"All Out of Idea Bricks" is a The Patrick Star Show episode from season 3. In this episode, Patrick and Squidina follow their last idea and bring it into RandomLand.
- Patrick Star
- Squidina Star
- SpongeBob SquarePants (cameo)
- Bedroom Door (cameo)
- Cecil Star (cameo)
- GrandPat Star (cameo)
- Tinkle (mentioned)
- Greaser fish
- RandomLand residents
- Worms
- Random house guy
- Robot bird (single appearance)
- Skunk randomite (single appearance)
- Monkey randomite (single appearance)
- Bricks (single appearance)
- Brick guy (single appearance)
- Smaller brick guy (single appearance)
- Tall brick guy (single appearance)
- Brick roommate guy (single appearance)
- Other brick guys (single appearance)
- Libary statue (single appearance)
- Other RandomLand residents
- Necronomicon book
- Idea bricks (single appearance)
- Idea brick machine (single appearance)
- Mr. Cymbals (single appearance)
- Incidentals
This list is incomplete, but you can help Encyclopedia SpongeBobia by expanding it.
Patrick begins his show by pulling a rope that drops an idea brick on his head via a machine. The idea brick gives him the idea to juggle unicycles on a unicycle, which impresses the audience. Patrick drops another idea brick on his head, which gives him the idea of ice sculpting, then another which prompts him to milk a cow. Squidina sees that the bits from the idea bricks are attracting more lawnies, and encourages Patrick to keep dropping idea bricks. However, when Patrick pulls the rope, no idea bricks come out of the machine. Patrick does a "disappearing trick" and goes offstage, telling Squidina they're out of idea bricks. Patrick tries to use other brick-shaped objects to get the same effect, but to no avail. Squidina decides to make their own idea bricks. Squidina goes on stage and has Mr. Cymbals fill in for them while they’re gone. Patrick and Squidina gather the ingredients for the idea bricks, which includes sand for the brick, and a Necronomicon for the ideas. They stir it in a bowl, put it in an oven, but end up overcooking it. Squidina throws it at Patrick's head anyway, sending him flying through several walls.

Patrick and Squidina in RandomLand.
Patrick gets up, now wearing a devil costume, saying he has several bad ideas. He goes and insults a large muscular Bikini Bottomite, which causes the Bikini Bottomite's grandmother to slap him with a purse. Patrick weakly says that it was indeed a bad idea while on the ground. Patrick and Squidina go back to fix the idea brick machine. Patrick repeatedly bangs his head against the machine, which causes it to produce one idea brick. It comes to life and jumps up into the machine. Patrick and Squidina follow it through the machine, which takes them to RandomLand. They see the idea brick and chase after it, and both end up going in different directions. Patrick goes into a house inhabited by bricks, and Squidina meets a sentient house, both of which are of no help.

The robot bird.
Patrick and Squidina meet back up, then see the brick again and chase it inside a library. They see a robot bird, which turns out to be the idea bricks' mother. They figure out it consumes knowledge to produce idea bricks. Patrick and Squidina climb to its perch and attempt to plan how to capture it, but it eats all of their thoughts. When it tries to eat Patrick’s thoughts, they are so incoherent that it starves and weakens. They then fly the bird out of RandomLand. They land on top of Mr. Cymbals and Patrick nudges his semi-conscious body backstage, to the disappointment of the crowd. Patrick pulls on the rope for an idea brick, which ends up pulling the idea brick machine and the robot bird on top of him. It flies away, dropping idea bricks on pedestrians, as Patrick chases it down the road.
This episode was confirmed on November 14, 2024.[1]
( ‣ ) Production music |
( • ) Original music |
( ◦ ) SpongeBob music |
‣ The Melancholy Mule - Harry Breuer, Jean-Jacques Perrey [Title card.]
‣ Terror - Alan Braden ["Terror!"]
‣ Stars and Games [#17.2] - Alf Saro [Patrick introduces idea bricks.]
‣ Superquick B - Daniel Jean Jeannin [Unicycle juggling.]
‣ Waltz from the Sleeping Beauty - Peter Tchaikovsky [Ice sculpting.]
‣ ? [Cow milking.]
‣ Stars and Games [#17.2] - Alf Saro ["Keep those ideas coming, Patrick!"]
‣ Prologue Of A Drama #9 - Hans Conzelmann, Delle Haensch ["We're what!?"]
‣ Death Clock E - Dick de Benedictis [Brick-shaped props.]
• More Hawaiian Steel Stings 11 - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob appears.]
‣ Bossa Cubana [#26.2] - Gerhard Narholz ["Patrick will be right back!"]
‣ The March of the Ants - Sidney Crooke [Patrick and Squidina make an idea brick.]
‣ Spooky - Hans May [Bad idea brick.]
‣ Sport Gallop - Gerhard Trede [Squidina fires the idea brick at Patrick's head.]
‣ Droopy - Arthur Wilkinson [Wall chunks fall on Patrick.]
‣ Evil Wizard B - Udi Harpaz [Patrick gets a bad idea.]
‣ Tricks and Traps - James McConnel [Patrick insults a muscular fish.]
‣ Terror - Alan Braden [Muscular fish gets mad.]
‣ Box Melody - Leo Nissim ["Gammy, he hurt my feelings."]
‣ Tricks and Traps - James McConnel [Old lady hits Patrick.]
• RNDMLND EXP 04: JJP Reconstruction - Ego Plum [Patrick and Squidina enter the idea brick machine.]
• Forbidden Sponge - Ego Plum [Patrick and Squidina head to RandomLand.]
‣ ? [Patrick and Squidina realize they're mutated.]
• ? - Ego Plum ["You can't just run around randomly in RandomLand."]
• ? - Ego Plum [Patrick and Squidina run after the idea brick.]
• ? - Ego Plum [Brick people.]
• ? - Ego Plum [Squidina talks to Screwball Street.]
• RNDMLND EXP 11: Downside Up 02 - Ego Plum [Idea brick jumping on people's heads.]
• ? - Ego Plum [Idea brick runs into the library.]
‣ Harp Glissando (K) - Jim Rattigan [Patrick and Squidina enter the library.]
‣ Heaveny Info - Paul Arnold, Andrew James Barnabas [Idea brick nest.]
• ? - Ego Plum [Idea Bird laying bricks.]
‣ Suspense And Tension A - Alan Wynn ["She can eat through thoughts too!?"]
• ? - Ego Plum [Idea Bird descends.]
‣ Olympia Bridge 1 - Gregor F. Narholz ["Your lack of coherent ideas starved the bird of nutrients."]
• Forbidden Sponge - Ego Plum [Patrick and Squidina fly home.]
‣ Happiness Castle - Maurice de Courpalay [Mr. Cymbals performing.]
‣ Watch Out! - Dick Walter ["Now back to the show!"]
◦ The Patrick Star Show Theme Song - Ego Plum ["And we're back!"]
‣ Happiness Castle - Maurice de Courpalay [Idea bricks fall onto the lawnies.]
• ? - Ego Plum [Ending.]
- RandomLand makes its first physical appearance since initially appearing in the main series episode "SpongeBob in RandomLand."
- This episode was paired with a rerun of "Pat Roast" during the original American airing[2] but has since been airing with "A Fool Schooled."
- This episode integrates the end of the opening title sequence into the beginning of the episode, including the opening credits. This is the first time this is done in the franchise.
- This episode features a different opening credits style as a result.
- A remixed and distorted version of "Grass Skirt Chase" can be heard in this episode.
- Patrick breaks the fourth wall by interacting with the opening title sequence and opening credits.
- This is the second The Patrick Star Show episode to feature three storyboard artists, following “5 Star Restaurant."
- This is also the second episode of the show to have the title card not play at the very beginning, following "All Bot Myself" and followed by "Squidina's Holidaze Special".
Cultural references[]
- The gesture GrandPat makes at the end is reminiscent of that of Porky Pig's "That's all folks!" gesture when closing Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies shorts.