SpongeBob: Here's the pitch.
- Gary: Meow-meow-meow. [hitting the base with his bat]
- SpongeBob: [throws baseball] Myah!
- Gary: [hits baseball, which hits SpongeBob, making him spin in the air]
- SpongeBob: Wah! [falls down, holds baseball on tongue and catches it] You're out!
- Gary: [angrily throws bat] [grumbling meows]
- SpongeBob: [laughing] [a sea bunny hops next to him] Oh, hello. Would you like to join Camp SpongeBob? It's free for sea bunnies.
- [Zoom out to several more creatures looking at SpongeBob, including a rock monster, three sea moose, several sea bunnies, three sea bears, and several snails.]
- SpongeBob: Whoa. [waving] Hey! Hello! How would you all like to join Camp SpongeBob? [jumps] It's free for everyone! [animals chattering happily] [pulls out several kerchiefs]
- [Cut to SpongeBob walking along with a pencil and clipboard.]
- SpongeBob: Now let's see how my campers are doing. [sees two sea bunnies blowing bubbles] Looking bubbly, sea bunnies.
- [The bunnies blow bubbles to form a bubble SpongeBob, and the SpongeBob SquarePants Theme Song instrumental plays.]
- SpongeBob: Ooh, who's that handsome fellow? [bubble pops and gets in his eyes] Ahh! My eyes! [takes out his eyes and sighs] [blows bubbles of sea bunnies from his eye holes and laughs]
- Sea bunnies: [both gasp]
- SpongeBob: [puts eyes back in] Doink! [waving and walking away] Bye.
- Sea bunnies: [bubbles pop and get in their eyes, both scream]
- [Cut to SpongeBob in front of some of the animal campers, who are holding jellyfish nets.]
- SpongeBob: [pacing] Jellyfishing. Perhaps one of the hardest and most dangerous sports. It takes a keen mind and nerves of steel to catch a-- [sees the animals have already caught some jellyfish] Oh. [chuckles, shrugs] Fast learners, I guess. But of course you are! With a great jelly hunter like me to teach you. [a jellyfish comes by and starts chasing after him with a net] [runs away] Ahh! I'm being jelly hunted! [jellyfish buzzes as it starts running past the garden, and the animal campers chase after it]
- [SpongeBob is camouflaged in an ear of corn.]
- SpongeBob: [opens eyes and looks around] Phew. [jumps off corn and turns into popcorn, then goes back to normal] Okay, jellyfish lesson over. Uh, let me check in on the others. [runs off]
- [He sees two sea moose playing volleyball.]
- SpongeBob: Oh, moosing around, eh? [laughs] Whoo! Stay loose, moose! [one of the moose grunts] Way to brag, stag. [both moose grunt angrily and glare at him] What, you don't find it a-moose-ing? [laughs] [the moose bray and the volleyball is thrown at him] Missed me! Better [winks, pointing] buck next time. [laughs and walks away]
- Andy: Ugh, I find puns to be the lowest form of humor.
- Other moose: You're such a snob, Andy.
- [A sea bear is painting a flame onto Gary's shell.]
- SpongeBob: Ooh, [pointing] nice flame job, Gary.
- Gary: Meow!
- [Gary grows a pair of wheels and drives off. However, this is revealed to be in his imagination as he is still moving slowly.]
- Gary: Vroom! Vroom!
- SpongeBob: Wow, that snail can really escargot. [sea bear groans as he writes something down on the clipboard] Whee! [laughs and skips away]
- [Cut to SpongeBob hanging upside-down from a zip line.]
- SpongeBob: Ah, there's nothing like hanging around. [sees the rock monster hitting a sea bunny with a pool noodle] Ooh, noodle flap doodle!
- [The sea bunny screams in rage and hits the rock monster with its own pool noodle, sending it far into the distance.]
- SpongeBob: [jotting on clipboard] Ouch. Note to self: do not mess with the sea bunnies. [zip line moves forward and he drops down onto a stage, with the animal campers as the audience.] Okay, class. It's time for your first SpongeBob laughing lesson. Repeat after me. [laughs]
- [The animal campers imitate SpongeBob's laugh.]
- SpongeBob: [winces, pointing] Yeesh, is that really what I sound like? [laughs] [whistle blows] Ooh. The lunch whistle?
- [All of the animal campers stampede to the Krusty Kanteen. SpongeBob climbs on top of a sea moose and hops off of it.]
- SpongeBob: Okay, now calm down, everybody. Though it's true Camp SpongeBob is open for business, [lifting canteen door] it, uh, seems we don't have a cook today. But maybe I can whip something up. [banging on door] Why won't this open? [tries to open door again, but Plankton opens it] Ooh!
- Plankton: [in sleepwear] I will destroy you! [takes off sleep mask] Oh, it's you. I thought you were all on a field trip today.
- SpongeBob: Oh hi, Plankton. Let me explain. First--
- Plankton: Never mind. Let's get this over with. [pulls up a bucket of slop] All right, line up. [starts giving slop to the animal campers on their trays] One for you. One for you. [hits a sea bear with a ladle, making it dizzy] Gee, simmer down! You're like a bunch of wild animals today. [gives the rock monster slop] Whoa. [pointing] You guys sure get ugly when you're hungry.
- Rock monster: [groans and walks away, sad]
- Plankton: Sorry. We can't all be movie stars. [pointing] Move it. [continues giving out slop] [finishes, and throws the ladle and bucket away, angry] All done. Now leave me alone! [shuts the canteen door]
- [The animal campers are eating their slop at their tables. A sea bear roars and takes a bite out of its table. A sea moose tries to eat a sea bear's lunch.]
- SpongeBob: [appears, holding onto the sea moose] Hey, hey! Nice moosey. You've eaten your lunch. Let him eat his. [hops away] [sea moose grunts]
- [A sea bunny and a snail are tugging at a tray of slop. The sea bunny puts it aside and they start fighting. The snail hits the sea bunny with its eye stalks, the sea bunny stretches the snail's eye stalks, and hits the snail with the tray.]
- SpongeBob: [splitting the two apart] Campers, please! [jumping onto table] Camp SpongeBob is a fight free zone! Kumbaya, everybody! [gets hit with a tray, and jumps over another] [sees all the animals fighting with each other] Oh no! It's a street fight! And we're not even in the street! Campers, please! You're not animals! [gets hit with slop] Oh, wait. You are animals. [all the tables are now torn apart, and one is even on fire] Barnacles. What's happened to my beautiful Camp SpongeBob? [a sea bunny hops near the camera and screams]
- [A sea bunny, at the top of a flagpole, throws a pinecone at a sea bear. It then throws several more at the sea bear.]
- Sea bunny: [laughs]
- Sea bear: [growls and climbs up the building]
- Sea bunny: [giggles, then gets roared at] [flagpole tips over, hops off and laughs as the sea bear gets launched into the air]
- [Two snail moose are butting heads. One of them knocks over a cabin, leaving only the beds and a water pipe. Cut to SpongeBob under a cabin bed, looking around. He crawls out and hears crashing noises.]
- SpongeBob: Uh oh. Oh, what am I gonna do?
- Gary: [off-screen] Meow.
- SpongeBob: You said it, Gary. Me-ow. Gary?
- Gary: [opens door and comes out with Squidward's clarinet] Meow.
- SpongeBob: Gary, you're alright! [Gary spits the clarinet into his face] Mr. Tentacles' clarinet? [grabs clarinet] Oh, I get it. [stands up] Music! Music soothes the savage beast.
- Gary: Meow!
- [Cut to SpongeBob on a tower at sunset, playing lullaby music on the clarinet. The animals stop fighting and start yawning. A sea bear and a snail enter a cabin and start sleeping. Some sea bunnies stop fighting as well, and they all hop down from the sea moose. One sea bunny kisses the sea moose, and they all hop into a cabin. The sea moose puts the cabin back into place, and sleeps as well. Cut to nighttime, where the Kamp Koral bus arrives. The campers and counselors come out of the bus, tired and wearing historical hats. Mr. Krabs is in a pillory.]
- Mr. Krabs: [muttering] Oof. Thought that would never end.
- Patrick: [holding Kelpo box] Sorry I ate all your innards, SpongeBob. But I was hungry. [holds the box up to his mouth to eat more cereal] [yawns and enters his cabin]
- [The other campers enter their cabins as well. All of the cabin lights turn on, but come right back on when animal sounds are heard along with the campers screaming. They scream and run out of their cabins. The scene changes to some campers and the counselors sitting in a circle in front of a campfire in the forest, all scared.]
- Pink camper: There's a wild animal in my bed.
- Orange camper: Mine too!
- Green camper: A moose!
- Elwood: A jellyfish!
- Girl camper: A monster!
- Other green camper: A bunny.
- [Everyone gasps. Cut to SpongeBob sleeping with Gary and a sea bear in a cabin.]
- SpongeBob: Goodnight, Gare-bear. [sea bear puts its claw onto him] And you too, bear-bear. [scene irises out, but is interrupted by a sea bunny]
- Sea bunny: [deep voice, angrily] Do not mess with a sea bunny!