Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
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This is the page about the Brazilian dub. For other uses, see Bob Esponja (disambiguation).

Bob Esponja Calça Quadrada is the Brazilian Portuguese dub of SpongeBob SquarePants. It is part of International SpongeBob SquarePants.






Season 1

  1. Precisa-se de Ajudante - Help Wanted (Help Wanted)
  2. Assoprador de Recife - Reef Blower (Reef Blower)
  3. Chá em Terra Firme - Tea in Mainground (Tea at the Treedome)
  4. Bolhas de Sabão - Bubbles (Bubblestand)
  5. Calça Rasgada - Ripped Pants (Ripped Pants)
  6. Caçando Água-Viva - Hunting Jellyfishes (Jellyfishing)
  7. Plankton! - Plankton! (Plankton!)
  8. Vizinhos Náuticos Terriveis - Terrible Nautical Neighbors (Naughty Nautical Neighbors)
  9. Escola de Pilotagem - Pilotage School (Boating School)
  10. Entrega de Pizza - Pizza Delivery (Pizza Delivery)
  11. Lar Doce Abacaxi - Home Sweet Pineapple (Home Sweet Pineapple)
  12. O Homem Sereia e o Mexilhãozinho - Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy (Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy)
  13. Picles - Pickles (Pickles)
  14. O Monitor da Classe - The Class Monitor (Hall Monitor)
  15. A Festa das Águas-Vivas - The Jellyfish Party (Jellyfish Jam)
  16. O Foguete da Sandy - Sandy's Rocket (Sandy's Rocket)
  17. Botas que Rangem - Gritting Boots (Squeaky Boots)
  18. Com Calças Naturais - With Natural Pants (Nature Pants)
  19. O Dia do Contra - The Counter Day (Opposite Day)
  20. Choque Cultural - Cultural Shock (Culture Shock)
  21. D.I.V.E.R.S.Ã.O - F.U.N. (F.U.N.)
  22. Bob Músculo Calça Cheia - MuscleBob FullPants (MuscleBob BuffPants)
  23. Lula Molusco, o Fantasma Abusado - Squidward, the Cheeky Ghost (Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost)
  24. O Acompanhante - The Companion (The Chaperone)
  25. O Funcionario do Mês - The Employee of the Month (Employee of the Month)
  26. Bob Medroso - Funky Bob (Scaredy Pants)
  27. Tornei-me um Gary Adolescente - I Become a Teenage Gary (I Was a Teenage Gary)
  28. SB-129 - SB-129 (SB-129)
  29. Karatecas Fatiadores - Slicer Karatekas (Karate Choppers)
  30. Hora do Sono - Sleep Time (Sleepy Time)
  31. Espuma - Foam (Suds)
  32. O Dia de São Valentin - Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day)
  33. O Papel - The Paper (The Paper)
  34. Sim Capitão! - Yes, Captain (Arrgh!)
  35. Fenda da Pedra - Stone Crack (Rock Bottom)
  36. O Texas - The Texas (Texas)
  37. Passos Pequeninos - Small Steps (Walking Small)
  38. Primeiro de Abril - April Fool's Day (Fools in April)
  39. A Espátula de Netuno - Neptune's Spatula (Neptune's Spatula)
  40. Anzóis - Hooks (Hooky)
  41. O Homem Sereia e o Mexilhãozinho 2 - Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy 2 (Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II)

Season 2

  1. Sapatos Desamarrados - Untied Shoes (Your Shoe's Untied)
  2. O Dia de Folga do Lula Molusco - Squidward's Day Off (Squid's Day Off)
  3. Está Cheirando Alguma Coisa - Something is Smelling (Something Smells)
  4. Nas Botas do Chefe - In the Boss Boots (Bossy Boots)
  5. O Grande Fracassado Cor de Rosa - The Big Pink Loser (Big Pink Loser)
  6. O Amigo da Bolha - The Bubble's Friend (Bubble Buddy)
  7. Morrendo por uma Torta - Dying by a Pie (Dying For Pie)
  8. Imitação de Carangueijo - Crab Imitation (Imitation Krabs)
  9. A Lagartinha - The Little Caterpillar (Wormy)
  10. Hamburguer Decepcionante - Disappointing Patty (Patty Hype)
  11. Beijos da Vovó - Grandma's Kisses (Grandma's Kisses)
  12. Cidade de Lula - Squid City (Squidville)
  13. Uma Semana Antes da Hibernação - A Week Before the Hibernation (Prehibernation Week)
  14. Vida de Crime - Life of Crime (Life of Crime)
  15. Natal Quem? - Christmas Who? (Christmas Who?)
  16. Sobrevivênvia dos Idiotas - Survival of the Idiots (Survival of the Idiots)
  17. Descartado - Overlooked (Dumped)
  18. Pilotar Sem Saber Não Vale - Piloting Without Knowledge Doesn't Count (No Free Rides)
  19. Sou Seu Maior Fã - I'm Your Biggest Fan (I'm Your Biggest Fanatic)
  20. O Homem Sereia e o Mexilhãozinho 3 - Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy 3 (Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy III)
  21. Piadas de Esquilos - Squirrel Jokes (Squirrel Jokes)
  22. Pressão - Pression (Pressure)
  23. O Amendoim do Barulho - The Noise Peanut (The Smoking Peanut)
  24. Marujo na Marra - Seaman by Force (Shanghaied)
  25. O Banho do Gary - Gary's Bath (Gary Takes a Bath)
  26. Bem-Vindo ao Balde de Lixo - Welcome to the Chum Bucket (Welcome to the Chum Bucket)
  27. Franken Rabisco - Franken Doodle (Frankendoodle)
  28. A Caixa Secreta - The Secret Box (The Secret Box)
  29. Doidos Pela Banda - Crazy for the Band (Band Geeks)
  30. Turno Macabro - Macabre Shift (Graveyard Shift)
  31. Amor Cascudo - Crusty Love (Krusty Love)
  32. Delonga - Procrastination (Procrastination)
  33. Sou pelos Idiotas - I'm for the Idiots (I'm with Stupid)
  34. Boca de Marinheiro - Sailor Mouth (Sailor Mouth)
  35. Artista Desconhecido - Unknown Artist (Artist Unknown)
  36. Caçador de Água-Viva - Jellyfish Hunter (Jellyfish Hunter)
  37. Os Jogos do Mestre Cuca - The Fry Cook Games (The Fry Cook Games)
  38. Lula em Greve - Squid on Strike (Squid on Strike)
  39. Sandy, Bob Esponja e a Minhoca - Sandy, SpongeBob and the Worm (Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm)

Season 3

  1. Algas Cada Vez Mais Verdes - Kelps Always Greener (The Algae's Always Greener)
  2. Salva-Vidas Bob em Serviço - Bob Lifeguard on Duty (SpongeGuard on Duty)
  3. Clube do Bob Esponja - SpongeBob's Club (Club SpongeBob)
  4. Meu Belo Cavalo Marinho - My Pretty Seahorse (My Pretty Seahorse)
  5. Só uma Mordida - Just one Bite (Just One Bite)
  6. O Incômodo - The Nuisance (The Bully)
  7. O Hambúrguer Perigoso - The Dangerous Patty (Nasty Patty)
  8. A Caixa Idiota - Idiot Box (Idiot Box)
  9. O Homem-Sereia e o Mexilhãozinho 4 - Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy 4 (Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy IV)
  10. Criando Tempo - Creating Time (Doing Time)
  11. Efeito Bola de Neve - Snowball Effect (Snowball Effect)
  12. O Lixo do Caranguejo - Crab's Trash (One Krab's Trash)
  13. Como na TV - Just Like on TV (As Seen on TV)
  14. Dá para Economizar uma Moeda? - Can You Spare a Coin? (Can You Spare a Dime?)
  15. Não Pode Entrar Pirralho - Brats Can't Get In (No Weenies Allowed)
  16. O Retorno do Squilliam - Squilliam's Return (Squilliam Returns)
  17. Siri Borg - Crab Borg (Krab Borg)
  18. Nana, Neném Conchinha - Nana, Neném, Little Clam (Rock-a-Bye Bivalve)
  19. Pintores Molhados - Wet Painters (Wet Painters)
  20. Vídeo de Treinamento do Siri Cascudo - Krusty Krab's Training Video (Krusty Krab Training Video)
  21. Festa do Calça Saltitante - BouncyPants's Party (Party Pooper Pants)
  22. Chocolate com Nozes - Chocolate with Nuts (Chocolate with Nuts)
  23. O Homem Sereia e o Mexilhãozinho 5 - Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy 5 (Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy V)
  24. Aluno Novo, Estrela do Mar - New Student Starfish (New Student Starfish)
  25. Mexilhões - Clams (Clams)
  26. Uga-Uga - Ugh-Ugh (Ugh)
  27. A Grande Corrida dos Caracóis - The Great Snail Race (The Great Snail Race)
  28. Crustáceo de Meia-Idade - Middle-Aged Crustacean (Mid-Life Crustacean)
  29. Sirigueijo Nasce de Novo - Krabs Was Born Again (Born Again Krabs)
  30. Sofri um Accidente - I Had an Accident (I Had an Accident)
  31. Sirilândia - Crabland (Krabby Land)
  32. O Episódio do Acampamento - The Camping Episode (The Camping Episode)
  33. Identidade Perdida - Lost Identity (Missing Identity)
  34. O Exército do Plankton - Plankton's Army (Plankton's Army)
  35. A Esponja que Sabia Voar - The Sponge Who Knew How to Fly (The Sponge Who Could Fly)
  36. Bob Esponja Encontra o Estrangulador - SpongeBob Meets the Strangler (SpongeBob Meets the Strangler)
  37. Brincadeiras aos Montes - A Lot of Pranks (Pranks a Lot)

Season 4

  1. Medo de Hambúrguer de Siri - Fear of Krabby Patties (Fear of a Krabby Patty)
  2. Másculo Mesmo Sem Casca - Male Even Without a Shell (Shell of a Man)
  3. O Colchão Perdido - The Lost Matress (The Lost Mattress)
  4. Sirigueijo VS Plankton - Krabs vs. Plankton (Krabs vs. Plankton
  5. Cadê Este Caracol? - Where is this Snail? (Have You Seen This Snail?)
  6. Gancho Habilidoso - Handy Hook (Skill Crane)
  7. Bons Vizinhos - Good Neighbors (Good Neighbors)
  8. À Venda - For Sale (Selling Out)
  9. Calça Engraçada - Funny Pants (Funny Pants)
  10. Masmorras e Dragões - Dungeons and Dragons (Dunces and Dragons)
  11. Padrasto Inimigo - Enemy Stepfather (Enemy In-Law)
  12. Homem Sereia e Mexilhãozinho 6: O Filme - Mewrmaid Man and Barnacle Boy 6: The Movie (Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy VI: The Motion Picture)
  13. Patrick Calça Esperta - Patrick Smart Pants (Patrick SmartPants)
  14. Bob Lula Calça Tentáculos - Squid Bob Tentacles Pants (SquidBob TentaclePants)
  15. Torre Cascuda - Crusty Tower (Krusty Towers)
  16. Senhora Puff Está Demitida - Mrs. Puff is Fired (Mrs. Puff, You're Fired)
  17. Anfitrião do Fantasma - Ghost's Host (Ghost Host)
  18. Olá, Chimpanzés - Hello, Chimps (Chimps Ahoy)
  19. Aniversário da Baleia - Whale's Birthday (Whale of a Birthday)
  20. Nem Tudo que Reluz - All That Glitters (All That Glitters)
  21. O Poço dos Desejos - The Wishing Well (Wishing You Well)
  22. Virando a Página - Turning the Page (New Leaf)
  23. A Mordida Contagiosa - Contagious Bite (Once Bitten)
  24. Férias Desastrosas - Disastrous Vacations (Bummer Vacation)
  25. A Peruca da Moda - Wigstruck (Wigstruck)
  26. Viagem Lulástica - Squidtastic Voyage (Squidtastic Voyage)
  27. Não É Uma Dama - It Isn't a Lady (That's No Lady)
  28. A Coisa - The Thing (The Thing)
  29. Conversa Fiada - Fiddle-Faddle (Hocus Pocus)
  30. Pilotando de Chorar - Crying Driving (Driven to Tears)
  31. Reinado de Idiotas - Reign of Idiots (Rule of Dumb)
  32. Nascido Para Ser Selvagem - Born to Be Wild (Born to Be Wild)
  33. Grandes Aminimigos - Great Frenemies (Best Frenemies)
  34. O Ladrão Cor-de-Rosa - The Pink Thief (The Pink Purloiner)
  35. Lula de Madeira - Wood Squid (Squid Wood)
  36. O Melhor Dia de Todos - The Best Day Ever (Best Day Ever)
  37. O Presente da Goma de Mascar - The Gift of Gum (The Gift of Gum)

Season 5

  1. Amigo ou Inimigo? - Friend or Enemy? (Friend or Foe)
  2. O Mestre Cuca Original - The Original Fry Cook (The Original Fry Cook)
  3. Luz Noturna - Night Light (Night Light)
  4. Accorde Disposto - Wake Up Willing (Rise and Shine)
  5. Esperando - Waiting (Waiting)
  6. Tem Fungo Entre Nós -There's Fungus Between Us (Fungus Among Us)
  7. Amigos Espiões - Spy Friends (Spy Buddies)
  8. Pilotagem Consiente - Conscious Piloting (Boat Smarts)
  9. Qual o Nome Dele? - What's His Name? (Good Ol' Whatshisname)
  10. Novas Acomodações - New Locations (New Digs)
  11. Siri à la Mode - Crab à la Mode (Krabs à La Mode)
  12. Medo de Montanha Russa - Fear of Roller Coaster (Roller Cowards)
  13. Balde Doce Balde - Bucket Sweet Bucket (Bucket Sweet Bucket)
  14. Adoro a Patty - I Love Patty (To Love a Patty)
  15. O Gostinho do Novo Lula Molusco - The Taste of the New Squidward (Breath of Fresh Squidward)
  16. O Dinheiro Fala - The Money Talks (Money Talks)
  17. Bob Esponja Vs. a Máquina de Fazer Hambúrguer - SpongeBob Vs. the Patty-Cooking Machine (SpongeBob vs. The Patty Gadget)
  18. Dança Pegajosa - Slimy Dance (Slimy Dancing)
  19. A Esponja Cascuda - The Crusty Sponge (The Krusty Sponge)
  20. A Música do Patrick - Patrick's Song (Sing a Song of Patrick)
  21. Uma Pulga no Domo Dela - A Flea in Her Dome (A Flea in Her Dome)
  22. A Rosquinha da Vergonha - The Donut of Shame (The Donut of Shame)
  23. O Prato Cascudo - The Crusty Plate (The Krusty Plate)
  24. Gás Gu-Gu Dá-Dá - Goo Goo Gas (Goo Goo Gas)
  25. La Grande Troca - Le Big Switch (Le Big Switch)
  26. Descobrindo Atlântida - Discovering Atlantis (Atlantis SquarePantis)
  27. O Dia da Foto - Picture Day (Picture Day)
  28. O Patrick Não Paga - Patrick does Not Pay (Pat No Pay)
  29. Black Jack - BlackJack (BlackJack)
  30. Esponja Roxa - Black Sponge (Blackened Sponge)
  31. Homem Sereia vs. Bob Esponja - Mermaid Man vs. SpongeBob (Mermaid Man vs. SpongeBob)
  32. Os Recursos do Verão - The Summer Resources (The Inmates of Summer)
  33. Salvando um Esquilo - Saving a Squirrel (To Save a Squirrel)
  34. A Peste do Oeste - The Pest from the West (Pest of the West)
  35. 20.000 Hambúrgures Submarinos - 20.000 Submarine Patties (20,000 Patties Under the Sea)
  36. A Batalha da Fenda do Bikini - The Battle of Bikini Bottom (The Battle of Bikini Bottom)
  37. O Que Aconteceu Com o Bob Esponja? - What Happened to SpongeBob? (What Ever Happened to SpongeBob?)
  38. As Duas Caras do Lula Molusco - The Two Faces of Squidward (The Two Faces of Squidward)
  39. Monumento de Esponja - Monument of the Sponge (SpongeHenge)
  40. Interdição na Fenda do Bikini - Banning in Bakini Bottom (Banned in Bikini Bottom)
  41. Stanley S. Calça Quadrada - Stanley S. SquarePants (Stanley S. SquarePants)

Season 6

  1. Casa Chique - Fancy House (House Fancy)
  2. Estrada do Casiri (Krabby Road)
  3. Doido por Tostões - Crazy for Pennies (Penny Foolish)
  4. Novato Náutico - Nautical Novice (Nautical Novice)
  5. Esponjicus - Spongicus (Spongicus)
  6. Sinfonia das Ventosas - Suction Cups' Symphony (Suction Cup Symphony)
  7. Não é Normal - It Isn't Normal (Not Normal)
  8. Desaparecidos - Missing (Gone)
  9. A Farpa - The Splinter (The Splinter)
  10. Os Palhaços do Assobio - The Whistle Clowns (Slide Whistle Stooges)
  11. Uma Vida num Dia - A Life in a Day (A Life in a Day)
  12. Alvejado - Bleached (Sun Bleached)
  13. Lula Molusco Gigante - Giant Squidward (Giant Squidward)
  14. Nenhum Nariz Sabe - No Nose Knows (No Nose Knows)
  15. Hambúrguer e Delito - Patty and Crime (Patty Caper)
  16. O Cliente Assíduo do Plankton - Plankton's Assiduous Customer (Plankton's Regular)
  17. Amigos Pilotos - Piloting Friends (Boating Buddies)
  18. A Gazeta do Siri - The Crab Gazette (Krabby Kronicle)
  19. A Festa do Pijama - The Slumber Party (The Slumber Party)
  20. Gary Enfeitado - Garnished Gary (Grooming Gary)
  21. Bob Esponja e a Onda Gigante - SpongeBob and the Big Wave (SpongeBob vs. The Big One)
  22. Bolsos Porosos - Porous Pockets (Porous Pockets)
  23. Os Rapazes do Coro - The Choir Boys (Choir Boys)
  24. Os Crocantes Apetitosos - Crispy Tasty Ones (Krusty Krushers)
  25. A Figurinha - The Card (The Card)
  26. Queridos Vikings - Dear Vikings (Dear Vikings)
  27. A Trapaça - The Cheating (Ditchin')
  28. O Vovô Pirata - The Pirate Grandpa (Grandpappy the Pirate)
  29. Loja Maçônica Cefalópode - Cephalopod Lodge (Cephalopod Lodge)
  30. Visita do Lula - Squid's Visit (Squid's Visit)
  31. Para o Calça Quadrada ou Não - To SquarePants or Not (To SquarePants or Not to SquarePants)
  32. Embarque Atrapalhado - Clumsy Boarding (Shuffleboarding)
  33. Professor Lula Molusco - Professor Squidward (Professor Squidward)
  34. Mascotes ou Pestes - Pets or Pests (Pet or Pests)
  35. Computador Sobrecarregado - Overloaded Computer (Komputer Overload)
  36. Calça Ingênua - Gullible Pants (Gullible Pants)
  37. Sobrecarregado - Overloaded (Overbooked)
  38. Nada de Chapéu Pro Patrick - No Hat for Patrick (No Hat for Pat)
  39. Loja de Brinquedos Ameaçadores - Menacing Toys' Store (Toy Store of Doom)
  40. Castelos de Areia na Areia - Sand Castles in the Sand (Sand Castles in the Sand)
  41. Casca em Choque - Shell in Shock (Shell Shocked)
  42. Balde de Lixo Supremo - Supreme Chum Bucket (Chum Bucket Supreme)
  43. Aniversário de Casamento do Unicelular - Single Cell's Wedding Day (Single Cell Anniversary)
  44. Bob Esponja - Entrando Numa Fria - SpongeBob - Getting Into a Trouble (Truth or Square)
  45. Tempo de Abacaxi - Pineapple Time (Pineapple Fever)
  46. Caverna do Salmão - Salmon Cave (Chum Caverns)
  47. A Fúria de Tritão - The Fury of Triton (The Clash of Triton)

Season 7

  1. Visão de Tentáculos - Tentacle Vision (Tentacle-Vision)
  2. Adoro Dançar - I Love to Dance (I ♥ Dancing)
  3. Período de Crescimento - Growing Period (Growth Spout)
  4. Preso Nos Rolos Espremedores - Stuck in the Wringer (Stuck in the Wringer)
  5. Tem Alguém na Cozinha Com a Sandy - There's Someone in the Kitchen with Sandy (Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy)
  6. Crime Caseiro - Home Crime (The Inside Job)
  7. Bobos Engordurados - Greasy Fools (Greasy Buffoons)
  8. Esponja Modelo - Model Sponge (Model Sponge)
  9. Mantenha a Fenda do Bikini Bonita - Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful (Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful)
  10. Um Companheiro para Gary - A Pal for Gary (A Pal for Gary)
  11. Seu, Meu e Meu - Yours, Mine and Mine (Yours, Mine and Mine)
  12. Siri Rachado - Cracked Crab (Kracked Krabs)
  13. O Feitiço da Fenda do Bikini - The Spell of Bikini Bottom (The Curse of Bikini Bottom)
  14. Lula Molusco na Clarinetalândia - Squidward in Clarinetland (Squidward in Clarinetland)
  15. Bob Esponja Protesta - SpongeBob Protests (SpongeBob's Last Stand)
  16. De Volta ao Passado - Back to the Past (Back to the Past)
  17. O Clube dos Vilões - The Villains' Club (The Bad Guy Club for Villains)
  18. Refeição Grosseira - Coarse Meal (One Coarse Meal)
  19. O Gary Apaixonado - The Loving Gary (Gary in Love)
  20. O Monstro que Foi Para a Fenda do Bikini - The Monster Who Went to Bikini Bottom (The Monster Who Came to Bikini Bottom)
  21. Bem-Vindo ao Triângulo da Fenda do Bikini - Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle (Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle)
  22. O Feitiço da Bruxa - The Spell of the Hex (The Curse of the Hex)
  23. O Ralo Principal - The Main Drain (The Main Drain)
  24. Caipiras Durões - Tough Hillbillies (Trenchbillies)
  25. Esponja Vulcão - Volcano Sponge (Sponge-Cano)
  26. O Grande Assalto ao Trem - The Great Train Assault (The Great Patty Caper)
  27. No Fundo do Poço - At the Bottom of the Well (That Sinking Feeling)
  28. Estrela do Karate - Karate Star (Karate Star)
  29. Enterrados na Hora Certa - Buried on Time (Buried in Time)
  30. Sonhos Encantados de Tiki - Enchanted Tiki Dreams (Enchanted Tiki Dreams)
  31. O Lado Abrasivo - The Abrasive Side (The Abrasive Side)
  32. Verme do Ouvido - Ear Worm (Earworm)
  33. Trapaça com a Casca - Cheat With the Shell (Shellback Shenanigans)
  34. A Obra Prima - The Masterpiece (The Masterpiece)
  35. Ataque de Búzios - Whelks' Attack (Whelk Attack)
  36. Você Não Conhece an Esponja - You Don't Know the Sponge (You Don't Know Sponge)
  37. O Túnel da Luva Amor - The Tunnel of Love Glove (Tunnel of Glove)
  38. Cascudo Quente - Krabs Dogs (Krusty Dogs)
  39. O Naufrágio do Mauna Loa - The Wreck of Mauna Loa (The Wreck of the Mauna Loa)
  40. Peixe Novo na Cidade - New Fish in Town (New Fish in Town)
  41. Adoro Essa Lula - I Love this Squid (Love That Squid)
  42. Sam, an Irmã Mais Velha - Sam, the Big Sister (Big Sister Sam)
  43. Química Perfeita - Perfect Chemistry (Perfect Chemistry)

Season 8

  1. Accidentes Acontecem - Accidents Will Happen (Accidents Will Happen)
  2. O Outro Hambúrguer - The Other Patty (The Other Patty)
  3. Drive Thru (Drive Thru)
  4. A Celebridade - The Celebrity (The Hot Shot)
  5. Um Jogo Amistoso - A Friendly Game (A Friendly Game)
  6. Esponja Sentimental - Sentimental Sponge (Sentimental Sponge)
  7. Confronto Gelado - Iced Clash (Frozen Face-Off)
  8. Escola para Adultos do Lula Molusco - Squidward's School for Grown-Ups (Squidward's School for Grown-Ups)
  9. Relatório Oral - Oral Report (Oral Report)
  10. Lula Doce e Amarga - Sweet and Sour Squid (Sweet and Sour Squid)
  11. O Artista dos Olhos Enviesados - The Googly Eyes' Artist (The Googly Artiste)
  12. Férias da Família do Calça Quadrada - Vacation of the SquarePants' Family (A SquarePants Family Vacation)
  13. Fiquérias do Patrick - Patrick's "Staycation" (Patrick's Staycation)
  14. Passeando com Plankton - Sightseeing with Plankton (Walking the Plankton)
  15. Férias Lunares - Lunar Vacation (Mooncation)
  16. Sr. Sirigueijo Tira Férias - Mr. Krabs Takes a Vacation (Mr. Krabs Takes a Vacation)
  17. Tem Gente que Acredita em Fantasmas - There Are People Who Believe in Ghosts (Ghoul Fools)
  18. O Início do Homem Sereia - The Beginning of Mermaidman (Mermaidman Begins)
  19. O Olho Bom do Plankton - Plankton's Good Eye (Plankton's Good Eye)
  20. Espinha no Rosto - Zit in the Face (Barnacle Face)
  21. Cuidando do Gary - Sitting Gary (Pet Sitter Pat)
  22. Tomando Conta da Casa da Sandy - Taking Care of Sandy's House (House Sittin' for Sandy)
  23. Jazz Suave Na Fenda do Bikini - Smooth Jazz In The Bikini Slit (Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom)
  24. O Jeito da Esponja - (The Way of the Sponge)
  25. Bolhas Problemáticas - Problematic Bubbles (Bubble Troubles)
  26. O Hamburguer de Siri que Comeu a Fenda do Bikini(The Krabby Patty That Ate Bikini Bottom)
  27. O Retorno do Amigo Bolha (Bubble Buddy Returns)
  28. Ordem de Restrição ao Bob Esponja - Restriction Order to SpongeBob SquarePants (Restraining SpongeBob)
  29. Fiasco!
  30. Está Feliz Agora? - (Are You Happy Now?)
  31. Planeta das Águas Vivas - Planet of the Jellyfishes (Planet of the Jellyfish)
  32. Amostra Grátis - (Free Samples)
  33. Lar Doce Entulho - (Home Sweet Rubble)
  34. Karen 2 - (Karen 2.0)
  35. Esponja com Insônia - Sponge with Insomnia (InSPONGEiac)
  36. Careta Definitiva! - Definitely Grimace! (Face Freeze!)
  37. Mundo da Luva, Descanse em Paz - Glove World, Rest in Peace (Glove World R.I.P.)
  38. Lulite - (Squiditis)
  39. Ignorante na Corrida - Ignorant in the Race (Demolition Doofus)
  40. Petiscos - Snacks (Treats!)
  41. Para Comer ou Para Viagem? - To Eat or For Travel? (For Here or to Go)
  42. O Natal do Bob Esponja (It's a SpongeBob Christmas!)
  43. A Equipe Do Vilão Aquático Super Malvado Ataca - The Super Villain Aquatic Villain Team Attacks (Super Evil Aquatic Villain Team Up is Go!)
  44. Fricassé De Salmão - Fricassé Of Salmon (Chum Fricassee)
  45. Em Nome Do Siri Cascudo - In Name of Krusty Krab (The Good Krabby Name)
  46. Mexa-se Ou Perca - Move or Lose (Move It or Lose It)
  47. Olá Fenda do Bikini! (Hello Bikini Bottom!)

Season 9

  1. Esportes Radicais - Radical Sports (Extreme Spots)
  2. Record do Esquilo - (Squirrel Record)
  3. Patrick-Man!
  4. O Brinquedo Novo do Gary - (Gary's New Toy)
  5. Licença para Fazer Milkshake - Milkshake License (License to Milkshake)
  6. O Bebê Lula - The Lula Baby (Squid Baby)
  7. O Caderninho Amarelo - The Yellow Notebook (Little Yellow Book)
  8. Congestionamento - Congestion (Bumper to Bumper)
  9. Ouriço Não - Sea Urchin No (Eek, an Urchin!)
  10. Defesa Molusco - Mollusc Defense (Squid Defense)
  11. Fuga da Prisão - Prison Break (Jailbreak!)
  12. Espátula do Mal - (Evil Spatula)
  13. A Bolha de Grude - The Bubble of Grude (It Came from Goo Lagoon)
  14. Cofre do Sirigueijo - Sirigueijo Safe (Safe Deposit Krabs)
  15. Bicho de Estimação do Plankton - Plankton's Critter (Plankton's Pet)
  16. Não Olhe Agora - Do not look now (Don't Look Now)
  17. Sessão Espírita - Spiritualist session (Séance Shméance)
  18. O Gato Kenny - The Cat Kenny (Kenny the Cat)
  19. Siri das Neves - (Yeti Krabs)
  20. Bob Esponja, Você Está Despedido! - (SpongeBob You're Fired)
  21. Perdido na Fenda do Biquíni - Lost in the Bikini Slot (Lost in Bikini Bottom)
  22. Aula de Volante - Steering Wheel Classroom (Tutor Sauce)
  23. Lula Molusco Acompanhado - Lula Mollusk Accompanied (Squid Plus One)
  24. O Tratamento Executivo - (The Executive Treatment)
  25. Piquinique da Empresa - (Company Picnic)
  26. Puxe um Barril - Pull a Barrel (Pull Up a Barrel)
  27. Abrigo! - Shelter! (Sanctuary!)
  28. Quem Come Mais? - Who Eats More? (What's Eating Patrick?)
  29. O Jogo do Patrick - Patrick's Game (Patrick! The Game)
  30. O Esgoto da Fenda do Biquíni - (The Sewers of Bikini Bottom)
  31. Bob Esponja Calça Comprida - (SpongeBob LongPants)
  32. Academia do Larry - Larry's Academy (Larry's Gym)
  33. A Experiência - The Experience (The Fish Bowl)
  34. Casado com o Dinheiro - (Married to Money)
  35. Um Trabalho para Pérola - A Job for Pearl (Mall Girl Pearl)
  36. Dedo de Menos - Little Finger (Two Thumbs Down)

Dubbing credits

Theme Song


  • The dubbing credits are accidentally shown in Nickelodeon Latin America.
  • The dub is recorded in São Paulo, a city who's dubbing studios are known for dubbing many animes into Brazilian Portuguese.

See also
