This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Bubble Buddy Returns" from season 8, which aired on November 25, 2011.
- [A bubble with a note inside floats down in Bikini Bottom.]
- Woman: [hanging up clothes to let them dry. The bubble knocks the clothes off the rack] Hey, you stupid bubble, I just washed those!
- [The bubble knocks a man's hat off, knocks Nancy's hair off, and knocks down Old Man Jenkins.]
- Old Man Jenkins: My spine!
- Man: Why don't you watch where you're going?!
- Other woman: Come back here!
- Old Man Jenkins: I'll sue!
- [The bubble passes a fish who's eating soup, and knocks his head into the bowl. The bubble floats into SpongeBob's house.]
- SpongeBob: [about to eat cereal, when the bubble goes into his mouth. He takes it, and the note, out] Hey, little bubble. Where'd you come from? Perhaps this letter will shed some light on your origin. It's from my old friend, Bubble Buddy. Wonder what's up with him. [opens letter] Let's see now. Dear SpongeBob...
- [Cut to Bubble Buddy writing letter.]
- Bubble Buddy: The Mrs. and I have to go away for a few days, and our regular bubble sitter is sick. Could you please watch our son, Shiny, until we get back? I owe you one. Your pal, Bubble Buddy.
- [Cut back to SpongeBob.]
- SpongeBob: Please keep Shiny away from sharp objects. We don't want him to go pop like his, late Uncle Raymond. [done reading] Oh, boy! Did you hear that, Gary? They want me to watch little Shiny! Gee, I wonder when he's going to show up. The letter doesn't say. [the bubble morphs into Shiny] I can't wait to meet him! [Shiny touches SpongeBob, scaring him] Oh, hey, there you are, Shiny. Look at you. You're just as cute as the dickens. [picks him up] Upsy-Daisy! Say hello to Shiny, Gary. [Shiny blinks, and Gary hides in his shell] Oh, you're full of soap and vinegar, aren't you? I can't wait for all my friends to meet you.
- [Squidward exits his house, and SpongeBob does the same, with Shiny on his head.]
- SpongeBob: ♪La la la la la la la la la la!♪ This is gonna be great, Shiny Bubble. Oop! Downsy Daffodil. Squidward loves meeting my friends.
- Squidward: No, I don't. [retreats into his house]
- SpongeBob: You're gonna like Squidward. He's lots of fun.
- SpongeBob: [knocks on door] So, how was your trip? [knocks on door, again] You don't talk much do you? Hmm. Guess he's not home. Oh, well. We can try again, later. [Shiny floats away] Wait! Shiny, where are you going? [Shiny floats into the window] You can't go in there. You weren't invited.
- [crashing noises are heard from inside]
- Squidward: Would you please get your friend out of my house?
- [cut to the inside of Squidward's house, which is a mess]
- Squidward: Where'd he go?
- SpongeBob: Squidward! This room is so full of sharp, jagged, broken things! This is no place for a delicate little bubble boy! [spots Shiny float towards cupboards] There he is! Don't worry, I'll save him. [opens several cupboards with the following items] Nope. Jagged glass. Barbed wire. Cactuses. Cactuses protected by barbed wire. Shh! Shiny must be in this one. Gotcha! [opens the cupboard and immediately reaches inside, jabbing himself with broken glass] No, guess not. [gasps] Oh no! You don't think he p-p-p-popped in there!
- Squidward: There he is! He's headed right for my glass menagerie!
- [Shiny slowly floats past them]
- Squidward: Phew...
- [Shiny floats near a broken lamp]
- SpongeBob: Hold still, Shiny. I'll get you down. Gotcha! [leaps, but Shiny dodges, and SpongeBob hits the broken light bulb, gets electrocuted, and flies into the glass menagerie desk, causing them to fall and break]
- Squidward: Of course.
- SpongeBob: Okay, Shiny. Fun is fun, but it's time to come down, now. [tries to catch Shiny, but he misses] Barnacles!
- [Shiny floats toward a spinning fan]
- SpongeBob: [gasps] Oh, no!
- [Shiny gets caught in the fan, escapes, and floats upstairs]
- SpongeBob: Shiny, come back! [he and Squidward run upstairs] There he is! [Shiny begins to float out a window] He's headed for that open window! [the wind blows Shiny back in. Shiny grabs a paintbrush, and paints a mustache on one of Squidward's paintings]
- SpongeBob: [grabs Shiny] I gotcha, you little rascal. It looks like Shiny wants to be an artist, just like you.
- Squidward: SpongeBob, I spent 6 long months on that painting.
- SpongeBob: Don't worry, Squidward. Shiny's made of soap. We'll just wash it off. [uses Shiny to wipe the mustache off] There you go, good as new. [the painting of Squidward drips off the painting, revealing its brain, making Squidward angry] Really catches your inner self. Oh, my! Look at that! Time to go to work! See you there. Bye. [leaves]
- [cut to the Krusty Krab]
- SpongeBob: Hi, Mr. Krabs.
- Mr. Krabs: Morning, laddie. What's with the glass puppet?
- SpongeBob: He's not glass, Mr. Krabs. Remember Bubble Buddy? Well, I'm taking care of his son.
- Mr. Krabs: Uh, Bubble Buddy, huh? That guy still owes me money. So, what's the little deadbeat's name?
- SpongeBob: Allow me to introduce Shiny Bubble. [whispers] He doesn't talk much. Shake hands with Mr. Krabs, Shiny.
- Mr. Krabs: [holds out hand] Put 'er there, lad. [Shiny floats in between his eyes] Hey! [almost pinches Shiny]
- SpongeBob: Ooh! You might want to be careful with those claws, Mr. Krabs.
- [Mr. Krabs grunts] [Shiny floats all over Mr. Krabs]
- Mr. Krabs: Hold still, you little rascal. [tries to grab him. SpongeBob takes Shiny away]
- SpongeBob: Don't worry, I've got him. Wow, Mr. Krabs. Look how shiny Shiny made you.
- Mr. Krabs: Well, now, look at that. I've never felt this clean on a weekday. Why don't you take Shiny there into the kitchen and let him play around with the dirty dishes?
- [SpongeBob takes Shiny in the kitchen]
- SpongeBob: Wow, I think Mr. Krabs really likes you. Now you play with these while I tend to the grill. [puts Shiny on the dishes] You sure are lucky, Shiny. You get to learn all about the glories of the the service industry.
- [Shiny floats out the kitchen window]
- SpongeBob: Yes siree, Shiner, you show me a sizzling grill, and I will show you a happy customer.
- [Shiny slides around on the floor, leaving behind a trail of soap as he does so. Customers begin slipping all over the place]
- [Harold slides on the floor until he hits his torso directly on the side of a table]
- Harold: Whoa! Hernia.
- Squidward: What in the name of Neptune is going on-- [steps on Shiny and slips, sending Shiny in the air. Shiny hits the ceiling, wall, and hits the cash register, opening it and money flies out]
- Customer: Yoo-hoo! Free money! [cheering] Yeah, all right!
- SpongeBob: There you are, Shiny. I've been looking all over for you. Thank goodness you weren't hurt.
- Mr. Krabs: You better get him out of here if you want to keep him that way. [SpongeBob runs out with Shiny] Bubbles today. They don't seem to understand the value of money.
- [cut to SpongeBob walking with Shiny]
- SpongeBob: That's okay, Shiny. It's too dangerous for you to work at the Krusty Krab, anyway. But there are a lot of fun, safe things we can do. Like stand in place, or sit in place. Or the "let's not move at all" game. Patrick is really good at that one. He-
- [Shiny disappeared from his hand]
- SpongeBob: Shiny? Shiny where are you?
- [Shiny is floating toward the city]
- SpongeBob: [screams] Shiny, no! Not the city! It's too dangerous! [runs to Bikini Bottom] Shiny, where are you? [looks for Shiny and finds him floating in the middle of the street, gasps] Shiny, no! [grabs Shiny] There now. Safe and sound. [gets hit by a boat] Now, Shiny, I- [gets run over by another boat] Now, Shiny, you might- [gets run over by several more boats] That was a close one. Okay, Shiny. Let's get you back to my house and keep you away from sharp pointy things.
- [Shiny floats away]
- SpongeBob: Oh, tartar sauce. Ooohhh!
- [two boats collide and almost hit Shiny. Shiny floats in a pin factory]
- SpongeBob: "Bikini Bottom Pin Factory"?! Shiny, no! I'll save you! [goes inside. SpongeBob is heard screaming. He comes out with pins stuck in him, and Shiny] You need to watch where you're going. You could get popped in a place like that. Hold on. There's something tickling my nose. [pulls the pin from his nose, and deflates. He blows himself back up]
- [Shiny floats away]
- SpongeBob: Where's Shiny? Oh, no! [Shiny floats into the Bikini Bottom Scissor Works] "Scissor Works"? I'll save you, Shiny! [goes inside. Clipping noises are heard. SpongeBob comes out with Shiny] Oh, boy. Don't you know scissors are sharp and dangerous? Luckily, we both escaped unharmed. [becomes reduced to cubes. He puts himself back together]
- [Shiny floats away again]
- SpongeBob: Shiny? [Shiny floats in the pitchfork pantry] "Pitchfork Pantry." Of course. [walks inside] Aah! Ow. [walks out with Shiny and a pitchfork stuck in his head] Shiny, how many times do I got to tell you? No sharp, no pointy! Let's see if there's someplace safe for you to visit. Ah, that's it. "The Pillow Foundry." You'll like it in there. Pillows aren't dangerous. [goes inside and becomes surprised] Huh?
- [a stock footage of a live-action factory is shown. Iron is shown being melted, steamed, and comes out on a conveyor belt. It is cut by a buzzsaw, and a guy uses a giant needle to jab the pillows and fling them into a pile]
- SpongeBob: Okay, let's skip the pillow foundry. I'll just take you to my house.
- [cut to SpongeBob's house]
- SpongeBob: Here we are. Home safe home. You must be hungry after all that running around. Now what would a growing bubble eat? [takes out bubble soap] I know! [blows a hot dog-shaped bubble, which bumps into Shiny, and pops. Shiny pops, too]
- SpongeBob: [panicking] Shiny! Don't worry, Shiny, you'll be okay. [dips bubble wand into the soap puddle. He blows a monster-shaped bubble] Oh, that ain't right! [blows a dinosaur-shaped bubble] Oh, come on, now! [blows Shiny back to normal] Ah, he's okay.
- [Shiny grows a second head]
- SpongeBob: Uh-oh.
- Bubble Buddy: Hello there, SpongeBob! How's my little boy been faring?
- SpongeBob: Oh, what? Huh, oh, Shiny? He's... [hides Shiny behind his back] ...been behaving great.
- Bubble Buddy: Well, now, it looks you've gone and grown another head again, Shiny.
- SpongeBob: Again?
- Bubble Buddy: Not to worry. I'll take care of it. [sucks Shiny into his bubble wand, and place him inside his soap bottle] So, SpongeBob, did my boy Shiny behave himself?
- SpongeBob: Oh, he was just a little angel... in a little devil, sort of way.
- Bubble Buddy: Well, so long, SpongeBob. [walks off] Thanks for watching my boy.
- [Shiny's head pops out of the bottle and raspberries SpongeBob before Bubble Buddy hops into an airplane-shaped bubble, which takes off]
- SpongeBob: So long! Bye-bye. Anytime you need a babysitter. Just give me a little advanced notice. I, uh... I work a lot. I have to check with Mr. Krabs, and, and there's Gary, he needs feeding, and, then... stand around a lot and that keeps me busy.