"A Fool Schooled" is a The Patrick Star Show episode from season 3. In this episode, after discovering that Patrick never finished behavioral training, the family home-schools him.
- Patrick Star
- Cecil Star
- Bunny Star
- GrandPat Star
- Squidina Star
- Granny Tentacles
- Slappy Laszlo
- SpongeBob SquarePants (mentioned)
- Incidentals
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On his show, Patrick performs a dive into a pitcher of water, to the audience and Squidina's apprehension. He successfully pulls off the dive, after which Squidina segues into Viewer Mail. The letter she opens is from the Bikini Bottom Bureau of Education, saying that Patrick never passed behavioral skills in kindergarten, and he will need to be homeschooled before he can resume hosting his show.
Patrick enters lessons with Cecil, who first leads him in a misquoted version of the pledge of allegiance. Patrick struggles to sit in his chair, and then learns what to do if he has to sneeze. Patrick sneezes all over Cecil and wipes the snot off him with the tissue. In the bathroom, Cecil gives Patrick some soap, which he swallows whole, saying it works when SpongeBob does it. When Cecil tells him to brush his teeth, Patrick takes out some loose teeth in his pocket, while his actual teeth are dirty.
Bunny teaches Patrick about lunchroom etiquette, with Granny Tentacles as the lunchlady. He is impolite when getting his food and has bad table manners, even eating the tray and silverware. GrandPat then gives him lessons on manners, with where he is unable to knock before entering a room, properly address GrandPat, and give him a compliment. Next, he goes to recess with the lawnies as his classmates, playing roughly and destroying the playground. Squidina tells him that he failed all his classes and has the behavioral skills of a wild animal.

The family leaves Patrick behind in the woods.
The family is forced to drive Patrick out into the woods and leave him behind. When they arrive, Patrick is suddenly there, acting very formal and having cleaned the whole house. Once Patrick proves that he is housebroken, Cecil re-grades him to an A+, and Bunny asks how he learned to behave so quickly. Outside, a wolf family who took Patrick in when he was in the woods say that they taught Patrick well, but needs to be with his own kind now. Patrick then crawls outside the house, naked, and howls like a wolf at the moon. Granny Tentacles yells at him to shut up and throws a boot at him.
This episode was confirmed on November 14, 2024.[1]
Model sheets[]
( ‣ ) Production music |
( • ) Original music |
( ◦ ) SpongeBob music |
‣ Dombummel - Gerhard Trede [Title card and opening.]
‣ Tragedy - John Hastings [Squidina forbids Patrick from jumping.]
‣ American Ball Game - Ronald Hanmer [Lawnies cheer.]
‣ Groovy Baby - Desmond Champ, Harold Geller [Viewer mail.]
‣ L'Horloge Hantée - Harry Breuer, Jean-Jacques Perrey [Squidina reads a letter.]
‣ Dramatic Impact (6) - Ivor Slaney ["They can't do that!"]
‣ Enemy Sighted - Sam Fonteyn ["We recommend that you be homeschooled."]
‣ Bumbling B - Bernd Gesell ["What's homeschooled?"]
‣ City Bustle - Heinz Hoetter [Cecil as Patrick's teacher.]
‣ State Processional - Barrie Hingley [Cecil raises a sock.]
‣ Sunshine Whistle March A - Niels Holland, H C Mylla [Pledge of aggrievance.]
‣ Silly Season A - David Bell, Otto Sieben [Patrick tries to sit.]
‣ Gallant Games - Maurice de Courpalay [Patrick sneezes.]
‣ Swinging Cocktail [#94] - Stephane Huguenin, Christian Padovan, Yves Sanna [Patrick eats a bar of soap.]
◦ SpongeBob SquarePants Theme Song - Derek Drymon, Stephen Hillenburg, Mark Harrison, Blaise Smith [Overlays "Swinging Cocktail [#94]."]
‣ Short Drama Cue 8 B - Gregor F. Narholz [Patrick's teeth.]
‣ Happiness Castle - Maurice de Courpalay [Lunchroom etiquette.]
‣ Lonely Heart's Club A - David Bell, Otto Sieben [Patrick pays Granny Tentacles.]
‣ Kitsch Comedy - Peter Jeffries [Patrick eating.]
‣ Landsknechtsmusik - Gerhard Trede [Social etiquette training.]
‣ One Over the Eight - Len Stevens ["How many times do I knock?"]
‣ Solemn March - Harold Smart ["What's shaking, old timer?"]
‣ Battle March Link (1) - Keith Mansfield [Patrick compliments GrandPat./GrandPat slams the door.]
‣ Taps - Dick Walter ["Rest in peace."]
‣ Mischief Makers [#60] - Gilbert Vinter [Lawnies playing.]
‣ Rush Hour-Traffic Jam - Harry Breuer, Jean-Jacques Perrey ["I win!"]
‣ Killer Birds - Gregor F. Narholz [Patrick looks at the dodgeball.]
‣ Rush Hour-Traffic Jam - Harry Breuer, Jean-Jacques Perrey [Fish flies into space./Patrick throws dodgeballs.]
‣ Bossamania - Marc Durst ["Okay, let's see here."]
‣ Planet Surface - Gregor F. Narholz [Lawn in ruins.]
‣ Battle March Link (4) - Keith Mansfield ["It is I, Patrick, ravenger of playtime, conqueror of recess!"]
‣ Bossamania - Marc Durst [Patrick failed every class.]
‣ Nippy Nipper - Remastered - Tommy Reilly [Transition to next scene.]
‣ Tabu - Daryl Griffith [The Star family abandons Patrick in the woods.]
‣ Orchestral Suite #3 - Gavotte - Johann Sebastian Bach, Fiarcha Trench [Patrick acts well-behaved.]
‣ Sea Fanfare - John Fox [Patrick is housebroken.]
‣ Everlasting D - Gregor F. Narholz ["Now we can do your show again!"]
‣ Expectant - Stuart Crombie [Seawolf family.]
‣ Floating In The Ether - Paul Arnold, Andrew James Barbanas [Ending.]
- The theme song does not play when this episode is aired on its own, including the original premiere, because of the beginning of the previous episode, which reran after this episode's airing, being tied into the theme song. This is the first time this is done in the franchise.