"Beach Party," also known as "Hi-Roll," was composed by Lew Raymond and performed by The White Caps in 1963. It was originally released by Blue River Records. It was re-issued by Carlin Production Music's sub-library, Carlin Archive Series in 2001 under its current name and credited Harry Bluestone for the track. The main instruments being played in the piece include a drum kit, guitars, bass, a baritone saxophone, a tenor saxophone, and a keyboard.
- 41b. "SpongeGuard on Duty" - The opening; The ending
- 48a. "No Weenies Allowed" - The opening
- 62a. "The Lost Mattress" - "It's a new dance craze!"
- 70b. "Ghost Host" - SpongeBob returns home from work to find the Flying Dutchman throwing a party.
- 81. "Friend or Foe" - Mr. Krabs describes Stinky Burgers.
- 86a. "Roller Cowards" - Larry tells SpongeBob and Patrick that he has been riding the roller coaster.
- 106b. "Sun Bleached" - The opening
- 154b. "The Hot Shot" - SpongeBob goes into Tony Fast Jr.'s house.
- 195b. "Larry's Gym" - Doing crunches
- "The Endless Summer" - Title card
- "What if SpongeBob Was Gone? (Gary)" - Gary throws a party. (high-pitched)
- Harry Bluestone was credited by Carlin Production Music.